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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Screwed If we suffer any more loses at a lot of positions. don’t even want to think what happens if walker goes down tomorrow. Half a games worth of plays for schmekel? Eww
  2. I mean he can win with an amazing team. But he’s a huge net loss unless you have an Andrew Harris great ol good WRs and a great D. matt Nicholas vs Trevor Harris who you got? Harris has played longer obviously and had the benefit of stepping into a successful offense behind hank in ott. Maybe 3 best years is a more fair comparison though still harris probably had the better supporting cast. I don’t like either as a qb, but I also don’t like Harris as a yappy turd wanna be blm.
  3. Nah that wouldn’t happen. It’s not like Sam hurl started some thing like 40 games here or any thing. And it’s not like we have a Sam hurl every year. 😆
  4. I met him back in the day and he was just too awesome not to love. Of all the none bombers he’s my all time favourite.
  5. Bout 38 for his last year. Pretty crazy for a return man. Ezra Landry was the diminutive als return man I was thinking of. This return reminds me of grants but with more speed and less power both are better than gizmos imo
  6. I think he’s hurt isn’t he? we’ve been using grant as the fake Canadian so I guess he could take Carrie’s too. The way he runs I bet he’d do pretty well. Nah. I don’t think we will see news until he lands then I think he will play the next game.
  7. Great comparison. Grant has been extraordinary. truth he also had an almost 1k receiving season and worked in their offence full time for a while. It might be the most impressive Ironman type achievement. Any one know how old he was when he retired?
  8. Bashir levingston in 7 years had 8 punt return tds. Grant has 7 in 3 and counting. 3 kick off return tds for bashir to 1 for grant. Bashir is up by 4 missed fgs though. Giz had 26 in 14 years on punts. 2 on kick offs. 3 on missed field goals. I would love to see grant pass giz in punt return tds. That would require some crazy longevity, but I think if he gets past half way he has to be in the top tier.
  9. Agree and great point, its really hard to compare across generations. Who was that diminutive kr the als had some years back? He was like 5-2 and 140 with long dreads.
  10. I think it’d be even tougher if the kids don’t like it. Mines real young but he tries his best to stay up to finish the game. Idk how you can have played, and be less likely to play than Eli who hasn’t played or practiced since before pre season. Maybe it’s subterfuge by the mafia. Least I sure hope so. Crazy, but maybe we active Murphy. Then we could use Demski at rb for some snaps and create ni rb depth that way.
  11. My old lady thought I was nuts when I stayed up for the strevler weather delay. Two weeks later she loved the bombers. Now she has more signed gear than I do. I doubt we get any reinforcements this week. Might be no roster changes at all if brady is healthy enough to go.
  12. https://3downnation.com/2023/06/20/gizmo-williams-janarion-grants-punt-return-td-was-great-but-not-best-ever/ idk giz had more missed tackles imo. Grant was stiff arming guys into the ground. That happens when your franchise corner stones go to free agency. Same would happen if collaros went to fa.
  13. It’s hilarious that you use piggy and this tc as an example and say all he does is gain yards, when Augustine was hot garbage in both games this pre season.
  14. Even before. He had wild video before the draft. Like jumping out of a pool backwards. Dude was a massive freak. https://247sports.com/player/trent-corney-11251/ to be fair if it’s the gear that’s given him that jaw he’s been on it for a long long time. When I see a big athlete like that I’d be more surprised if they aren’t on some thing. Even more so body builders, or guys that age who are already big and stack on a ton of lean mass.
  15. Yep. Zach is on track for 5800 yards 45 passing tds and 18 rushing tds lol. Add in Kenny and that should go up to about 7k and 65 looool we’ve been light on the jet motion too. Imagine Dalton and lawler streaking down opposite ends of the field with play action in one direction and Demski in jet motion going the other way. Gonna be nasty. Seen this a couple times already this year. Guys listed Dnp then it’s tweeted they are dressed and doing reps. The only thing more mysterious than mos with an injury report is a thorax injury.
  16. I know he retired sporadically and that he went into body building. That was the 360 lbs of muscle. Last I heard he was north of 300 and jacked. But it’s been a while. damn that’s a shame. Thanks for the link.
  17. The fact he’s not resigned and in the off season I believe they said they haven’t had talks. The cap is the issue. It’s really tight to run all of football management. Thanks Chris jones.
  18. If any thing I’d go 6ol more than 6 wr. Put Dobson beside collaros in the gun lol. Imagine a pass rushers face coming off the edge.
  19. Yeah I think this will be the highest scoring offense in bomber history. That said until our defence is healthy and sorted we probably need to score 35+ on avg. once they are healthy and sorted I imagine they’ll give up 20 or less. This team is going to be a good bit better than last years. I sure hope so. I got a bad feeling they are going to be stuck between mos and walters. Also Ted goveia is going to be a hot commodity each off season. Maybe wade retires as has been hinted to and walters takes his job with more hands on with the football side while Ted takes gm. Personally I think McManus is the most secure in his role. The flexibility he gets isn’t gonna come easy from any one. I also think JY is going to be a big dc candidate one of these days.
  20. Sure but the deviation between 0-3 yards realistically 1-3 is tiny. You might see him go from 2.4 to 2.6 taking out the shortest. He hits a lot of 15+ that’s why his ypc skews soo heavy. The split between his 10+ and 2 or less was incredible. He’s basically the opposite of Brady. He’d be ideal for a run heavy offense to split touches with Brady getting 15 or more and him getting 6-7. But we don’t run that kind of offense any more. the biggest thing with starting Augustine (aside from a crappy pre season which could be any thing) is we don’t have an ni back up, and his pass blocking isn’t good. 2nd and long is not what our offense or any is designed to execute in, but collaros doesn’t really care he just chucks em up. as a note, I don’t think McRae who I like, is cut out to be a feature back in our offense either. The big issue if Brady goes down isn’t the offensive production. It’s ratio, and collaros protection. We know collaros can light the world on fire. Though we don’t want him trying to drop back 50 times in an early regular season game. And we are already thin at ni depth.
  21. They can take him off early if needed. If he sits 6 games we get a good chunk of salary relief. I don’t think we see a big pick up or air lifts till the nfl cuts unless some one gets hurt. The only areas I think we would look at early is ni rb. If Brady get banged up we are in ratio trouble. Can’t start Augustine with out an ni back up. Or a cheeky naturalized Canadian imp rb but mos won’t do that.
  22. Wasn’t he coaching part time and teaching canoeing a while back in la? Bring back Trent corney. At this point he’s probably 360lbs lbs of pure muscle lol. It’s all about adjusting to the yard off the ball. Some guys really struggle and it takes a while. Other guys excel right away. It’s the same thing with the jump to the pros at de. Huge difference between playing college tackles and pro. But again some guys are just beasts. Jamaal westerman is a great example of a guy who had no adjustment time to the Canadian game but has good nfl experience before coming here.
  23. Personally I think when Lawson is back we keep fox as the dt and use walker at end and dt. He’s a load off the edge. Once Hansen jeffcoat and Lawson are all healthy then we have some decisions. But it’s a good spot to be in.
  24. They may be genius but timely they are not. Until our D gets healthy expect to see our game be the most entertaining game of the week, every week lol.
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