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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. lotta sloppy plays... #PreseasonProblems
  2. Do we need a place to talk about it? Yeah it's a couple teams no one gives a damn about but it's still Friday Night Football dammit.
  3. The problem is there were what ifs no matter what we did... I would have been OK getting Glenn but that also brings up the question of what Calgary feels about the situation there and is it worth paying whatever the price is just for Kevin Glenn? We have been down that road before and while it was a mistake to dump Glenn with nothing left he's still not the guy you break the bank to acquire. Ultimately this teams qb situation will only be fixed internally so we might as well just keep hoping one of the backups has the right stuff.
  4. Yeah I'm not prepared to say that the qbs they brought in to back up Pierce aren't good options yet just because of one preseason game that turned out like ****. Plenty of preseason heroes have flopped when it mattered. I would suggest that Hall did OK playing in the situation he did. Lots of backups all over the field when he was out there, Goltz completed his passes when there's lots of backups around... Still time for those choices to be vindicated, it's continuing the drama with Pierce that is the issue and that to me all comes back to Burke being so dead set on Pierce.
  5. sigh... that woulda been the ideal course of action for the offseason...
  6. yeah that's part of the frustration. If we have to pull the guy cause he's taken a few hits then how in the world can we expect him to lead this team?
  7. If that were true you wouldn't see certain players perform better with certain people coaching. The key to coaching these days is really understanding what makes each individual player tick so you can get the best out of them every single day. Time have changed from the days when you just expected players to show up and be their best and if not the coach cracks the whip on them.
  8. If Ray had been dressed I would have offered a guaranteed spot on the roster for the year for anyone who put him in traction. I am that sick of Torontos ****.
  9. I think it's a bigger issue with not getting a coach that can inspire the players. Lapo was so passive and I don't think he was any screaming hell for firing up a team, and based on the evidence we have they respond even less to Burke... If this year doesn't work out then I think we can clearly say that Mack failed at being able to identify a quality head coach.
  10. I agree that we need a qb, but I just have issues with people thinking Reilly would have fixed anything. He was as much of a gamble as keeping Elliott or Brink would have been, as much of a gamble as hoping Hall is the guy. I just think that as long as Pierce is here nothing is really going to change. They keep thinking "well maybe he can stay healthy and it'll all work out" but that's just desperate wishful thinking. Need to move on because I know that pretty much every single one of us fans is tired of the constant drama of whether the guy is going to be able to start the games or even finish the games. GIve the reps to someone else and let them sink or swim. I would also question how many other teams can actually do it anyway. BC can find their own qbs, who else can? Hamilton had to go after Hank, the Ray deal was clearly underhanded, the riders managed to get Durant to play at a good level after trying a lot of different guys for a long time, other than that it's been teams hanging onto their own guys for a long long time, why do you think Kevin Glenn always has a job? There aren't a lot of qbs coming in that can play.
  11. you must be an angry bitter part of the media...
  12. If they were set on including northern alberta I would have gone with Grande Prairie ahead of fort. mac. Much more accessible.
  13. but to single people out even if you attribute it to players is wrong as well. It was a collective pants shitting by the team, I'm not going to be too hard on the qb for that just because he's the qb when everyone involved in that messed their drawers.
  14. Reilly can't even supplant Nichols in Edmonton why do you think he'd have any more success here? Seriously Iso, I know you wanted Reilly in Winnipeg badly but at what point to you stop and admit that yeah, maybe the guy isn't the next great qb... What's the difference between hoping Reilly can be the next guy and hoping Hall can do it? Hall started game in the NFL, that's a damned sight more impressive than anything Reilly has done...
  15. well 2 games most likely. Calgary and Toronto he had issues with the turnovers... and of course he was the qb of note on labour day but I don't put too much stock in that one simply based on how bad the entire team looked. That was a team completely unprepared to play that game, that one goes on the coaches shoulders IMO.
  16. I am afraid he's guilty by association simply for writing for the sun.
  17. At this point it's better than sticking with a declining qb who can't stay healthy.
  18. can he really? He had as many ints as td passes last season, the season before he had more ints than td passes... I'll say it again, the Buck Pierce we got back in 2010 is long gone, the guy who's there now is a much different player.
  19. But Pierce is a WINNER!!!!!! that guy left the team in so many holes last year when he got hurt it's not even funny and yet people still go on like he does only good things when he's out there and it's just the injuries that hold him back. Maybe in the past, but the pick 6 down the sideline has been a Pierce specialty for a while now.
  20. I refuse to believe that he was THAT uncoachable. If that were the case I don't see how he would have lasted 3 years before those issues came up. I think this was a case of Burke not being a fan and not even trying to coach him.
  21. Well that'll certainly leave an impression on Americans coming to Canada for the first time..... Hookers and cocaine for everyone!
  22. Either throw it where only the receiver can catch it or take a knee and we'll kick a field goal! It's not like it was some huge insurmountable flaw going on there, it was a young guy getting too hot and horny to put the ball in the endzone. Exactly the kind of thing that good coaching can remedy without too much difficulty. Like I said, if the guy can move the ball effectively for the length of the field but an issue only comes up when you get close to the goal line then that's so much easier to fix than guys who can't move the ball at all.
  23. Yeah but everyone was talking last year about the offseason work Pierce did to get in better shape as well. See it's not a case of him not playing much last year... it's a case of seeing that even when he was healthy last year Pierce hasn't been the same since partway through 2011. The guy we got initially is not there anymore. His body is too broken down to play the way he needs to be effective. It's sad as hell when it happens but people are remembering a player that doesn't exist anymore. Look I get why people choose to believe that guy can come back, I really do. We need to believe he can be that guy if we really want to have a chance this year, but I just don't think it's going to happen. Right now my hope is that one of the backups can take the job and never give it back because I think that is far more likely at this point that Pierce both staying healthy AND getting back to the level he was at 2 years ago.
  24. I'd take a guy who can drive the field before getting useless than failing to be able to drive the field at all. Turnovers in the red zone are a lot easier to fix than not being able to string a couple first downs together.
  25. never mind that the whole idea behind giving extra protection and relying on getting the ball out quicker probably is more suited to Elliott than Pierce to start with!
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