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Everything posted by Jacquie

  1. Really! Pedersen is an ass but that's a pretty low thing to say.
  2. I'm not sure if this was posted already.
  3. There are lots of non-contact injuries that occur in practices at any time of the year with mini-camp being no exception. Not saying I agree or not - I was just pointing out what the article said.
  4. No they aren't. Mini-camp is in April while rookie camp is just before main TC.
  5. The last paragraph of the article: Although that's really badly written, it's saying it's a player safety thing.
  6. There truly is a tweet for everything.
  7. I thought it was interesting that Andrew Harris liked this tweet.
  8. Think someone must have had a chat with Streveler. He did start sliding more before he came out of the game.
  9. It's now being reported that Melania Trump did NOT visit an actual detention centre. She went to a church shelter which is housing some of the separated children.
  10. I’ve read that it was really hot and humid in DC today. Definitely not the type of day to wear any jacket. Lots of people think she wore it on purpose to get people to stop talking about what they are doing.
  11. Speaking of flying, FLOTUS actually wore this jacket - it is not a photoshopped picture.
  12. The EO is a sham. Children already separated from their parents will not be reunited with them as they are now considered to be “unaccompanied minors’.
  13. Asylum seekers who are presenting themselves at border points are still having their children taken from them. BTW, entering the US illegally is a misdemeanor. People shouldn't be having their kids ripped from their arms and sent to detention camps over a misdemeanor.
  14. Didn't you know, they're not in cages. They are in rooms with chain link walls.
  15. Considering almost everything Trump and family sell is made in China you would think he would grasp that.
  16. From the same interview:
  17. From CBC Sports website: http://www.cbc.ca/sports/soccer/worldcup/world-cup-2026-canada-1.4703883
  18. The quote was "Regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators..." What's the over/under on how quickly Trump with reverse his decision and blame Democrats.
  19. Except then he would be getting paid to do nothing since he can't practice for the first 4 weeks.
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