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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Streveler was picking up steam going into week 4...? His week 3 stat line: 17/30 (56.7%), 146 yards, 4.9 YPC. Hilarious revisionist history. Only to be followed up with hopelessly rampant speculation (Streveler would've won those games, he'd have put up better numbers). LOL
  2. Hell of a comeback (and character) win last night. Lundqvist was the only reason the Rangers got that extra point.
  3. He's his own worst critic, which isn't exactly a bad thing. He'll be better tomorrow.
  4. A few tidbits from Walters' year-end presser today:
  5. That could very well be the case. That and getting injured/recovering from an injury are not mutually exclusive. The injury he sustained in training camp was a strange one and it does seem as though he was rushed back into action this past season. It makes me wonder if that got to him and affected his game from a mental standpoint. He had a very pedestrian season and was downright awful a number of times, too. He has to do whatever it takes this off-season to return to his 2017 - if that's even possible. It's not a good place for him or the organization, IMO. Especially with that bump in pay. I doubt he goes under the knife this off-season. What I hope happens is he and Walters can renegotiate a restructured contract, something that is more appropriate for his level of production and more team-friendly.
  6. I get the criticism directed at Hellebuyck and agree with it to a point, but he's not getting the help in front he got last season. Team D and netminding work hand in hand. Neither is working at the moment.
  7. Except the blue foliage is actually playing pretty strong, consistent defensive zone hockey this season. The forwards have bought in to whatever Babsy is selling. And they're still scoring a ton of goals.
  8. Take the win but maaaaaaan... What is with this team?!
  9. Quit digging and reaching for reasons to dump on something and whine about it. It's a great campaign and the consensus indicates as much. Go have a read and spare us your bitching: https://www.cfl.ca/dis/
  10. Jee-zus, this man is such an idiot.
  11. You don't throw an unproven commodity a starting role just like that; it's a reckless strategy. *Gray signed a three-year deal in October (signed through 2020), meaning he has two years left on it.
  12. No sure who's available on the Meese. They're dealing with some injuries at the moment, too.
  13. Last season, the Jets were 42-1-1 when holding a lead after 40. By comparison this season, they're 7-3-2. Team defense has been pretty much disastrous and by extension, goaltending has struggled.
  14. This game is basically a how-to on playing piss-poor defensive zone hockey on home ice.
  15. Is something wrong with Myers? Did he forget how to hockey this summer?
  16. https://winnipegsun.com/sports/hockey/nhl/winnipeg-jets/friesen-low-key-laine-grabbing-place-in-history
  17. And a catastrophic third period. They just completely fell apart. Another two goal lead blown in embarrassing fashion. The Jets are better than this.
  18. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trumps-climate-change-tweet-lambasted-scientists-hes-dangerous-clown-1227310
  19. This. And he made it known he will put his family first when he decides what to do. Seems like the writing is on the wall.
  20. Ditto on both counts. Really sucks that puck drop is at 3 today. Couldn't wait another hour or two...
  21. Had you bothered to read the rest of the thread before chiming in, you'd have seen this part: Walters' job wouldn't be in jeopardy if Bighill chooses to sign elsewhere. That's not how it works. A GM can only do so much to convince a player, anyway. Look at Muamba as a perfect example of that reality.
  22. That's not how it works. He can't force a player to re-sign with the team. Bighill made it crystal clear he'll put his family first when it comes his future, anyway. That's out of a GM's hands.
  23. On Sunday, the Stampeders were the better team. In all three phases. That's just how it goes sometimes. The thing that continues to cream my corn is how the Bombers did a really good job beating them a few weeks earlier in what was a very important game, but they couldn't do it again. It just totally perplexes me, particularly with the offense.
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