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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. His ypc last year was 4.5. Sheed has a 12.5 yards per carry average this season we should start him at rb. He can’t block and he can’t grind out consistent yardage. I did the break down last year in his career if you take out his top 10% longest runs his average drops below 3 per carry. Not a rushing td. Darvin adams has as many passing tds as Augustine has rushing in his career.
  2. When it’s spread from 2018-2023, yeah it is. Not to mention with 2 starts and none in 3+ years, never had 20 Carries in a game hasn’t scored a td this decade it’s even more so. Wilder did that with Edmonton in two partial seasons. Similar to what Kienan lafrance had done after we let him go in free agency. Litre has rushed for 600 ish yards on 8+ ypc . Erlington has put up almost 1200 on 6.1 with 6 tds in comparable time. Bennett is in a similar boat too. when your career high for rushing yards in a season is under 300 you haven’t done any thing as a rb. Collaros has a better single season rushing line lol.
  3. He’a been done for a long while. It’s just that no one is willing to call a QBs career over until he clearly can’t be even a qb2 any more.
  4. He’s trying to get back to that high school dream job. And to get paid by two teams for like 6 jobs in one year.
  5. I knew they were at least partially guaranteed. Players should get more guaranteed cash but I think health care is a much bigger issue for them.
  6. Are the coaches contracts fully guaranteed? excuses are for losers. And bc has lots of em ready. That said pro football teams shouldn’t play two games in less than 6 days. It’s dumb. 4 days rest and one is travel is just bad scheduling.
  7. Jones does have their cap all messed up. I think he’s doing 3-4 jobs for the elk. If a team fires a coach mid season it’d be nice if they gave some flexibility to bring some one in mid season to fill some role. A contract like jones could be a nightmare to replace mid season. Unless maybe they get some of the pro rated remaining cap back.
  8. On one hand I could see why they take soo long in making decisions, but at the same time they never call none challenged penalties. You never see an automatic reviewed score thrown out because of holding. You never see a pi challenge turned into holding or vice versa.
  9. And in Hamilton, cus the season is two games old not one, he had 50 ish yards and 3 first downs. Plus, the whole blocking point. Right? They should’ve clarified the area of the block and just checked that one. Imagine if the called block was clean, but they assessed a new penalty. Did they apply the standard of requiring conclusive evidence on the other blocks that they weren’t illegal but not to the one? Glad they got the call right in the end but it raises a lot of questions and in certainly. They should clarify procedure for when the called penalty is on the wrong number.
  10. Yeah, and the previous season he struggled to start. His role in the offense like woli and Demski is also more diverse and important. And we haven’t needed sheed to lead the core.
  11. Would be much better if bc had more than 4 days rest including travel. Crappy scheduling. They fall to 0-4, jones gets fired. Cui brings in plop to hc/gm etc and plop gives mbt major money to come to Edmonton. Then the elk rise up above the riders and battle for a cross over spot.
  12. He’s been pretty disappointing through two games. Bailey has been solid if unspectacular. Lawler can’t get back soon enough.
  13. Lemon Darvin adams lots of good players not playing. Guys falls fall through the cracks FAST in football. Especially teams specialists.
  14. I feel like they should really be playing on the practice field. Do their games get televised? Do they get more than 100 fans? I’ve legit never heard report of any game player score etc.
  15. Our tackling made him look like mike Reilly. Iirc that was Willy that he ducked on. Best single effort I’ve ever seen. Speed power strength grant is the whole package.
  16. How long is Harris gonna be healthy for any way probably doesn’t matter till the play offs. Till then I expect them to ride who ever is hot and run some two back set.
  17. Thing is they had decent pressure from 4. We just didn’t get a lot of value out of 5-6. We need to be sending 4, or over loading.
  18. I think it was the goal line package that missed on first down. Not sure though.
  19. Frankly I don’t expect all of those guys to come back and be their old self. If they do it’s gonna be insane. If we could get lawler Eli and Lawson back soon ish and have wilson and or jeffcoat at 100% for the late season I’ll be thrilled. I think Lawson is we low key the big piece. It’d allow us to get more pressure with less rushers consistently and stuff the run gaps better. We could slide walker to rotate on the edge have fox Thomas and Lawson inside. Good luck running on us with 2 big dts or Thomas an imp and walker on the edge. I
  20. Great point. The bombers didn’t act out even a little despite the horrid reffing. Many teams would’ve lost it and gotten further penalties.
  21. Right? I think starting Kramdi or Briggs is the only way to viably flip but either would still be solid.
  22. I'm more concerned with his pass pro, and then his lack of consistency in gaining yards. Idc if he bounced off tackle a lot, but giving the ole block on chip and release puts collaros at risk, and he isn't going to get 20 touches per game. We need steady yards from the run game. Not a big run then a bunch of 2nd and longs. We need to air lift rbs in quick fast and in a hurry. Maybe NI, imp if nothing else. We've got none that have taken a rep this year other than auggy and brady. Time to cut some global PR bodies.
  23. https://3downnation.com/2023/06/17/collaros-harris-shine-as-bombers-beat-riders-12-other-thoughts/ theyve got the replay of the return. Just as spectacular as it was watching it live. Sheahan had a great punt to the bouncer inside the 20 and a good night over all despite limited work and poor coverage again.
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