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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. We won the field position battle consistently though.
  2. No certainly not confident. Wonder if his rotator cuff is impinged.
  3. Nichols throwing motion looks loopy af no wonder it's going low and behind. That shoulder must be jacked up.
  4. Push the ball deep on a 3 step drop. Is suitor watching this game
  5. Flanders doubles his production and doesn't get a first down
  6. I think that toss was his longest and it was a low wobbler.
  7. He's been sacked twice and hit twice more too. I've never been in the Nichols camp. It's no secret. But I hate seeing any guy play when they absolutely should not and clearly can't. First down whhhhoooooo
  8. Such a gong show game. Preparation is the difference between great teams and the rest. The Bombers were ready to play week 1. No one else was.
  9. I bet he comes out in the 2nd half with no pads on and ice wrap for that shoulder. I'm surprised they haven't used the streveler package with Davis.
  10. He is. He was questionable all week. His right shoulder is still banged up.
  11. 2 of 6 for 5 yards. 5 carries for 9 yards. 7 2 and outs. Soo bad.
  12. Idk If you can't run at all and they can't a good d should be able to keep you out of the end zone. We will get a good idea next week. But I don't think their ol can stop our 4 man rush.
  13. Don't think so. Mtl is the main unknown. Some teams maybe rusty but I really think it's wide open. The mafias grind style is gonna be a huge edge in the first half of the season.
  14. Every time they don't run in the red zone in a drive powered by the run get a new drink and kick a field goal
  15. Ok dink and dunked 17 times now I'll throw into double cover.
  16. Every jet sweep finish your drink. Every pass short of the first on 2nd down take a shot. Jk don't do that you'll die.
  17. Hell ya. Missed cfl games soo much. Great call though
  18. Right now I think it might be blm. But I get it. I think of Harris like kg. But I thought he'd be the good kg this year. He's got some great weapons. Soo far looks like Matty was right with Masoli above Harris. Yeah its way too short for him. Idk why he's doing it or why he's getting away with it. Right now it looks like mbt will be the best qb performance of week 1. Looked like a forward pass
  19. Harris really lacking poise. They showed an over load blitz and he seemed to never check down. Then got happy feet.
  20. I thought Edmonton offense would be much better than this. Low toss no chance to get yac A bit behind but you gotta get that.
  21. He looks tentative like he's waiting for a hole. Very jumpy. Not good for him or them.
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