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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. They might give him a chunk of bonus money up front to keep him happy. Especially if we haven’t used a lot of our bonus money this year. If we get him Re upped and extend his year for another two that’d be massive.
  2. Remember Richard karikaris deal being 78% done? Or last year Alden Darby changing his mind after the announcement with ott? Crazy things happen especially in the cfl. So far I like the tampering window.
  3. I imagine they rebalanced it so he got more bonus money up front. Probably not a year where the blue go deep into the bonus money so they could push some salary to bonus and free up flexibility late in the year like they did late last year with a couple guys.
  4. With rourke gone I’m not sure that is a high water mark. Mbt has been top2 for 2 years. Bailey would really do well with more passes as a no2 target and the culture bonus having him is huge.
  5. Couture has come soo far from the undersized 275lbs guy we drafted. He’s excelled and done every thing you could ask. He came back from an injury you wouldn’t think he’d even practice in the same season as. Eli has next level potential. He’s a type of earth mover that no centre in this league is. No nose tackle can buckle him and plant him on the qbs lap. And he has the mobility to easily get to and beyond the second level. Makes total sense to move on from couture and save cash. This is what dynasties do. It’s tough to see great young guys move on but the next guy up will be great too.
  6. And likely more in line with what we could afford. this is a good point. And if I was Hamilton I wouldn’t let him go cheap. I mean who is the best qb2 available? Who do you go after when your starting qb goes down?
  7. Evans imo needs some time behind a guy like collaros. Low expectations, no pressure, just let him hard reset his brain and confidence. He has the talent and he can play very well. It’s just one of the risks of skipping a young guy far a head so quickly.
  8. The draft has produced Muamba esq lbers lately.
  9. Poop and Bryant too. though moving on from Nevis was because stove was soo good and cheaper. But he’s the last dt we paid great money to.
  10. I predict an ol in the top 3 rounds, a high upside / futures pick. With a bunch of depth picks being sters.
  11. Seems to be the order of the day. I love sayles he had a really under appreciated year for us. But the fit isn’t there. Not with our ni rotation at dt beside him. we need a nose. I’m happy for sayles getting paid and he’s gonna fit in really well in Hamilton. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a huge year.
  12. Not wrong. To be fair I think he’d probably be a really good guard. Just teams seldom roll with imp guards.
  13. I fully believe they only ever intended on bringing in a global or crapinga esq kicker to push legs in camp.
  14. Considering what we paid Bailey and ellingson I’m good with 260k. 300k is big but if he doesn’t earn it he won’t be here. good luck defending him and schoen. Two best wrs in the league in blue n gold? Yes please
  15. That’s Richmond. Lofton looked like hot garbage in pass pro at T. Not concerned about losing him at all. Fits the riders MO perfectly.
  16. @Stam Peters 260-265k for lawler in year 1 vs the riders spending 220k on Jake who is half the wr. don’t have to worry about it now bud.
  17. Details haven’t been reported. Putting the cart before the horse is one thing. Sticking it up the horses ass is another. You have the core of a team that’s gone to 3 grey cups in a row and add lawler. When you don’t have a dozen holes in the roster you can afford to splurge. That said I’m sure he’s under 300k. Also we had two players for 900k last year. Worked out pretty well. What was fajardo + duke last year? Even if it is, the cap went up 160k. That plus ellingsons 160k would give us 20k extra if we spent all the same money as last year. Bailey wasn’t cheap, we will save at c, and likely save at db as well as some vets likely move on. And with all that we don’t have to fill another hole in cfl fa. No other team can say that. The pieces we need we can get from first year guys.
  18. Imagine lawler schoen and demski? Bailey and woli back would be huge. Collaros gonna need some guys to block down field for his 50+ td passes this year.
  19. You’re being too nice. He’s the suckiest suck to ever suck. Aka starting qb for the riders. If 500k is the price of starting qbs in the cfl today so be it. But collaros is at 600k and Masoli went from 500k to 425. blm is making 550k. Maier is 400k. either collaros and Masoli are getting shafted or the Harris contract sucks. Imo Harris and blm should be like 300k guys at this point. Other wise you need a half million back up to your half million starter.
  20. Im a big fan of weinke but I wouldn’t want to pay more than like 150-160k
  21. It’s crazy to me how two qbs who have been going down for two years or so are some how going back up in pay.
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