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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Bullshit, they started 8 or 9 Canadians most of the year. Was a lot of easy ways to get another American DL on the roster.
  2. If Wolitarsky wasn't behind guys like schoen, Lawler, demski etc he would get a lot more attention league wide.
  3. It's not stove persay, cause before him we had Nevis... we just really need that big strong as an ox body at DT to disrupt the interior of the LOS. Haven't had that since Stove left.
  4. Jeremy O'Day is gonna sue you for copyright infringement you keep stealing his material.
  5. Precisely why so many of us are angry about how things went down. Except it's not... no one makes radically different decisions in regular season vs. Post season.
  6. That's all I'm saying, winning is better than a bonus draft pick and getting this draft pick made winning games harder than it needed to be. Coaches set things to hard mode when they set their roster.
  7. Member when wieneke was a steal for the riders?
  8. I don't think there's a smoother receiver out there.
  9. well if they need help moving the goalposts there's a few people around here could probably help...
  10. are you kidding? I want the ticats in the grey cup game so we can win some again. seriously, bombers and beating the ticats in the grey cup, name a more iconic duo.
  11. With Brady I am most curious to see just how stupid people are with what they offer him.... Guy I really want to see come back but not at any price and if someone breaks the bank for him I can really see them having a case of buyers remorse. No one commits to the run game like Winnipeg does, and without that commitment a guy like that probably doesn't have the same impact.
  12. Oshea will be cold in the ground before he tells bighill to go away. Best we can hope for is there's competition that limits his importance
  13. Wall of text for a bad take? I dunno, TL:DR.
  14. Agents also get paid more the more their client gets paid. And is it so unreasonable to thunk an agent isngoing to saynto a client "hey you are totally worth $X, don't settle for anything less"
  15. Ceresna is a damned find defensive lineman... but geeze not sure I give up a good young Canadian player for him....
  16. Trust me, even just doing wellsite stuff in Alberta with the ability to go home every few weeks is soul crushing. I wasn't even on the rig floor, I did the white collar stuff. Yeah the money is good (or at least was) but it's a pretty awful existence. I am much happier earning less doing what I do now knowing I get to go home every night.
  17. Oh I think there's better RBs out there to be honest. Brady is a bruiser but he's also a guy you need to give a pile of touches to in order to get the most out of him. Not sure where else that happens but winnipeg... if someone over pays him they will have buyers remorse.
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