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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. Royce Metchie is terrible. It is unbelievable to me that Moore catches a ball with time running out in the half and his first instinct is to get up and dance.
  2. TSN production is a baby step above public access.
  3. I hope Edmonton wins. The losing streak almost starts to become more pressure for the visiting team at some point.
  4. Suitor is cheering for DPI of course There is no PI - no matter how much TSN slows it down Not close to PI Are they going to tie?
  5. How the hell does he kick a FG? 😂 So you can get tapped on the head and it is RTP - but you hit a guy in the throat and it is all good.
  6. McManus used to get comments about being out of shape. Maier is in the same shape without the arm. Calgary’s jerseys are so bad. Those stripes on the shoulders look stupid.
  7. His face is irritating Why is Calgary’s trainer right up on the sidelines like a coach. Christ that guy gets a lot of TV time
  8. To be fair - is Schiltz worse than BLM? Doubt it - probably better TBH Chris Edwards is a ******* joke.
  9. I think we should go back to blackouts locally for games.
  10. Michael Couture definitely dropped some knowledge. That uniform combination was trash. Never do it again. This blue on blue ****. Fire whoever is ramming this down our throats.
  11. Honestly - GTFOH WTF is he celebrating? He can go
  12. Lawrence has been terrible for 2 weeks We were never in this. Embarrassing
  13. The whole offence was garbage Desmond Lawrence can find a new team.
  14. One of the first things I think about with Gizmo is that he didn’t take one back on Bob Cameron until way late in his career.
  15. Love that he got a penalty for illegal participation playing without a helmet. No penalty on the Gappers for being the reason the helmet came off.
  16. I said it when he said it - focus on getting 1000 yards before your predict 2000. It isn’t being confident it is being dumb.
  17. Walters is the guy putting his name on all the decisions. It is easier to be the guy pitching ideas.
  18. “His uncle wasn’t the only one who criticized him for taking too many hits as he drew the ire of his head coach late in the game when he kept the ball on a read-option play. “The hit he took at the end there, I’m like, ‘What are you doing, man? I told you don’t take a hit’ and he takes one. Whatever. He’s gotta learn from that and get better,” said head coach Ryan Dinwiddie.” How about you don’t call a read option play?
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