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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. This is a prime example of what is wrong with the republican party. The frightening aspect of all this... The Republicans control 3/3 branches of the Government. I weep for our neighbours to the south. http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/07/politics/sean-duffy-white-terrorism-cnntv/index.html
  2. If they are blatant lies, so be it. Thi sadministration needs to stop it's dangerous attack on the 4th estate and the people better start demanding they stop or else there will be very little in the way of holding thi sadministration accountable.
  3. Aaaand the first stepping stone to Privatisation of MB Hydo: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-hydro-sandy-riley-rate-increases-1.3970470
  4. And just to confirm what most already know: http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/07/politics/kfile-gorka-on-fake-news/index.html This is so frightening - I hope there is going to be litigation action every time they claim fake news when in fact it is not. Sue the shit out of the Administration.
  5. I was almost in tears... it was so awesome.
  6. Yup, those Executive orders are thoroughly vetted to weed out any possible issues... Fucking amateur clown hour... http://money.cnn.com/2017/02/06/news/companies/trump-faa-air-safety/index.html President Donald Trump's executive directive to restrict or postpone new government regulations for 60 days has hampered the ability of the Federal Aviation Administration to issue safety orders about aircraft. The instructions, known as "airworthiness directives," are issued frequently, and formalize mandated inspections or modifications to correct unsafe conditions on U.S. aircraft. The stalled directives do not mean that airlines and aircraft operators are unaware of serious safety problems. The directives are typically the last step in the safety regulatory process. The aircraft operators first receive manufacturer bulletins about the problems, but in some instances wait for final FAA notices to act, according to two industry officials.
  7. I don't like to post consecutively multiple times, but this is really brilliant: SNL Spicer skit
  8. I wonder if this is true, that most of the world views the USA as such? http://www.capitalbay.news/politics/1117851-outrage-as-der-spiegel-publishes-shock-trump-cover.html
  9. I am not going to post the image, but it was the village magazine that had the Trump in cross-hair pics. If you need to verify- google is your friend. Now I wait for the Milo HateSpeechWarriors to come defend the Village Mag's right to free-speech and denounce the backlash it is causing. Aaaand just for fun:
  10. Better than Dilbert https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/02/everyone-has-a-right-to-free-speech-even-milo/515565/
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/04/opinions/donald-trumps-most-bone-chilling-tweet-obeidallah-opinion/index.html
  12. True... I wonder though, is it going to be a Comedy, Drama, Tragedy or one those dystopian - post apocalyptic action adventure flicks (think Madmax)
  13. Make sense when you take into account Bannon is a Leninist
  14. Yeah, I don't think so. #alternativefacts
  15. Aaaaand Pow! http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-immigration-executive-order-visas-muslim-countries-1.3966482 Judge temporarily blocks Trump immigration order nationwide Washington state lawsuit says key sections of Trump's order are illegal and unconstitutional The Associated Press Posted: Feb 03, 2017 4:25 PM ET Last Updated: Feb 03, 2017 8:00 PM ET
  16. As a half-hearted JT supporter, This really makes me angry. He needs to make good on his promise of Electoral reform.
  17. That's a stretch... but I will concede your point. I just think it is dangerous to focus on his enlarged Prostate and hair when you have things like: -Muslim Ban -Threats to China over south china sea -Contentious relationships with world powers -Handling of Yemen Raid -Alternative facts -Muzzling of Scientists and government agencies -Changing the Countering Violent Extremism (CSV) program to focus solely on Extremist Islam whilst cutting White Supremacy from that program. - The clear and obvious attempt to undermine, de-legitimize and dismantle the 4th estate. - Staffing Agencies with people that ideologically opposed to the very thing they are there to Protect and are there to explicitly dismantle and destroy the very thing the agency is meant to protect! And I could go on... We should differentiate Trump news... 1) Celebutard type news 2) News that affects the world with potentially catastrophic consequences... 'Cuz if we don't, I think we will run the risk of normalizing the gigantic blunders and aggrandizing the innocuous slights of the Trump
  18. Agreed, I don't see how this falls under US politics- for all his failings as a politician and a human, this is not really... much of anything. If anything it serves to undermine the seriousness of his transgressions and failings as POTUS by making this a "News item". Uhg... so that's what it feels like defending an Angry, cheeto-hued, thin-skinned, small-handed, Man-baby... time for a silkwood shower...
  19. I am waiting for the complete cabinet and then I will draw my conclusion. But so far... Ewwwww
  20. How was she stunned? She didn't freeze or anything... she was shouted down by Maria and many occasions... My favorite is at 2:00 when she is shouting "WOO HOO... WOO HOO Christine! " while she was continuing her explaination to Maria... it was bizarre... Watch it again without the Regressive tinted glasses- be objective and you will see that it is a terrible way to conduct an interview.
  21. What is the reason for posting this video? How not to conduct an interview? How to shout over your guest when they are not playing into your narrative? How to be crazy rude to the person you are interviewing? How to cut off someone trying to explain something complex? To show us what a shitty tv journalist Maria Bartiromo is?
  22. Man! Stop shoving your PC guilt down my throat man! Take your Social Justice Warrior routine down to the hippy commune!
  23. That is not what is being argued. Stay on point.
  24. Kelly Leitch does not have a disability... Serge Kovaleski has arthrogryposis. KL was mocked by a political satirical show. SK was mocked by the PEOTUS. Anyone equating the the two even remotely are just ignorant and frankly, stupid. Also, the lack of complaints about the 22 minute bit probably lies in the universally accepted notion that in political satire... *GASP* political figures are parodied... So, you should take that comment back.
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