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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. If the players don't understand their assignments then that is on coaching. Hall is the DC so it ultimately falls on him.
  2. We have a few dirty players in this league but a 2 game suspension or a half a paycheque fine just isn't enough of a deterrent.
  3. Nichols is a better passer than Streveler so why won't LaPo design a passing offense to go with what he does best? He doesn't. It's just the same **** plays no matter who plays for him.
  4. As you can see from the post game reaction, a lot of us won't be getting over this game anytime soon.
  5. But doesn't this show how badly Nichols has been judged by fans? He can only do so much as a qb when his OC calls plays that are predictable & conservative. Especially in the 2nd half when we have a lead. We play not to lose instead of to win. LaPo goes into his shell & opportunities dry up. Making Nichols look bad with unimpressive stats. Matt is a better qb than he is allowed to show under LaPo. We saw it today with Streveler. Compare his stats from the first half to the second. The O just ground to a halt with ultra conservative play calling.
  6. Yep. Been saying that all season long. Nichols wasn't the problem. LaPo is.
  7. We have the talent to win. Our coordinators on O & D continue to hold our players back. It's unbelievable to me that our HC & Team President can't see that. We desperately need to make a change at both coaching positions but I fear this off season will be the same as the last few & nothing happens.
  8. Leave it to our O & D coordinators to go from the thrill of victory to the agony of defeat in one half.
  9. I don't blame Streveler. I blame LaPo. The same plays would have been called if Nichols was playing.
  10. He can leave LaPo behind as well. Run on first. QB draw or short pass on 2nd. Punt. Wash, rinse & repeat.
  11. Unfreakingbelievable. No one shouldn't complain anymore that the East didn't help us when we can't help ourselves.
  12. Yeah, relax. This game is safe. The car is dead. We got this. I tell you what, we got nothing. What we do know? This team just choked. What a bunch of ****. Both our coordinators are ****.
  13. Our offense has just ground to a halt. We are so predictable with our playcalling.
  14. Run on first down. Pass on second. Punt. Seen this too much before. Oh penalty. A reprieve.
  15. Hecht with the big play. He gets shitted on here by a lot of posters so good for him.
  16. Is it more logical to be so overconfident that you ignore what is happening on the field? And to keep telling us? We're not blind.
  17. Our secondary is playing like ****. Once again we're in our fourth quarter swoon on offense.
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