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Everything posted by Mike

  1. If I was running our team, I'm sure I'd have drunk dialed Jim Barker and tried to trade Tim Burke, Henoc Muamba and our next three draft picks for Ricky Ray by now.
  2. That's not how it works. You have to dress three QBs. It's not optional. Not true (unless the league or the PA has made changes in the CBA in that regard). in 2003, the club dressed Khari Jones and Brian Stallworth as their ONLY quarterbacks for a number of games while Pat Barnes was trying out with the Cleveland Browns. True, you got me on a minor technicality. You don't have to dress three quarterbacks according to the CBA but you can only dress 39 non-quarterbacks so if you sit Buck, you only dress 41 players. I guess technically, they could have put him on the 1-game IR and not put him in uniform, but if he's available that would be a silly option considering you can be too injured to play QB but be healthy enough to say ... take a knee to end a half or pin the ball on a convert or something.
  3. That's not how it works. You have to dress three QBs. It's not optional.
  4. Yes he has ... Which game did he miss? I dont recall any game where he was not dressed and ready to play. He was listed as the #3 QB because we had to dress three but he would not have played.
  5. How is it going to eliminate a distraction? For the entire time he's been here, Buck has been the distraction.
  6. The biggest thing Crowton struggled with was his playcalling more than his schemes, in my opinion. The schemes weren't always the greatest but I thought he brought some interesting looks to our offense. It's just too bad that ultimately, he could never get over the hump where he acknowledged he only had two downs to move the chains.
  7. As per Bob Irving via Twitter, Bellefeuille told the media today that Burke will pick the starting QB on Saturday. Welcome back, Buck Pierce.
  8. Penton's article this morning says we should expect Pierce behind centre this week. Sigh. This team never learns. I'm just so defeated.
  9. 51 yards of passing came on throwing into triple coverage, and completing the pass on a double tip drill. 9 times out of 10 it was an INT. Sometimes the breaks fall for you sometimes they don't... at least he moved the ball. It's to bad that Ricky did an even better job. I totally agree with you. But if that's your stance, why did you post this about Hall the other day: "Sometimes the breaks fall for you" .. unless you're Max Hall, then it's just your fault apparently?
  10. I use first names for certain people around here (TBurgess, TrueBlue, 17to85, Noeller, Raydawg, Mr. Perfect) just because I've spent so much time talking football with them that it seems awkward for me to call them something else. Or I guess in some cases, I actually see them outside of this forum so I feel weird using a handle to address them. But if anyone had an issue with it, they're free to say so and I'd stop.
  11. Everything I say on here would be just as easy for me to say in public. I'm not hiding behind anything. An unnamed reporter (very popular round these parts) asked me to take down a post about him that I made on OB a few years ago. I told him to shove it. Defamation suit my rear end.
  12. I think your stance is a bit too serious for my personal tastes, but to each his own.
  13. I have to say, I wonder why people around here like Howell so much. He sure hasn't helped Matthews this year. Or Denmark. Or Poblah. I'd get rid of Howell too.
  14. While I do like Goltz, I actually thought Hall played better than Goltz did.
  15. Get this ... Brenden Labatte has legitimately been called for pass interference this year. How does that happen?
  16. http://www.morningbigblue.com/community/topic/560-depth-chart-vs-hamilton-week-7/
  17. I don't take compliments on my appearance from men in scarfs.
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