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Fan Boy

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Posts posted by Fan Boy


    I don't know, I thought we missed the sure hands guy on O last year. Moore (when playing) and denmark could stretch the D when needed.


    Denmark, Moore and Kohlert are all move the chains, sure hands type guys.  We're really missing a boundary WR.  Moore and Denmark are both ok there, but better suited to the slot.  Based on Adams, Tuinei, Childs, Gettis, Clemons being in camp, that's the spot they are looking to fill.


    Having a run game that can break a tackle will open up some space for everyone too. 


    Maybe my memory is flawed but I remember many big plays from Denmark. 



    It's exactly why I don't really care about what they say and have no interest in that new website they're a part of. They're the type of lunatic fan that I don't enjoy, from ANY team...

    Bloggers are the most self important people out there. Really hard to read. 


    I assume gbill has one....


    That sounded like a shot. Was that a shot? Because it sure seems like a shot. Not a backfire but an honest to goodness shot. 

  3. Here's the early season schedule...Bombers featured 4 times, with 3 games at IGF:

    Thu Jun 25 - 7:30 ET - Ott/Mtl

    Fri Jun 26 - 9:00 ET - Ham/Cgy

    Sat Jun 27 - 8:00 ET - Wpg/Sask

    Thu Jul 2 - 8:30 ET - Ham/Wpg

    Fri Jul 3 - 7:30 ET - Cgy/Mtl

    Thu Jul 9 - 9:00 ET - Ott/Edm

    Fri Jul 10 - 7:00 ET - Mtl/Wpg

    Thu Jul 30 - 8:30 ET - BC/Wpg

    Fri Jul 31 - 9:00 ET - Sask/Edm

    What do you mean by featured? All games are broadcast. Do you mean Friday?

  4. Re: Richards' footspeed or lack thereof- whilist living in Saskabush, I had occasion to see Ray Elgaard a few times. He sure as spit didn't scare anyone with his speed, but he was good enough with his hands to more than offset that. Richards comes across as a good student of the game, durable and with good work habits. Not worried about him at all.

    What I remember was that Ray Elgaard just looked scary as it was. Handlebar mustache and a lot of bulk behind it. Kind of looked like a biker. I also remember he was 2 yards past the line of scrimmage at almost every snap.


    Bah. Just because your a pessimist doesn't mean you need to try and bring someone down to your level.. He's optimistic because we just had one of our best off seasons in a long time...

    Pessimistic attitudes get so much play on these forums at times.. Much depressing!


    20+ years of futility will do that to rational people.  Optimistic attitudes are helpful, but I just can't take the amount of medication required.  


    I don't know how you can drag yourself to work without optimism never mind invest time and and money on a sports team. 

  6. competition among the "National"s is one of the best things to see for the BB in a long time. I get a bit of a tear in my eye over it. Years ago some of the best players were Nationals. I hope those days come again and they should as there are more Canadians playing in the big time NCAA  all the time and the CIS seems to be improving in quality too.

  7. I think that what he's saying is that someone noticed something about someone at some point.  The end result made Kelownabomberfan happy.

    I think its great that somebody said something about somebody noticing somebody and somebody noticed somebody saying something and that somebody else is happy. That is some good times right there.






    And rightfully so. Rogers has built his empire by being aggressive but also by ignoring customers once they were lured on board. They have been rated the worst telecom company for customer service for several years in a row. This has been like an infected tooth for the CFL that has finally been pulled, but like dentistry, not without pain.

    I've been with Rogers for many years, but only because the only other option at the time was Telus, and I tried them and their network and service sucked even harder than Rogers, if that's possible. I should look at switching again. Anyone who poops on the CFL poops on me. And I don't like being pooped on.


    You may wish to consider Koodo- we've been with them for 6 years and have had excellent coverage and service when needed.



    Thanks for the tip.  Once the truth is known and it is indeed shown that Rogers is trying to kill the CFL, I am done.  No way am I supporting a business that has that kind of attitude.  NO WAY.


    Plus Koodo has really funny commercials.


    Isn't Koodo just owned by Telus? Telus are a bunch of assholes too, but but not as big as Rogers I suppose. Rogers are basically the devil. 


    My daughter's experience with both Telus and Rogers were epic bad. It made MTS seem OK and that is like a distortion of in the fabric of space time. 

  9. looks like the lions also offered their first rd pick for him as well

    this is from 3downnation report

    The club made an honest effort to secure DB Garrett Waggoner in Wednesday’s supplemental draft, offering up their first round pick in 2016, but Winnipeg swooped in with the same offer and won his services based on the fact they finished worse than the Lions in 2014. Waggoner had previously been on the Lions negotiation list.

    You shouldn't need other GM's to justify the decision but after the way Kelly and Mack went their own way it is good to know that other GM's saw something in this guy worth throwing all the chips to the center of the table.


    I know we shouldn't dwell on the past but the present is not good enough to make the future so enticing. But I am still getting excited about this season.



    Yup was posted earlier by someone, This is pretty crazy actually, at least 2 other teams bid a first round pick in 2016 for Waggoner.. Tells me the kid has some skills. Like this move by Walters lots actually.


    Our Canadian depth has improved vastly since Walters took over, it's really crazy to think where we were under Joe Mack even Canadian depth wise to now... Night and Day for real. 


    Also don't forget about the dark Mike Kelly year....  ugh completely destroyed our team...


    That was many years ago now, Kelly might have done some damage to the team but... Mack had a chance to fix it and didn't. Kelly had 1 year, Mack had what? 3.. this is walters what? 2nd? And for as much heat as this may get, I think Mike Kelly was quite misunderstood, yup he told it like it was, fans and media didn't like that but... reality is, if he was given 3 years like Mack was, my guess, the team is better off now than it was under Mack canadian depth wise at least...


    Can talk about Mike Kelly messing up all you want but his main man was John Murphy who is now in Calgary with Huff, Murphy knows his stuff, the 'database' was legit, just never got more than a year to see what it could do. 


    Sounds pretty reasonable. How did you get in here? You need to throw a wild ass accusation or pugnacious prognostication  to be liked you know. 


    Id like to see this guy stick for many reasons.. Local boy, actually has some decent skills, athletic enough to be a "gimmick" guy and would be cool to be one of the few to show willingness to give a canadian QB. Chance..


    He's from Regina... which last I checked doesn't qualify as local... also he has the skill to be an actual QB not just a gimmick guy like like we had a few years ago... what was that guy's name, Rustin Doltz? 


    Are you being grumpy or just a bit hungry? Maybe you should have a candy bar.

  12. I would guess that the 2 year contract represents some confidence on the agent's part. I also do not have a problem with that. If this guy is so good then we should know by 2 years and if BB are successful he will stay longer. 


    The important part is that he from BC not SK so no worries about running back to the the land of green after the first contract. 


    I liked the highlight parts where he ran down field for extra blocks and smacked guys on their butts. If this translates to the next level it will be fun. 

  13. I predict snow between now and December. I expect accolades when I'm proven correct. Mark my words.

    I was surprised to see the I told you so on something that was on April 9 that is a dog's age in Internet time. I can just imagine someone sitting in the dark with the quote on the screen day after day mumbling "Someday I will be proven right. Everyone will know my greatness" and then he quickly wipes the drool from the keyboard. 


    No offense intended.

  14. Just out of curiosity  how many sell-outs did we have last season? 2? 3? 


    Add a couple more sell-outs and a playoff game and yeah, they probably easily make 4.5 and don't have to dip in to a "rainy day fund". 

    That is so optimistic I think you are in the wrong forum.


    Actually I share your optimism both on the on the field performance and the financial end as well. If a half decent team is put together for a few years, the fans will fill the stands for years. I think there is a pretty good shot that the loan payments could be made without dipping into reserves in the future. Given how much taxpayer subsidies professional sports has taken all over North America over the years, I think the Bombers have been pretty responsible in the debt they are taking on. How much did the Lions pay for the new roof in Vancouver for example? 



    So what exactly has he been doing other than being Willard's kid and having a brother in the NHL?

    Tearing it up on the basketball court, apparently.


    That may be overstating his case. I have no doubt that pro basketball pays a lot better than the CFL with a lot less chance of being pancaked by a 300 lb lineman.


    There are many levels of "Pro" basketball with some being even less lucrative than the CFL. NBA salaries are very much the tip of the iceberg with only 450 players. I think having a 300  lb basketball center land on you after you both fall to a hardwood floor would be quite the painful experience although I would never equate football violence with basketball violence. Back in the early 1980's a roommate of mine went to France to play basketball for money. One of his teammates there played in the ABA . My roomate came back with little to show for his experience except some stories about French women.



    The kid's name is Tyrese Johnson-Fisher and he won the English Schools' Championships junior boys' 100 meter title with a time of 10.91 seconds. For a comparison, Brandon Banks' fastest high school 100 meter time was 10.42.

    And that's probably without any sprint technique.coaching.
    I doubt that. The school he goes to is a private school founded in 1584 and charges £30,000 (over $55,000 Cdn) a year. Their website says the Athletics section has 12 coaches and they bring in former Olympic and world champion calibre athletes as guest coaches.


    Is he on scholarship? If not he won't sniff at CFL money. That is serious money for secondary school, well to me, a coupon counting Winnipegger. 

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