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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Not really understanding your point here. You claim media isn't reporting on the voting irregularities, yet post links to the media reporting on voting irregularities. I think it has less "legs" because it is now passe news... the election is done and this is all just tying up loose ends. If this would have happened before Nov. 8th - there would be a ****-load of coverage on this, I assure you. Outrage from the Progressives over the grandstanding or use of the EC to try and block Obama would totally be expected. It's "their" Guy, just like the opposite would hold true: See, it all depends on where you sit politically. To be fair- in both examples (as ****** up of a control function the EC is) if the EC chooses "to vote their conscience" it is totally democratic and is EXACTLY how the EC was intended. As for the Kellie Leitch's speech impediment and comparin git to Trump making fun of Serge Kovaleski's disability... Not sure if trolling here,but here we go... One can not compare the two. That is just stupid. This Hour Has 22 Minutes is by definition: "a weekly Canadian television comedy that airs on CBC Television. Launched in 1993 during Canada's 35th general election, the show focuses on Canadian politics, combining news parody, sketch comedy and satirical editorials. Originally featuring Cathy Jones, Rick Mercer, Greg Thomey and Mary Walsh, the series featured satirical sketches of the weekly news and Canadian political events. The show's format is a mock news program, intercut with comic sketches, parody commercials and humorous interviews of public figures." On the Other Hand Donald J. Trump was running for his National Political Party's Nomination to run for the U.S. Presidency- agueably the most powerful and influential position in the entire world... Let's go over that again if anyone has missed out on my nuanced take here... 22 Minutes: Comedy Show / Donald Trump: Running for POTUS. one of these is expected to make fun of people, one is expected to elevate and help people. One is (or should be) clearly held to a higher degree of standards.
  2. Also... rigged is not what Obama said. Influenced is what he said. HUGE difference.
  3. Obama care suffered greatly and became a bastardized version of health care when Obama, under pressure from the insurance lobby to drop the government provided insurer... now it just a license for the insurance business to print money. If they had a government insurance provider... Obamacare would have flourished. **** Trump- all you have to do is look at his appointments and see he is basically hiring people that will destroy their respective agencies... brick through window indeed. The next four years is going to be about making Trump making himself richer and more powerful- everything else is just a by-product of Trump getting richer.
  4. To dismiss all the above as having no bearing on the election is just plain ignorant. All the above played a part in his election. Yes- many people voted for the brick through the Window of the establishment, there is no disputing that. What is going to be ******* fascinating and scary to watch unfold, is what the brick thrower's reaction when they realize that many family, friends and people close to them are actually behind that glass and the fallout is going to be epic.
  5. Your post about Trudeau are not upsetting people, it's your political discourse and how you present and frame your argument (or lack-thereof) is what gets people upset. For example: Yet, you were complaining bitterly about JT well before he did anything... it's the unbridled hypocrisy in your posting history that gets people all in a tizzy and wondering if you are hard core trolling...
  6. Oddly enough... The hype train has left the station for me on this one...
  7. Trump is not insane- he is just out of touch, arrogant and has his own agenda.
  8. I like the Stienauer choice, but only if Noel Thorpe is not available. I like his D's
  9. I don't get it. I am not a huge JT supporter... but I don't see him as "an immature man-child who can't hold his emotions in check." Please elaborate- because the only immature man-child who can't hold his emotions in check was Mulcair and Bourassa. If anything, JT was more of the parent... or teacher type in that exchange. And in him taking an MP by the arm and ushering him to make a vote instead of the lolly-gagging and "oh... I can't simply walk around to make my vote", I thought that would resonate with your strongman fantasies.
  10. Yes, JT is a tool- what's your point? My Point was: Harper was a terrible PM. Not JT>SH. We will see what JT has accomplished at the end of his run.
  11. Bullshit- never did he say "that Muslims were going to be put into internment camps". quote please. I find it funny that you denounce Van Jones for perceived fear mongering, but are silent about.... the entire trump campaign and everything after his win. Hypocrisy? I think if you approach what Van Jones has to say with an open mind you will realize that he has some very good points. He totally understands why Trump won.
  12. Not sure if serious or hyper-escalating hyperbole... Regressives are actually affected by the shitty PM and his policies and attitudes as are their neighbors and community. Progressives are actually removed from the Castro situation and don't really understand the brutality of his presidency. The two situations are very different and should not be treated as equal.
  13. So.. Trudeau sr. = Castro? or are you using evil a bit too randomly?
  14. http://www.thecomedynetwork.ca/shows/thedailyshow?vid=1010108 Pretty good inteview- I think I will watch the CNN special.
  15. He was a top notch bully- shitty Prime Minister though. Really unsure how the regressive conservatives reconciled their loss of freedoms and privacy while supporting the bloating of the government under Harper's "watch".
  16. I think you missed the the entire aspect of satire and political commentary there
  17. Well, racist is racist- there is a definition. Definition of racism 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principlesb : a political or social system founded on racism 3: racial prejudice or discrimination I can understand, not condone, why a person's house got burned down because of who they voted for- two very different things.
  18. Alt-Right is: The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States. It has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, as well as by opposition to multiculturalism and immigration. It's not name calling, it's actually less derogatory than calling someone "Leftist". It's a political mindset. And no, I don't have a hard time accepting that other people have a different view, they do and I am free to disagree as they are with me.
  19. My apologies, I had no idea that the notion of inclusion is foreign to your Alt-Right ideology. I will try to refrain from such assumptions in the future. Being inclusive is to incorporate ALL of the people, not to marginalise/exclude a group of people based on faith, race, belief and so forth. It is not so much Political correctness as a good ideology for building a decent, just and equal society for everybody. And yeah, people should not be surprised that they are targeted for crimes because of their faith, race, belief, who they support and so forth. Are these actions deplorable, hell yeah. Do I agree with these crimes- **** NO! I do not. Do I understand why they happen- yes I do. It is directly related to this divisive campaign where the "US vs Them" mantra was repeated over and over until it is ingrained into the social consciousness. It's like the united states turned into a crowd at a Manchester vs Liverpool soccer match. So yeah, there will be an uptick in violence based on the divisive rhetoric from the primaries and the presidential campaign. I am not surprised and no one else should be either.
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