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Colin Unger

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Everything posted by Colin Unger

  1. What would you guys rather have. Kenny Lawler comes back and we go with another unknown backup QB. Or Lawler leaves and we replace him from within and sign Streveler to be our backup qb and come in with special packages? Masoli is gonna either sign with Edmonton or Ottawa. My preference is that he signs with Ottawa removing a team that would potentially offer Streveler starting money.
  2. I can't see us coming close on Lawler. But can we get within 40k or 50k which i think would make him hesitate given the fact he'd be playing with a weak QB on a weak team that has two other top pass catcher's he'd be sharing touches with. Playoff money plus would be lost and his value going forward would be reduced if he doesn't have the same type of season statistically.
  3. I wonder if BC plans to sign that Canadian QB from the Stamps as their backup. I believe this (with Rourke) would give them two additional imports that they could sign for cheap and start on their offensive line.
  4. He can go an block for Jeremiah Masoli in the fan controlled football league.
  5. My understanding is that the canadian government will not allow athletes to cross the border without vaccines going forward. It would be tough to lose him but its not a forgone conclusion that we'd be able to keep him anyways. There would be a team giving him a raise and a starting position this season.
  6. Castillo would be high on my list too. But with the way things are almost everyone is a free agent. Its probably better to re-evaluate who is not under contract a month before free-agency and then come up with a list. Im sure a lot of these guys have already shaken Walter's hand on their intend to re-sign.
  7. We won't be able to bring everyone back. I'm gonna assume we lose a few players to the NFL and a few to other CFL teams because we will have to let some players walk who are due big raises. But i think the core of this team remains intact. I trust Walter and his crew to be able to bring in replacements. Potentially Nuefeld will have to move on to cut some costs for this season. If Eli gets vaccinated he would take the position and if not Geoff Gray. If we lost Jeffcoat we would still have a very formidable defensive line. It would mean more of Kongbo and more of Richardson and Sayles at the same time. I think Lawler gets his NFL shot now unless he is dogged by his DUI. Alford is gone but no cost savings there. At the end of the day... If you subtract Lawyler, Alford, Jeffcoat, Bighill, Neuefeld, and Adams i believe that with new recruits Winnipeg still has the most talented team in the league. And those losses would be more than enough to re-sign Zach and a few vet free-agents who want to be here. The biggest issue to overcome will be that Zach and Bighill will get big raises. I think the offensive linemen you mentioned are already being well paid. Bryant though is a retirement risk. But he if retires i would think it would be awfully tempting for any free agent tackle to want to come to Winnipeg and be the blindside tackle. If they are good at what they do its a recipe for winning the most outstanding lineman award.
  8. He's probably the highest paid runningback. But he's cheap for a most outstanding Canadian calibre player. I think there's a reasonable chance we did not get past Saskatchewan without Harris given how the rest of the team played.
  9. I think he's going to come back and play perhaps one more season. He's close to 10k yards rushing which would be a real nice milestone. He has a chance to compete for another Grey Cup. And I think one more year of learning and getting a few carries here and there would help Oliveria. And i think Harris would factor all of this in. They already get Harris at a hometown discount. I don't think cost will be a factor. They can trim the fat elsewhere if need be.
  10. If he re-signs with Winnipeg have to wonder if the bombers won't shop Liegghio to a team looking for a Canadian option at punter and future placekicker. I see Sergio being our guy for the rest of his career.
  11. Riders are going to have a hard time being more than average so long as they've got a game manager at QB. They should be looking to upgrade but I think they've been pumping the guy up so much as this amazing QB that they have the blinders on. The problem was never that the receivers weren't catching 50/50 balls. He isn't able to put the ball in the right spot.
  12. yeah.. Chances are they would have been at the very least attempting a much more difficult field goal against the wind.
  13. Not convinced that the kneel is as impactful as some are suggesting. It gave them significant field position. Defense and offense would have been playing differently as well had Hamilton only been down by 2 points.
  14. Can't say enough about the job that Kyle Walters has done. Of coarse this is just a small sample of what he's done. But picking up Zach at the deadline last year was huge on us getting that Grey Cup win and then picking up Sergio Castillo under the gun this year again had a massive impact on us getting another Grey Cup win. These two moves can't be understated.
  15. Never been more grateful that Sir Vincent Rogers turned us down leading to the signing of Stanley Bryant.
  16. I wonder if they weren't sure how to handle it after the MBT situation. The season is over for Whitehead but TSN may have been unsure if he was allowed to attend major sports events. So they decided not to say anything.
  17. It hit the turf. Zero doubt about that. Not sure what explanation they would have had for not overturning it other than not have the balls to do it.
  18. Glad we survived that one. Game was a lot more stressful than it needed to be. Winnipeg should have won the game by 30 points. Im personally not too worried about the turnovers going into the next game. This is what happens when you don't play a meaningful game in 5 weeks and get injected into a bad weather playoff game against a team that was coming off an intense playoff victory. They weathered the storm and should be locked in from the opening kickoff of the next game.
  19. Im cheering also for Toronto. Winnipeg played sloppy and lost to them in a meaningful game. Hamilton if they win they get the crowd behind them and homefield advantage and likely a high level of motivation to avenge their defeat last year. I would imagine if its Winnipeg and Toronto the Hamilton crowd would favor Winnipeg.
  20. Im not convinced Purifoy will be an option. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/riders-restaurant-assault-1.6268302
  21. Im not exactly counting snaps. However, if Sayles did these numbers in 30% of snaps imagine what kind of numbers he would have with 70% of snaps. He's a real up and comer.
  22. Enough to put up significantly better stats than Micah Johnson.
  23. The only allstar nod that i find troubling was Micah Johnson over Casey Sayles.
  24. It wouldn't take much for him to be a better option that either of our backup qbs. That's why it's appealing.
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