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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. well this slipped past me https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/childrens/childrens-authors/article/82566-obituary-betsy-byars.html
  2. well I just found out the the students are getting the time off and not the staff(except for Spring Break), well that's fine....as long as I don't get sick over the weekend (but what am I worried about I'm 30 years old and I have no pre-existing conditions)
  3. man....everytime I refresh my social media feed something is cancelled, even the Teddy Bears Picnic is now cancelled, even though it normally occurs in May, and it was there I realized that the Children's Hospital Book Market will probably be effected too Now I'm waiting and wondering if and when school divisions will be closed, I mean I wanted time off but not like this
  4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-fire-station-coronavirus-covid-19-1.5495326?fbclid=IwAR02uA-YtRr1mtVWgfhSr5QHC-4uaNKL8utC3xUcDiWpi1E8NGQYRmFtiro they are no longer in quarantine
  5. I stand by the previous comment I made earlier today that I hope everyone recovers
  6. well now I have no reason to stay up late on saturday
  7. why don't they just do it the way that the Golden Globe awards did in 2008 when the ceremony was cancelled due to a writer's strike, they kind of did it in the form of an hour long press conference
  8. f*** but I don't have any pre-existing conditions to worry about, and I haven't been overseas anywhere in my life (I've only been as far west as Kelowna, as far east as Kenora, as far north as Yellowknife and as far south as Rapid City, SD) I hope the woman effected recovers because they keep saying the death rate is like 2 percent
  9. several NBA teams are in self quarantine for 14 days including Toronto (and oh btw they clinched a playoff berth....a part of me is feeling MLB 94 vibes.....but except here the reason is different)
  10. No score after one and there it goes
  11. ugh I hate this stupid virus why can't it go away like the zika virus did
  12. https://deadline.com/2020/03/station-19-renewed-season-4-by-abc-1202879718/
  13. https://deadline.com/2020/03/harvey-weinstein-prison-sentence-jail-rape-sexual-assault-1202878583/ he's been sentenced to 23 years in jail
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