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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. I dont think anyone has any b interest in vacating the top spot. I know I am not... Also, I prefer to sit atop the mountain look back at the climb to here and enjoy the view from here. I am not interested in flinging **** downwards. Lol But yeah, 30 years of people laughing and pointing and "unfinished business part 11" and blah blah... yeah, I can see why lots of people have a bag of "**** yous" to hand out.
  2. Nah, I am done shitting needlessly on lesser teams... Back to back Grey Cups, what is it 30 wins and 4 losses in 2 seasons, speaks volumes.
  3. WHo's chad kelly? And should I really waste my time googling it instead of posting this.
  4. My Guess... missile was probably fired from Belarus. Curious to see what happens now. Invoke NATO article 4- discuss what measures are to be taken... NATO goes to war with... Belarus?
  5. Yup- Really dig the kid and wish him success, unbound (except against us- he can go to hell when he plays against us).
  6. gauging his production... he went home in June.
  7. O'Shea > entire argos organization. Every. Damn. Time. I feel like that "My dad can beat up your dad." kid right now...
  8. Thought experiment: If this actually happened: would he be FI or FO?
  9. You continue with your hours, days and your months- My years are counted in Grey Cups now...
  10. We know what attributes O'Shea values in players, just look at the common traits all the Bombers share... cofaj has none of that. Just look at the way the Bombers interview- sure there is a little bit of the "me" and "I" but it is always about the team. Look at cofaj's interviews in the last 5 months... cofaj is more FO than FI. ALso... cofaj just sucks. Like, bad. I do appreciate what you are trying to say about the buy-in to the locker room culture, I just feel that cofaj is not a good fit.
  11. I was surprised that cofaj didn't have an NFL out clause in his most recent contract... he might have been able to get in earlier. hehe... cofaj.
  12. Here is a larger pic of the one I posted earlier, better context:
  13. I think stuff still happens behind the scenes and such- it's just that there are no official announcements during GC week. This news is hearsay and leaked stuff... I haven;t seen any official announcement about it.
  14. 14 point swing... if we lose this game.. that **** assed call looms huge
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