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Everything posted by Mike

  1. I find this very interesting. If he knew about the decision ... why didn't he understand what the role was? Is he clueless? Does he not understand the duties of a veteran third-string quarterback?
  2. In Pierce's last 18 games (so a full season of appearances) here are his numbers: And let's not discount the fact that we have to go all the way back to September of 2011 to total up 18 appearances. 240/395 (60.7%) for 3125 yards, 9 TD and 21 INT In the same time frame (for fair comparison) here are the combined numbers of every other Bomber QB 394/662 (59.5%) for 4638 yards, 19 TD and 23 INT For the record, here are some more numbers to chew on over that time frame. Pierce is throwing an INT every 18.8 passes, while the other QBs averaged an INT every 28.7 passes Pierce averaged 7.95 passing yards per attempt, while the other QBs averaged 7 passing yards per attempt. Pierce averaged a TD pass every 43.8 (!!!) passes, while the other QBs averaged a TD pass every 34.8 (still horrible) In that time frame, Pierce had one 300 yard passing game and three games where he threw more touchdowns than interceptions. That is absolutely horrible. In comparison, the other QBs we've trotted out have pieced together five 300 yard games (including a 400 yard game) and eleven games with more passing touchdowns than interceptions. The last time Buck Pierce had a game with 2+ TD and 0 INT? August 26, 2011. He's only done it three times in four years with the Bombers. Joey Elliott and Alex Brink matched that number in 2012 combined.
  3. My response to that would be simple. While the situation isn't ideal, less experienced quarterbacks (Brink, Elliott and Goltz) have ALL outperformed you with the same tools at their disposal.
  4. He is a terrible quarterback. He was averaging two first downs a possession roughly 11% of the time this year. Goltz is up around 40% of the time, which is around the league average. He hasn't been any good since the 2011 Banjo Bowl when he threw 5 picks and his stats back that up. Almost everyone who has watched him play the past two years, whether it be under LaPolice or Crowton, knows that he is toast. Now he's coming out into the public eye and bitching about how we're treating him? I say GTFO Buck.
  5. So get rid of him right now. This is the **** I'm talking about. What a clown. Maybe if he wanted to play QB he should stop getting hurt and start actually doing something with the football.
  6. Although my personal choice would have been for Buck to retire by now, I understand that's not realistic. What I'm talking about is more his piss poor attitude when he hasn't been playing. Tired of seeing him mope on the bench by himself instead of doing clipboard duty at all times to help out his teammates. Annoyed that his reaction to not playing last week was to disagree with the coaching staff in a public forum. His attitude when he's not the #1 guy has not been great.
  7. Well, I guess we know the answer to that now.
  8. I know you're a big Buck guy, but I don't think he deserves a parade for anything. If anything, his selfishness has contributed negatively to this team over the past two years.
  9. Just wanted to make note of the fact that we passed 10000 posts earlier this morning as a community. Good job guys, we've slowly built ourselves a pretty awesome little place to talk Bombers in a really short period of time. Also wanted to say thanks to everyone for making the moderator position here a really easy one. It's been great so far.
  10. I won't be able to find my comments over on the other site, but I'm pretty sure I saw this coming when it happened. A terrible hire by Popp.
  11. why does that seem ridiculously cheap?
  12. Were you on it the last two years? I've gone with TBBC for the last 2 games.
  13. Most fans want to examine attributes, mobility, etc. You apparently examined their packages.
  14. You're really going in a whole other direction with the scouting report.
  15. My bar is set pretty low. I have yet to see the Bombers score a touchdown at Labour Day.
  16. I just locked up a spot on the bus with Ray's crew. Always a good time.
  17. Collaros and Trevor Harris are both FA in 2014 as well.
  18. There was a deal in the works between Toronto and Winnipeg for Collaros this year (around the time we played them at home) and probably would've happened had Ray not been seriously injured. If he was only nicked, Collaros could very well have been a Bomber. Worth considering: why did Harris go in for Ray against Winnipeg? They were protecting their asset in Collaros.
  19. Part of me thinks that Collaros ends up in Winnipeg.
  20. Collaros was close to being a Bomber at one point. Still could be.
  21. Maybe one day I'll write a book ...
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