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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Montreal & Toronto would love those numbers. So would the Lions.
  2. How sad is it that even with bad teams the Eastern Division teams can't fill 23-25,000 stadiums. Just tells you the support the Bombers get from this City. There's a real bond between the team & it's fans. Back in 2013 & 2014 when things were at it's worse & things looked totally bleak. When Marcel Desjardins laughed at us. When legit coaches & free agents refused to come here. Never once did I fear the team would fold or that attendance would crater. Can't say that about any team down east.
  3. I was going through the TE list & Paul Markle would have been good enough to make the list although he never would have won. Ernie Pitts was a great choice.
  4. Desjardins said there wasn't anyone on the Bomber roster they'd like or could help them. We were struggling to field a team in 2014 & the league gifted them a berth in the Grey Cup with the expansion draft. The RB GM was an entitled jerk who just laughed at our situation. Now, it's the other way around. The question now is, if the RedBlacks struggle will the fans disappear?
  5. Damn, those poor RedBlacks with all those holes to fill especially at qb. I just remember how smug Desjardins was when they came into the league & how he went out of his way during the Expansion Draft to mock the Bomber organization. As long as he remains the RB GM I'll never forget that. It's easy to kick a team when it's down & we definitely were at that time. However, now the shoe is on the other foot. LOL.
  6. We'll see how he does in Montreal. How he does this season may give us an idea of his ultimate longevity in the CFL.
  7. I think we're all amazed at the fact Taylor Loffler has lived off his reputation of 2016. I think he was among the worst starting safeties in the CFL last season yet he was given the All Star nod. With free agency, every team has holes to fill. We're fortunate to only have a few. I'm confident that we'll be just fine. Better than fine.
  8. Tides, Rockefeller Foundation & other US organizations are registered in Canada as partisan charitable organizations & have been funding much smaller Canadian organizations who are against oil sand development. They also influenced the last federal election by spending $$$ in selected ridings across Canada dedicated to defeating Conservative candidates. The scary part are Americans are influencing our politics across the country at the provincial & federal level. These organizations will try again to influence who gets elected & who doesn't. Forget the Russians & Chinese. These American organizations are much more dangerous & can't be allowed to influence our democratic institutions.
  9. What Zontar is saying... Oh, those evil Conservatives. Doing the exact same thing the left wing NDP, Liberals & Greens as well as US environmental groups & so called "charitable organizations" like Tides & the Rockefeller Foundation have been doing the past 10 years spreading lies & fears about Canada's energy sector.
  10. Meanwhile in Denver, Broncos starting qb Joe Flacco said it's not his job to mentor draft pick Drew Lock. It doesn't take much to offer advice & guidance to younger players & have them remember you as a reason for their future success, Joe. Maybe that is why you suck.
  11. So Skunk you actually like what I said about you? That just proves you are just an attention *****.
  12. I don't care what others say, It's you who won't stop bitching about Nichols. That's all you talk about.
  13. See, there ya go starting already before the team even had a scrimmage. That's all you do is ***** about Nichols. It's the first day for Christ sake.
  14. And without him we'd have missed the playoffs.
  15. I wish he would hurry up getting old as that means he'll retire.
  16. I think Vernon Adams may emerge out of Montreal. Pipkin kinda reminds me of Cato at times, Really inconsistent. Looks good then bad.
  17. You mention it too much. You ***** even when Nichols is playing well.
  18. How much of this mess will be on Ambrosie?
  19. I can't see this lasting long. All the players have reported. If there is a strike now that would mean teams wouls have the players locked out. They would have nowhere to go. Or the teams would have to pay to send them home just to fly them back again. I expect this will be resolved quickly.
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