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Everything posted by Jacquie

  1. From what I recall, it wasn't that he couldn't teach them - he didn't want to do it.
  2. Maybe meeting with the respective PTB of each team so he could determine where he thinks the best fit is for him was a bigger part of his visits than seeing the facilities.
  3. My guess would be Kushner is next. With the security clearance downgrade, reports on his being manipulated by foreign governments and now this:
  4. Now we know of at least 3 alumni who will be at the home opener:
  5. I suspect there is more talking, wining and dining than touring facilities going on.
  6. It was before practice but still... Saw this tweet and now these lyrics are stuck in my head.
  7. And now nobody can complain about not knowing about it ahead of time.
  8. There were 346 mass shootings in the US in 2017. There were 15,594 gun deaths that year. http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/past-tolls The US must be overrun with criminals and evil compared to every other country in the developed world.
  9. When it comes to money laundering, tax evasion, etc. they can also be charged under state law. Trump can only pardon federal crimes, not state ones. The Attorney General of New York has gone after Trump regarding Trump University, Trump's family trust and other matters and he is working with Mueller. From August: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/30/manafort-mueller-probe-attorney-general-242191
  10. I bet if Trump could call them the Official Trump Active Shooter Drill and be paid for the use of his name, he wouldn't oppose it. Sure. Give them a gun bonus after taking away the tax credit for buying school supplies. SMH
  11. I imagine nothing would have been different. Even those trained (ie police, military) for active shooters have a much greater miss vs hit ratio compared to when using a shooting range. The range of an AR-15 is much greater than a handgun. The person with a hand gun would need to be within 25 feet of the shooter and have to shoot for the head (have to assume the shooter is wearing body armour). The chances of shooting another student would be much too great if he had even had a chance to get in range for a shot. Good guns with a guy is a myth spread by the NRA. Study after study has proven that.
  12. I thought the sidebar comments he made were the most interesting: Just thinking of all the times people were saying there was no way he would come back north after making NCAA and NFL money.
  13. The other 3 they re-signed were OL Jarvis Harrison, OL Terran Vaughn and DB Melvin White. I didn't realize TJ Thorpe was on the Riders' PR at the end of last season.
  14. Thanks. I didn’t click on the video’s title so I didn’t see that.
  15. I watched the video but didn’t see anything that would point to him having a Canadian background. Please elaborate.
  16. One thing to keep in mind regarding pardons, a president can only pardon for federal crimes. Things like tax evasion, etc can also result in state charges.
  17. Did you see his apology? He’s apologizing for contacting the media, not for his comments.
  18. And on of the better replies to O'Reilly: Here's a long but interesting thread on the Manafort situation:
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