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Everything posted by Pepper_Brooks

  1. I place the responsibility squarely on the Argonauts organization and the CFL schedule makers. It's undeniably absurd that a Grey Cup rematch hasn't happened until week 17 of the season. The Argos should prioritize sorting out their stadium schedule, not just for their own benefit but also for the sake of the league. As I often say, welcome to Randy's CFL. Can't wait until he's relieved of his duties as commissioner.
  2. You gotta gradually reintroduce him to the situation
  3. Based on my observations over the past few seasons, we tend to play like a lamb leading up to bye weeks but transform into a lion (the ones with majestic manes) after the break. I can't help but feel sorry for the Argonauts, as it seems we'll be putting up quite the impressive performance (50 burger?). This week, let's focus on manifesting positivity, and a victory will surely follow.
  4. I was genuinely surprised to discover that AJ Ouellette is American! Given his last name, I had assumed he must hail from Quebec.
  5. It appears that our once highly regarded defense has regrettably lost its competitive edge my friend.
  6. This year, Collaros seems to be struggling with a classic case of the yips. His performance on the field has been marked by uncharacteristic mistakes and inconsistency.
  8. It's becoming increasingly evident that the command center's decision-making could easily be outperformed by a random number generator coupled with an AI voice box. In this scenario, the current officials should consider pursuing new careers as blind clowns.
  9. The performance of the referees in this game leaves much to be desired. Their decision-making and calls on the field have been consistently questionable and, frankly, highly frustrating for both teams and fans alike.
  10. It seems like you could use some rest. I hope your Saturday brings you better luck, capped with another Winnipeg victory to brighten your day.
  11. Butler stands out as the only player on that roster deserving of attention, apart from former Bombers Sayles and Kongbo. Oskie wee wee let's eat them raw. Let's relive the 2019 Grey Cup all over again, please!
  12. We should provide Jackson with more opportunities to build his NFL resume. While his actual talent will not be the focus, just think about how the NFL media will cream their dress pants over his military background! He'd be seen as a hero, with potential for a 30-minute personal interest segment every game he plays in!
  13. Constantly belly aching every week about injury designations and feeling personally disrespected by O'Shea's curt approach can become quite tiring. My suggestion, my friend, is to give positivity a chance and see how it can improve your day.
  14. Yes. It seems that, once again, my latest tongue-in-cheek remark has led to a misunderstanding of my trademark clever humor and cunning wit.
  15. I apologize; it seems you might be new here and didn't catch the joke. I'll make sure to avoid "inside humour" in the future.
  16. Have you ever been to the IKEA food court? It's food fit for a Swedish King, although some assembly is required! The negative personal attack I responded to seemed rather unwarranted, and that's what I was trying to highlight. There's already plenty of negativity and bad vibes in the world, and comments like the one I addressed only add to it. However, the world can be a wonderful place if you embrace the magic of positivity and good thoughts my friends. Peace and love.
  17. I often ponder this question about TBURGESS, but do you ever grow tired of being yourself?
  18. Haha, I was actually referring to the forum reaction emojis like 👍. I thought that was a more clever choice than using "points," as in the movie quote!
  19. I award you no reaction, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  20. What is the meaning behind this madness? Who are you?
  21. I'd appreciate it if they focused more on discussing football strategies, as the current panel overly emphasizes personalities and superficial content instead of genuine sports analysis. It was surprising to watch NFL broadcasts this weekend with retired players offering valuable insights, and I particularly enjoy the Manning Cast.
  22. Take a look at you senior citizens, getting all worked up over the radio, hahaha!
  23. Winnipeg is in a prime position to win this football game, and with a bit of luck on our side, I predict they'll triumph with a high score that will undoubtedly thrill the roaring home crowd. Winnipeg 42, Opponent 8
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