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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. Diana’s Pizza is trash. I regret starting this discussion in pizza. Looking forward to us laying a beating on the Rudders in front of a Saskatchewan sellout (that’s 66% full).
  2. Basically too much deli meat. Just a low budget meat lovers.
  3. The Bombers Twitter account makes an important point -Regina style pizza is disgusting. Hard to **** up pizza - but they did it.
  4. That’ll that is cruel and unusual punishment!
  5. It was the most interesting part of the game. Calgary is cold oatmeal.
  6. Yup haha He dropped a “that s**t” or some variation. The panel then chortled about it for about 10 minutes.
  7. My goodness. An egregious error. And I am the main “I dislike IGF East” guy.
  8. Calgary is incredibly mediocre and boring You missed Sanchez swearing pre-game. Spicing it up!
  9. White face masks was the right call for Calgary. I hate the stripes so much. They’re embarrassing.
  10. I like the decision to go for it there.
  11. They really are terrible. Sanchez just swore - So TSN off to a good start again.
  12. Clare Hannah warning if you get motion sickness.
  13. By that logic any QB ever is capable of it
  14. They will be fine with Mills and Logan. They looked questionable every other spot on O except RB. Deep and talented on the OL - they’ll be fine.
  15. Probably would have punted from the one for field position.
  16. I’m indifferent on Matt Cole. I wish we kept Caleb Thomas.
  17. And we get called for half a finger that literally cost us a game.
  18. Why would you have him throw that? 😄
  19. Rob Vanstone will write an article about how the Gappers went 1-0 to start the year all 4 times they somehow managed to win a Cup. PED Leonard jumped - can’t hold his water.
  20. You get it down to the 1 and get no points and lose field position on running plays. So very Edmonton
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