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Everything posted by JCon

  1. JCon


    Cases are down only because fewer people are getting tested. TP is still ridiculously high. 14.6% in Winnipeg. Code Red will be extended through Xmas, no doubt.
  2. Starting in mid-January has nothing to do with juniors. They don't even have a plan or agreement yet. Mid-January is the earliest they could get this going. They don't care about juniors in the least.
  3. This gov't will let them play. Mid-January for camp and pre-season. First/second week of Feb to start playing real games?
  4. I've eaten shark, when I was much younger and didn't know the environmental impact of shark fishing, and it's nothing special. White meat, large flakes but tough. Gets some marks for scarcity, so 5 out of 10. Moray eel, though? Never. Bring it on!
  5. Love that argument. The guy who destabilized many countries and regions, who has put so many weapons in authoritarian hands but is somehow NOT a warmonger. Disgusting.
  6. It would cost a small fortune to bring all those animals over. Some benefactor would have to come forward. I'm sure Lotteries would kick in a bit, just to be rid of them and their maintenance costs.
  7. Who's not using meth in Winnipeg these days!
  8. That's some serious coin. When are we going to tax these entities? I would be curious to see how much they spend on items for their staff beyond just the salary? Grifting game is strong with Springs.
  9. He slid into his new clothes wayyyyyy too easily. I imagine Sheer is headed there too. Well, the CPCs in general are trying to be big tent with the alt right.
  10. As a Niner fan, I want Strev starting for the Cards and won't stop lobbying until he gets it. Otherwise, I want him back in Winnipeg, on a reasonable back-up+ contract.
  11. Remember, Bernier got within a hair of being leader and only lost to Sheer, who thinks that ultra right-wing, anti-facts journalism matters.
  12. JCon


    So, we're either going red in schools right now or an extended break with remote learning starting December 14th and going two weeks past January 4th.
  13. That nut job was a candidate for the CPC leadership.
  14. He may be able to pardon his clan in the US but that doesn't extend overseas. He's a crime boss with "holdings" around the world. He won't be able to protect his assets outside the country, that's for sure.
  15. JCon


    Six months later and all of a sudden the GOP senators care about a relief bill? They're truly some of the most disgusting people to hold office.
  16. Good for him! I hope everyone has the opportunity to be comfortable with who they are.
  17. JCon


    TP is slowly going down. That's good news but I thought it would have dropped a lot more after the Code Red restrictions implemented a month ago.
  18. Thank-you! I submitted my claim for Vista, which I purchased and installed on a pc I built. What a dog that os was.
  19. It comes down to whether or not the players can live within a bubble. It doesn't have to be the same as the summer bubble but one that keeps contacts way down. I'm sure that these players will be able to buy their way up the vaccine list outside of Canada.
  20. It is, indeed. I just haven't been in the past year. I once did a tour when we were exploring some possible relocation scenarios. The guts are still there even if the façade has faded.
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