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Fan Boy

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Posts posted by Fan Boy


    Bottom line, the NDP made them hire local, you hire people without relevant experience issues like this pop up. Thanks dippers!

    The general contractor, architect and engineering firm are all national companies.


    Don't let reality get in the way of a good political discussion.


    I see, it does make more sense now I suppose.

    Holding a grudge because Henry isn't on the Bomber's will never make sense to me though :)


    Ottawa entered week one of the season last year without any kickers on their roster.


    He's just really bad at his job.


    Is that true? I don't remember. How can that be? You mean no punters, no field goal kickers? There is a heck of a lot of kicking in CFL. Bad kicking sets a team back. 


    I hope that we don't put all of our eggs in one basket with Hurl at MLB. I see that as a critical position, and as much as I would love to see a Canuck MLB of the O'Shea grade emerge here, I would rather have a dominating import than a mediocre non-import.


    You're right about O'Shea being the ideal Mike.

    Wouldn't be great if Hurl could be the ideal Sam?


    Wow I like this.


    Glory hole has another meaning too.


    Really? Explain. ;)


    I think Rider fans are better at explaining that especially since they were the ones who used the term in the first place. Rider fans: Someone who has too much time on their hands and an internet connection. 



    Oh geez...get off your effing high horse. Hate him as a football player

    Your name insults the Bombers all-time leading scorer.

    If my high horse keeps me from sinking to that level, I'm fine staying up here.

    Like Jane Seymour says, if you keep an open heart, love will find it's way in.

    Haha don't forget that we Troy boy left as and continues to be loaded with sour grapes because of his cutting. He didn't know when to leave gracifully or with class. in today's league he would never have survived as long as he did. He was NEVER good. just limped along with a Canadian passport.

    Here's praying lirim stays healthy and shatters Westwoods numbers. He's already ten times the kicker.


    The man deserves a capital L. I haven't felt so good about a 

    Bomber kicker for a long time. Not sure what that says about me or the teams the Bombers have had for a while.  




    I agree with Mike, seems like great competition for SAM. Wonder what happens with Unamba though if we get Sears Back.


    He fights to keep his position... nothing wrong with a little competition... being a ST ace also works in Unamba's favour 



    And he played WIL last year, so maybe he can play both sides.  Great use of a DI if he can back up both positions and be a monster on special teams.



    Maybe he's even been asked to put on a few pounds to patrol the middle and solve two problems at once.

    Unumba - the new #1.


    Unumba 1 Unamba 1.


    It is a long time until June. 




    Three phases to a football game: offense, defense and special teams. 


    If, as a team, you've given up a TD in overtime it means you've ceded the entire length of the field.   You want a chance to win?  Go play defense and get the ball back.  Hell, hold the other team to a field goal and get the ball back.  Don't expect a shot if you completely **** the bed at the most inopportune time.   The Packers had a chance to get off the field.  They had Seattle 3rd and 7 .. a favourable down and distance .. and a situation where GB had been dictating play most of the afternoon.   Instead they gave up back to back 35 yard bombs for a score.


    The rule is fine as it is.

    The rule is the dumbest in pro sports. If Seattle's defense is so good then let them try to stop Green Bay & truly walk off the field as champions. The coin toss won this game. 




    I can't think of another sporting circumstance where the opposing team, in a competition, isn't allowed to complete the game…that will ultimately decide the outcome for a championship, other than who won the coin toss….

    That is house league.


    ******* Goodell. Too bad a car doesn't run the ahole over. 


    I agree that rule sucks. So do some other rules. I hardly watched any NFL this past year. I see an uncatchable kickoff and just feel so disgusted I turned off the TV. The fair catch was bad enough but that kick off placement is stupid. 


    I get ribbing from some people for enjoying CFL when the best players go play in NFL. These people criticize the number of teams, the lack of continuity for the team rosters although the NFL is getting more volatile that way. I am sure all of you get the same stuff. I just prefer the rules of CFL. it is mind boggling how much money the NFL stars make (well at least the published amounts - whether they actually get it is another question). Isn't ther player in NFL tath make as much as all salary caps in CFL combined. Ouch.  


    If Goodell was run over the car would slide off the road. He is the greasiest executive ever. You can just watch his brain formulating the evasions and lies everytime he speaks. He probably practices lying in the mirror every morning before breakfast.

  8. I think we will only sign 2 or maybe 3 FA's this year and Picard is one of them.  That means just one or two more.  


    I'm hoping for another NI OL upgrade.  Heenan would be my, and everyone else's, first choice.  If we got no one else in FA, I'd still be very happy.  Holmes would be my second choice.  


    Although I don't like to use Free Agency for imports, I'd spend on Stanley Bryant as he'd be a huge upgrade for our O line and he can play either tackle spot.


    Donny O for the right price and Chris Rwabukamba would also be on my radar.  

    Is Donny O that good or is that a reverse home town discount? I know he is or was a big boy. I had brunch with him when he played for the bombers and he really filled out a sweater. But is he really that good of a player? 



    A "golden" memory for me was taking my first piss in one of the trough urinals at Winnipeg Stadium when I was 8. Splash back was a ***** though when you're 3'-6".

    The guy who bought those urinals and installed them in his garage sure must be loving life these days.



    Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing the tax return has a checkmark next to "single".


    with a "forever" pencilled in.


    A "golden" memory for me was taking my first piss in one of the trough urinals at Winnipeg Stadium when I was 8. Splash back was a ***** though when you're 3'-6".

    The guy who bought those urinals and installed them in his garage sure must be loving life these days.


    How big was the garage? Those troughs were endless foamy things. And what would you do with those things in the garage. I am not sure I even want to know. 



    Eskimos shave Hugh O'Neill from their roster.


    Interest in him should be next to nothing.



    BREAKING: #Esks Release K/P Hugh O'Neill





    Ottawa had an import doing both kicking jobs who had the worst accuracy in the league (remember the outcry when we cut him?).  Obviously the whole kicking debacle leading up to Ottawa's first game is yet another of the many examples of Desjardins being the worst GM in the league, but if someone talks enough sense into him, he may see the light in having lousy kicking numbers coming from a NI instead of an import.


    So there is one place that might be interested.


    You know our current kicker makes me forget the last couple of place kickers. LA LA LA. "NI"? isn't that passe. 



    Sure doesn't look like the presentation was any reason to delay the announcement.

    Couldn't take my eyes off that stain in the ceiling long enough to pay attention to what Richie was saying. Confidentially I think Richie has a problem with his plumbing.

    That or he has a bad habit of going to the bathroom on the ceiling.



    How are we sure If that video was not taken from one of the office in IGF?



    Because he said he was coming to Winnipeg next week. How do we know he wasn't in his office at Mosaic? 

  13. I know we are not voting on anything here but I vote for maximizing spending on O line. Receivers and running backs are almost like something you can get in a vending machine. Good O linemen are like the wine you have to age in a handcrafted barrel. They have to have the right body... be aged just so. The analogy breaks down when you start talking about the fragrance. 


    If we already have some money tied up in receivers I would go to the "look for a young guy to grow into the star" mode. You know the receivers won't see the ball if the quarterback doesn't get a chance to throw so until O-line is a strength, you have to work on that. A salary cap prevents getting the best in everything so you have to prioritize.


    I kind of like the D line to be like the O-line. Unstoppable and unmovable. In CFL skill positions are easier to fill I think. With so many football schools and so many guys too small to get a break in NFL outright, the CFL can be an audition. Every CFL guy that goes to the NFL is an ad for the CFL and there are way more guys who want to go than can go. 


    Please note that I have no expertise and the least possible amount of playing experience. (9 man rural football although it worked out OK for some people) 

  14. Did I miss something? You are all talking like Heenan is gone. Aren't you guys a couple of weeks premature? Or is Lawless now Heenan's agent and the deal is done already but the Bombers are waiting for a good time to announce? Like after Heenan is an actual free agent.


    We all enjoy green sweat but Heenan might just be pushing up the price with intentions of re signing anyway. 



    Sad fact is Carl Lewis cheated. Difference was he was never caught & Johnson was.


    They all cheat -- so in that respect, "cheating" isn't really cheating, it's keeping up!


    That's the sad fact but Lewis was looked on in America as a superstar & a hero. It's really too bad he was never caught. 


    I thought Lewis was more a steroid user based on the acne. But You did get some part right. Being an american hero helps. I remember the Ben Johnson time very well. 2 american femaie runners tested positive on sample A but not on sample B tested later. Sample A and B came from the same jar of pee so bad lab right? Also Ben Johnson fully admitted using steroids like the rest but also used the masking substances like the rest as well. He blames a spiked drink on an athlete who was not supposed to be in the testing lounge but was for some reason. With the big bucks involved back then i don't doubt this kind of tampering could have gone on at a personal level not necessarily at a governmental level. 


    Sorry to have started this so far off the topic. I really think the steroid danger is overplayed. Many more people will die from texting than steroids though it is sad that many kids will risk long term health problems for the tiny chance of athletic success.

  16. average:  a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number.


    The average fan does not check this site multiple times a day and obsess over coaches and announcements.  The obsessive or hard core fan does.  Face it, those of us that obsess at sites like this are not “normal”.  And there is nothing wrong with that.


    The Bombers know that they don’t have to try very hard to get the attention and money of the hard core fan.  They do have to try harder to get to the average fan.  This is why announcements in the off season are often strategically scheduled to get the Bombers name out into the news at regular times, and not necessarily the minute a signing is a done deal.


    It doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate the hard core fan or are trying to upset them.  They are just doing what a smart organization does to remain in the conscience of a wider fan base.  


    And yes, those people are real fans.  They spend money on season tickets and merchandise just like hard core fans else (maybe not as much on a per fan basis, but they spend more money as a group).  If the only fan this organization had was the hard core fan, it wouldn't be an organization for long.

    Wow logic again. How did you find your way here? 






    ...and hopefully having Zach Anderson healthy. Saw him mentioning on Twitter the other day that he's basically 100% and has been running like a bastard to get into cardio shape for the season. A healthy ZA helps a lot in 2015...

    Anderson said he *should* be ready for the first game of the season. My bet is he misses some regular season games this year.
    wow, dont go out on any ledges with that prediction lol. pretty sure odds are good you could throw darts at the roster and that player would miss time sometime this season.
    I meant he misses games to start the season because of not being fully recovered from his ACL injury.


    I think you are forgetting that football players heal much faster than regular people. I think it has something to do with their diet and exercise ...


    and stuff.





    *cough* growth hormone *cough* 


    Thanks for editing it to give the proper emphasis.  I have much to learn. I know that ACL is not an injury that can be rushed. Just jokes. It is amazing how much trouble turf toe is - I am hoping more from Vega this year too. 




    ...and hopefully having Zach Anderson healthy. Saw him mentioning on Twitter the other day that he's basically 100% and has been running like a bastard to get into cardio shape for the season. A healthy ZA helps a lot in 2015...

    Anderson said he *should* be ready for the first game of the season. My bet is he misses some regular season games this year.
    wow, dont go out on any ledges with that prediction lol. pretty sure odds are good you could throw darts at the roster and that player would miss time sometime this season.
    I meant he misses games to start the season because of not being fully recovered from his ACL injury.


    I think you are forgetting that football players heal much faster than regular people. I think it has something to do with their diet and exercise and stuff.

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