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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Some bloggers pretending to be media will tell you he was, but he really wasn't. Anything special. He did good work as a fill in type centre, but his ceiling is pretty much limited to that.
  2. Not sure I agree entirely... Eli was a road grader and should be playing ahead of both kola and gray IMO.
  3. Like all "classic Noeller" things, I think that one was from Twitter
  4. Well then just admit that you nor anyone else can definitively say whether that kick was missed or not. You dislike the guy because of a few misses throughout the year and are projecting that onto the blocked field goal.
  5. Legghio said he hit it good, we saw other kicks in that game start left and finish good so I don't buy that we can tell it was a miss based on the kick traveling what? 5 yards?
  6. When the chips were down he had a kick blocked. We will never know where that kick would have ended up without the block.
  7. Same place as with Castillo last year.... hell we had a worse record and lost the Grey cup by a larger margin
  8. Yeah Augustine is what he is. Can make a few big plays but there's no consistency there.
  9. Guess who's going to latch on hard to the 290 base for 2024...
  10. After being only the president last season... and calgary failed largely because of their roster.... so yeah I'm calling this firing Dickenson as gm without actually doing it and freeing up hufnagel to hold his hand through it all.
  11. Probably that Bailey will move in and we need to replace him and add some depth behind the starters and rookie deals help absorb the raise schoen is going to get....
  12. Sounds to me like Dickenson got fired as gm and hufnagel is back in the role...
  13. and a big part of the last 2 grey cup losses was the hit that depth took to pay some guys big money.
  14. yes end of discussion. I was leading the Brady for MOP parade before most people were but ain't no way a running back like him is worth re-setting the market.
  15. well this is a dumb take.... neither investors group or canadinns scream class anymore than princess auto. It's corporate naming, it always has and always will be about who gives the most money. Give it time and it will just be what it is like those other names became.
  16. Given his outburst last year in bc about guys not doing it right could see him thinking long and hard about being back in winnipeg.
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