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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. She kept saying she was for the oil patch yet there she was marching in anti oil demonstrations before she became Premier. She hired anti oil activist Tzeprah Berman to advise the provincial energy department. She appointed anti oil activists on the Alberta Energy Regulator. Notley was friendly with Greenpeace activists & then go out & pay $2 billion dollars for rail cars to move oil. She would say one thing then do the opposite so how were we supposed to judge who was better or worse? Maybe if she governed with some kind of consistency & didn't send out mixed messages she'd still be in power. Her stupidity helped with her downfall as well.
  2. Two schools (one in Calgary & one in Okotoks) with Covid outbreaks before school even started.
  3. Some choice we had. Flaming socialists or flaming social conservatives. No real choice in the middle.
  4. It was reported today that Alberta had 402 new cases since Saturday. The Alberta government has removed the requirement for social distancing in schools as of today. Schools reopen tomorrow. One elementary school in Calgary has reported a Covid outbreak today. The Principal, Vice Principal & Secretary may have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid. They have to quarantine for 14 days. Neither the Calgary Board of Education, Alberta Department of Education or Alberta Health Services are closing the school & it will stay open. Another principal is being sent to the school while the other one quarantines. Our Premier & his damned government is bound & determined to open schools on their terms & aren't listening to anyone. They know best & people may die.
  5. I have been a CFL fan since 1965. I was a season ticket holder with the Bombers for nearly 20 years. However, I don't consider myself to be any better than you. Or others posters. Yes, I've seen more than most here from monumenmtal games to great players of the past but I have never thought or wished my name would appear with the Grey Cup in the Hall Of Fame. I've done nothing to warrant my name be with the Cup in any way, shape or form.
  6. Now that the Jets have been out for a couple of weeks does aanyone really care about the NHL playoffs? I haven't watched a single second since those ******* Flames eliminated the Jets.
  7. Sad to say but you guys were living in a fantasy world with numbers so low for so long. I sensed a bit of overconfidence here that you had it licked & other provinces were the problem. Well, welcome to our world now.
  8. So what, Jacquie? if I go to the Canadian Football Hall Of Fame & see the Grey Cup why should anyone's name be on a base when the players names & teams are on the Cup? Just because they have a spare $400??? These names have no business in the CFHOF.
  9. if you don't think there aren't racist & bigots in our fanbase then you're quite naive. It exists everywhere.
  10. Be profitable by leaving the ENTIRE Grey Cup untarnished, Do something else. If that is one of the ideas to make money then this league is ****** .
  11. All due respect, Jacquie but you can't just dismiss TrueBlue4ever's comments as he's right. The base is part of the Grey Cup. Emblematic of the best team in the CFL which has nothing to do with having enough money to buy a spot on the championship base. Why not put sponsor's logos on it as well to raise money??? What about that?
  12. As an Albertan, I just want to say..... No freaking kidding. Instead of laughing we just cried at how bad the UCP government is. I voted for that POS Kenney. No way ever again. Meanwhile, it's the doctors fault we have a deficit in our province. Those evil bastards... It's not a monorail. It's a hyperloop. Totally enclosed so there is no friction caused by contact with the air so speeds of up to 1,000 kph can be reached. It's. A. Pipe. Dream. Supposedly the cost is $7 billion so we know by the time it would be finished iy would cost $14-15 billion. We seem to have money for that but no money for a safe start up to school.
  13. As much as I despise the Rider fanbase, there are a minority who are you know whats. Most of them are good people. It's a vocal minority that spoil it for the rest of them. Just like there are people who are racist in every fanbase that spoil it for everyone else. The Bomber fanbase is no different.
  14. Evans apologized for that tweet saying he was sorry if he offended anyone.
  15. Maybe if I felt that the the CFL BOG's & Commissioner actually respected the fans I'd be willing to do this but to me, we don't even rate as far as the CFL is concerned. If it did, they would get rid of UFA & one year deals. There is too much player movement & we get the same old BS excuse from the CFL telling us that one year deals are the best because we get better players coming up here. Funny, I don't see any Doug Fluties, Tracy Hams, Dieter Brocks or Tom Clements coming up here as qbs anymore. Can't tell me that Dan Kepley, Brian Herosian, Tyrone Jones, James West, James Murphy & Willard Reaves aren't as good as the players of today that only want to be here for a year. I'll never buy that argument as I've seen players from different ewras play & they were as good as any players coming up today. UFA causes nothing but chaos. Teams have a hard time building & maintaining a winning team with players coming & going. So until that changes & the CFL realizes they are nothing without US so they better respect us, I wouldn't spend a penny on this initiative. I'd rather spend the money on merchandise.
  16. in 2021, I hope the place gets another chance.
  17. It's really too bad as it was fun. The thing I liked is that you could have a disagreement with someone but it wouldn't be there for all to see months later. And arguments usually were dealt with fast as the game would continue on & something else would happen. Also there was a feeling of all us wanting the Bombers to win with the group. We as Bomber fans were in this together.
  18. Why did chat die out? Just a few years ago we'd have lots of people participating then suddenly it stopped?? I enjoyed the live banter.
  19. Throw the guy in jail and fine him. What an ******* ,
  20. Like the protestors care??? They're too busy smashing cars, looting & setting fires.
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