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Everything posted by JCon

  1. What are you talking about? What league doesn't get involved?
  2. His last season was in 2018 with Edmonton. I don't think he did a one-day signing with us.
  3. I love Copp but I think he's too expensive. For me, he's best lined up next to Lowry and, sometimes, capable of centering. He's going to get paid a lot more money than Lowry and don't think the Jets should pay it. He's definitely not a top 6 on this team. Copp, like Tanev, has earned a big pay cheque but the Jets shouldn't write it. Cogliano always seems to play well against the Jets.
  4. I only want McGuire coming into games that are already decided. Our O needs to find their rhythm again. Too much time between our last game and hosting the West Semi-final or West Final.
  5. It's really difficult for some that the Bombers keep winning. They're here trying to convince us that they're bad, as they usually do. They really want them to lose. Typically, we only see them when the Bombers lose but, since that isn't happening, they're just going to dump on them when they're winning. It's exhausting.
  6. I love the smell of victory in the morning.
  7. 1. Brady O. Picking up where Harris left off. Could have completely derailed us if he didn't. 2. Willie J. So much pressure, everywhere. I'm going to watch this game again and just watch him. 3. Rasheed B. Big time catches when we needed it most. Almost out Lawler here. Coin flip. HH Houston for making sure the L'ks couldn't say, "But, yeah, if Grymes..."
  8. For me, it's been the reviews. I think, for as I'll equipped as they are, the refs have been okay.
  9. Doug Flutie is on the list. Hope to never see him at a CFL event again.
  10. That's on him. He needs to pick that up before the snap.
  11. Fans must still be in line to meet Hanson.
  12. Ferguson has CFP, which isn't bad. I have hope that 3Down will improve over time, which is why I still link their articles and follow them. But, it's hard when they lack the professional editor that Edwards kind of was. If only they could find a national partner to piggyback on, like the way it started under the Spectator.
  13. Black is a great guy and contributes a lot of charities. But, I don't want him calling any more games.
  14. 3Down went downhill fast after after Edwards left. Now, it's basically a fan site.
  15. Suitor is the worst colour and Black was the worst PBP.
  16. Privatizing MTS was so successful in lining their pockets, they want to do it again. They saw a successful public utility and, rather than having something that would benefit all Manitobans, they privatized it to get rich. Former Secretary to Treasury Board got rich off of it, then came back for more.
  17. I think it has more to do with the whole rule itself, how it's implemented and how it changes so frequently.
  18. That's what I saw too, which is why I asked. Sketchy seller, so I wasn't going to order. Supply is still low but I'm sure the price will go down, in time. Home Depot carries them, along with other retailers, so I expect a sale at some point. Hopefully before Xmas.
  19. Yeah but sounds like he's more of a FO type player, rather than a FI type player.
  20. @FrostyWinnipeg Did you order that Wyze cam?
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