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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. For us old guys (30's) think back to when you were a young kid and what simply wasnt allowed on TV. I remember being...maybe 12/13 and we had "Superchannel" and it was mind blowing...lol I dunno, I think there was more stuff allowed on TV when I was a kid than there is now. Sure maybe the language has pushed the boundaries a little but everything else seems like TV has gotten more tame than it used to be with the exception of places like HBO who just keep on keeping on.
  2. Honestly I'd extend him now rather than waiting. If he fixes some of the issues he has he might drop a big season on the CFL and demand way more cash. Extending him early has a possibility of a slight discount.
  3. Some agent playing the media most likely.
  4. I'm no country fan but at this point Taylor Swift isn't even trying to be a country artist, she's a pop star making pop songs.
  5. That's a real underrated skill that I don't think enough people bring up when talking about receivers. A guy who can't adjust to a ball in flight is pretty useless.
  6. Edmonton and Toronto still, no? He was briefly traded to toronto, never played though
  7. Tim "The Bus Driver" Burke happened?
  8. And people are responding by saying he's proven to be mediocre. That's all he's proven in his CFL career. So why not go with someone who has yet to prove what they can do, but have looked decent/exciting in their limited time? We all know what KG brings to the table. And it isn't good enough to get the team to where everyone wants to get to as a back up or starter, even while playing with teams that were arguably better than the current bombers. Brohm looked decent and even Marve played well against calgary late last year (cgy's effort suspect in that game). So why settle? when you need to move past mediocre. Mediocre (like has been said on this topic already) should no longer be an option to this franchise. Because some people are tired of rushing quarterbacks gambling that they can be good when in reality gambling and rushing qbs usually ends in disaster.
  9. but again no one is saying "let's bring Glenn in to win us a Grey Cup"... what we're saying is hey, Glenn is a lot more proven than any of our backups, if we need to use him for a stretch he's a better option than the backups. Hell he might even be better than Drew Willy at this point, but I like Willy and don't really want to get into that argument here.
  10. I don't think it has to do with showing the human body naked. I think it has to do with showing the human body in a sexually explicit pose on the cover of a magazine for everyone to see. Not that anyone buys magazines anymore. The only time I ever see a magazine rack is when I go into a gas station when I'm on a road trip. Going to the beach and seeing people in bikini's, even thong ones, is different then someone who is pulling their bikini's down in a sexual way. It has to do with body language. Oh, and just to make a comment about kids, not all kids are raised on the internet. Parents who give a crap don't let their kids do whatever they want on the internet. Please don't generalize. Don't under estimate the ingenuity of a kid who wants to see some titties. Unless you're really going to clamp down on what the kids are doing and be one of those overbearing never trust them with anything types, where there is a will there's a way. Really though I've seen the cover I don't think it is a sexually explicit pose at all, just pulling down the bottoms a bit, not like the model is spread eagle on the cover or anything. really suggestive isn't even about how much skin is overall shown it's all about how the model is posed and there is no question they'd put the cover model in a suggestive pose even if she was covered head to toe. This is entirely much ado about nothing.
  11. Mercifully with broham back in the fold, the talk of KG can ride off to Detroit, like he should be doing.. He WAS a very solid, if unspectacular, QB.. Now.. He's far from solid and is beginning to dip into liability.. He's been a coach killer tho for the last 4 seasons.. I missed where his coaches for the last 4 years have been fired... That Hufnagel sure was killed by Kevin Glenn..... So all this "Glenn is done" talk comes about because of the playoff game last year? That's the only thing? Holy over reactions Batman.
  12. Patent trolls are just about the worst people in the world and a lot of the **** that can get a patent when it comes to technology is just so asinine. I hope this gets tossed out of court.
  13. Yes, absolutely this....a good point, actually. It's only good if it's funny. If it's lame, no thanks. Oh I don't know. Seth Rogan and Norm MacDonald seem to have made careers out of it. Don't you dare speak ill of Norm McDonald. Dirty Work is tremendously funny.
  14. Instead of Lighning & more Lightning? Well Cotton and Grigsby was more like lightning and a wet fart
  15. If it's funny then go nuts. If it's not funny and trying too hard then don't bother.
  16. No I'm not talking human rights, I'm talking anything on the right. I see it all the time on the internet. People had no trouble lambasting the view on networks like sun news, yet citing blogs from incredibly biased left wingers as truth. The left is very intolerant to anything other than their world view. Look at how much **** Alberta gets for maintaining low taxes. The left won't hear of any sort of positive, it's just a travesty and barbaric that they're not gouging the populace in order to spend spend spend. Alberta needs a PST as we haven't enough revenue when oil prices tank like now. I hate taxes but this seems like a no brainer to me, 17. Alberta needed a PST when things were going well. Stick some cash away for a rainy day (like now). Tie it to the price of oil (set annually) so it reduces when oil prices go down and increases when they go up. And then when employment drops as oil price has dropped, use the funds to maintain infastructure and the like. Labour is cheaper (less competition). Now would be a good time to build proper roads to Fort Mack, if they had had the foresight to put money aside for it. Alberta has a rainy day fund. Trouble is they've mismanaged it. The simple fact is that in the past 10 years the population of Alberta has absolutely boomed. Going from a population of about 3 million to 4 million is a huge influx of people and the way King Ralph ran things prioritizing getting out of debt rather than keeping up with infrastructure spending has left the province with a deficit of infrastructure and they gotta spend now to build it. There is a ton of spending going on in Alberta and has been for a while now. They used the money to pay for it rather than investing in the rainy day fund so what's really the difference? People like to talk about Norway and their huge wealth fund, but what's going to happen when Norways oil is used up? They going to just have the government pay everyone rather than have them involved in the production of oil? No matter how much money Alberta put away in a rainy day fund when the oil is gone it's gone and the province will need a diversified economy. They can do it though, there's a highly skilled and educated workforce there and a business friendly environment. It will adapt as oil become less viable. A soverign wealth fund is used to diversify an economy away from resources. It isn't there to cut residents a cheque in perpetuity after the oil dries up. OK so you just pay a company to do busy work then and hire people. It still amounts to a ridiculous proposition. There are plenty of ways to diversify an economy when the resources are gone. It's a government for gods sake, not like they need to save for retirement because a government never retires. Quite frankly having low taxes attracts businesses to the province. Calgary is a more diverse economy than people give it credit for I think. Yes there is a lot of oil and gas there, but there's a lot of other stuff as well.
  17. I'm interested in taking a step forward before winning the race. Progress, even a little bit is a worthwhile endeavour. Going from bad to great is unrealistic, going from bad to average to great is a much easier transition though. Too many people impatient and looking for those magic beans that will fix everything, they don't appreciate the process of building something up. I'm interested in turning things around. Not in 5 years, or 3 years, or 2. NOW. Other teams have done it, gone from being a cellar dweller to highly competitive in one year, so it is something that can be done. I'm tired of the excuses and the "Rome wasn't built in a day" crap. This ain't Rome, so build the bloody thing now. And by the way, I think that Walters, as much as I was really concerned about him when he was hired, seems to be of a like mind. So forget average, because when you aim for average, you've already failed. Like I said, impatient with no respect for the process. Impatient, damned straight I'm impatient. I would think that anyone who is concerned about this team, it's traditions and it's history, both recent and farther back, would fell the same way. Tell me, how has your patience worked out for you so far? You're happy with how the team has been performing these last 5 or so years? Participation ribbons are good enough for you? And as for respect fothe process, that's rich. What process exactly am I to respect. The process that has kept this team where it's been for so long? Buzz words and catch phrases might be ok for you but I'll take results. Not only that I expect them. Clearly, with your "respect the process" mantra, you must be a Leafs fan. The problem is the team has been as impatient as you! There has been no patience! How many coaches in the last 15 years? How many general managers? You can't say you're sick of being patient when you haven't even tried to be patient. Every time someone starts to build something they throw it all out and start from scratch again. The depth on this team was absolutely sewered. Yes some teams go from worst to first quickly, but not teams who have as many deep rooted flaws as the Bombers have because of the lack of patience shown by the team and fans. That Grey Cup drought is long yes, but it's the worrying about how long it is that keeps ******* the team over. It's always one step forward and because it's just that one step people freak out and they blow it up and take 2 steps back. So come off your tired of being patient high horse, you have to actually be patient in the first place to claim that. This team needs stability and to actually go through the correct process. Instead we just fire people and start from the beginning again and that's how you go 25 years without a Grey Cup.
  18. I'm interested in taking a step forward before winning the race. Progress, even a little bit is a worthwhile endeavour. Going from bad to great is unrealistic, going from bad to average to great is a much easier transition though. Too many people impatient and looking for those magic beans that will fix everything, they don't appreciate the process of building something up. I'm interested in turning things around. Not in 5 years, or 3 years, or 2. NOW. Other teams have done it, gone from being a cellar dweller to highly competitive in one year, so it is something that can be done. I'm tired of the excuses and the "Rome wasn't built in a day" crap. This ain't Rome, so build the bloody thing now. And by the way, I think that Walters, as much as I was really concerned about him when he was hired, seems to be of a like mind. So forget average, because when you aim for average, you've already failed. Like I said, impatient with no respect for the process.
  19. What I am asking, I guess, is "will our US-based scouting system going to be doing a better job than merely filling holes?" It has been a while since we’ve seen new prospects capable of becoming superstars for our ball club. I am asking what can we expect from our US scouting system, realistically, this year, that can make us a significantly better team than last year. Are our scouts any better or worse than what we find in the rest of the league? Is coming up with all-star calibre players more than serendipity? Has it? Not really. We've been coming up with studs for years. It's the depth that's been the issue. Yeah that's a ridiculous sentiment. One thing Joe Mack did was bring in prospects who can be stars. The list stacks up with any other team in the league I would suspect.
  20. it sends the only message it was ever intended to send... that good looking people are good looking.
  21. at it's best it was pretty ******* epic, but that was a long time ago and a lot of those posters don't do the message board thing anymore.
  22. So then I really can't figure out how Glenn has lasted this long. Other than people thinking that Kevin Glenn 2015 is still KG 2007, which he isn't.Or, crazy thought here, you're selling Glenn short because of a personal bias against the player he is average at best and this is the CFL. There is a drought at quality qbs Absolutely he is average, but average to some people apparently means bad. You can do worse at backup than Kevin Glenn and the Bombers have done worse since basically Kevin Glenn was a backup here there first time, that's a decade. Hell they've done worse than Kevin Glenn as a starter for most of the last decade too. Yes, you can do a lot worse than Kevin Glenn, but you can also do better too. Maybe the Bombers have decided that settling for mediocre and hoping for the best is one of the rasons we've been so bad for so long? Is it possible that maybe they see a higher potential upside with the people we had here last year? For most of the past decade mediocre would be an upgrade at qb so don't give me that crappy argument. So by your logic, because we were less than mediocre, we should be content getting to it? Remind me never to invite you to give the inspirational speech before a big game. "Remember this men, there's mediocrity in each one of you, I know there is. Get out there and show them just how mediocre you can be!" I'm interested in taking a step forward before winning the race. Progress, even a little bit is a worthwhile endeavour. Going from bad to great is unrealistic, going from bad to average to great is a much easier transition though. Too many people impatient and looking for those magic beans that will fix everything, they don't appreciate the process of building something up.
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