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Everything posted by JCon

  1. You know the East is stacked at QBs by all the Grey Cups they have. Overwhelming.
  2. They've already denied it. Apparently, the hospital was actually a base. This has been confirmed by Russian diplomats. All very on the up and up.
  3. If it went into general revenue, it would be a tax. All net funds collected are rebated. Here's the Act: Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act ------------- How much are taxpayers really subsidizing Canada's fossil fuel industry?
  4. It doesn't go into general revenue, hence, why it isn't a tax.
  5. Yes! But, even now, there's a significant political party who's said that they'll scrap the pricing because it hurts their feelings. And, the carbon pricing is cost neutral for most taxpayers! Imagine the convoys if we invested in something that's not O&G!
  6. The iPhone is not even 15 years old yet!!
  7. But, has the price of fuel changed your behaviour? Carbon pricing doesn't work if it's not going to change our habits.
  8. The gap between combustion and electric is not that dramatic any longer, is my point. Cost of ownership also plays an important role in the lifetime costs of EV vs combustion. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/vehicle-prices-in-canada-hit-all-time-high-with-average-topping-40-000-1.5267393 Vehicle prices in Canada have hit an all-time high with the average vehicle selling for more than $40,000.
  9. They start under $40k now. Roads have always been social engineering, you're just used to it. All infrastructure is social engineering.
  10. Right because the upfront cost is very low now. But, the long-term costs to food and water are immeasurable. Roads are social engineering but no one has a problem when we repair/replace a road.
  11. Right but carbon pricing doesn't hurt your bottom line. You get more than you pay. And, you're only talking upfront costs for vehicle ownership. We have to deal with the long-term effects of adding that much carbon back into the atmosphere.
  12. We have other social safety nets to help take care of that. That's not social engineering, that's taking care of everyone. You get more back than you pay for carbon pricing. Too long have we pushed our problems to the next generation.
  13. What do you do with your cheque?
  14. Carbon pricing comes back to those that pay it. How you choose to reinvest that money is up to you.
  15. Roads? Biggest subsidy of all for automobile companies.
  16. JCon


    What about their freed.... oh,wait.
  17. Ridiculous situation for the Bombers. They follow the CFL program, take it seriously, and now will be punished for their success. Typical CFL! No matter what happens, I would take Hansen over many imports.
  18. To be fair, he was gambling on something he knew a lot about. If you're going to gamble, at least try to mitigate the risks.
  19. Let me explain a bit more about what Treasury Board approval means. Each year, the Province hands out thousands of grants, across various departments and programs. Some, are done to a specific organization, for a specific value. For example, the United Way gets an operating grant each year. The amount is determined through an agreement between the Prov and the UW. On the grants listing, approved by Treasury Board and is approved when the budget is passed. The authority to pay the grant is delegated to the department to make the payment. The amount and timing is delegated. Then, there are granting programs, that are application based. If it's an ongoing program, usually there are application criteria and an evaluation process. A list of recipients is determined and it's typically signed off by the Minister (or delegated down to the office level). These would be smaller grants, under $25k but sometimes more. Treasury Board would delegate the authority to a maximum amount for an individual recipient and the total amount to be distributed by the entire program. If you want to make changes to either of those types of programs, you need to go back to Treasury Board and get their approval. This is a formal process. The last type that would be comparable, would have been this program that Khan would have applied for. An emergency program, done in haste to try to react to a new or developing situation. A department would have had to submit a TB submission to get the funds and the delegation of authority approved. Likely, TB would have authorized the funds and provided some delegation. Say, any grants under $10k, the department can approve but for anything else, you need to come back. Most likely, the entire list needed TB approval before award letters/commitments and payments were made. Reason being, this was a politically sensitive file and program. So, I don't think that there is anyway that Khan was provided a $500k grant without the Secretary to Treasury Board and the Minister of Finance seeing and approving the list. The Secretary to Treasury Board's job is to be politically astute and help guide the gov't. I use Treasury Board and Treasury Board Secretariat interchangeably in the above. Treasury Board itself is a sub-committee of cabinet and made up of gov't MLAs and usually Ministers. Treasury Board Secretariat is civil service office that provides advice to gov't, as well as strategic planning. A few other roles but not really applicable in this case.
  20. Thlng is, if Kenney beats out Poilievre, Poilievre's votes will swing to Kenney. Who ever comes out ahead, will win it on the next ballot, if the CPC swing full populist. ---- There are a lot more Reeves signs around me, thak Khan. It's early but this might be a race.
  21. No way Obby gets that money without Treasury Board approval. Getting one-third of the entire pot? Wow It looks really, really bad for this govt. But, I don't think this govt can sink any lower. They are at the bottom feasting upon the scum.
  22. They can't get out. There are no flights. I've heard people are driving to Finland to try to get flights out.
  23. Not officially, it hasn't! Yes, the CIA has often tried to assassinate foreign leaders but it's never done as an official policy or promoted by elected officials. Wait until Moscow Mitch and Trump bury Graham. How dare he suggest the boss be assassinated!
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