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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Let's get a td here and bury these guys
  2. Yeah points would've been huge. We gotta drive the field score and put the cats to bed.
  3. Refs in pre season form Field position still
  4. We are really missing having Harris as the pressure release in the flats.
  5. The team that breaks this offensive stalemate is gonna have a huge leg up. Time for buck to open the play book
  6. Bruising run. That's gonna pile up on cats
  7. Ball was 5 yards behind Los. That was one of the rule changes iirc in 19. If out side of tackle box only.
  8. How did they miss that illegal grounding.
  9. Right in front of them on the replay didn't notice
  10. Hand inside the chest of the shoulder pad from underneath Jones and the hallets have been really good and smart.
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