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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Funny... You are technically correct yet nobody refers to it as the 2015 election. Everyone refers to it as the 2016 election. I'll stick to 2016 so there is no confusion.
  2. I do want to mention that the scene with Tyrion and Jamie was awesome.
  3. All Democrats are bad at math now? How So?
  4. No. I'm not your huckleberry. That was someone else you are trying picking a fight with today.
  5. So... She won the popular vote... yet is more unpopular than trump? You lost me.
  6. I think there were traps set all over King's landing - the puffs of green wild fire occasionally went off - i think those were there for when the forces went in on foot. I think she was undone when Drogon just torched EVERYTHING... not much you can do against that once the scorpions were taken out. I thought it was great to see that Cersi was unable to do ANYTHING... it lent to the narrative of Danny's brutality.
  7. Cuz hate speech is protected by the first amendment? And I personally don't think it should be.
  8. Well ****- looky what's going on in trump country... https://www.politico.com/story/2019/05/11/warren-west-virginia-2020-1317611 Liz Warren- so awesome. Dems need to follow her lead... she's for impeachment and is still able to get the Democratic messaging out on making things work for the poor and middle class... it's like walking and chewing bubble gum for her.
  9. First off. I have never seen hate speech on these forums- I mainly credit the posters on this forum for that (classy folks that you guys are) And to the mods for clearing up the occasional one that gets thrown out there. And secondly ewwww no- Johnathan Pie is an ******* who makes excuses for people to be assholes, no thanks. He's vile. He's.... the opposite of a virtue signaller ... a vice-signaller.
  10. "Freedom of expression in Canada is not absolute; Section 1 of the Charter allows the government to pass laws that limit free expression so long as the limits are reasonable and can be justified in a free and democratic society." Yeah, you can't just say anything here in Canada. Hate speech is not free speech. not saying you are spouting hate speech- just saying we don't enshrine free speech like the USA does. and Yeah, that's the thing no one does have to listen to stuff I don't agree with. one can say whatever They want (to a certain extent) but another does not have to listen to it.
  11. Do they regret their choice? Honest Question. I remember telling my Co-worker a few days before the election that trump had an really good chance at winning... He thought I was crazy. I simply pointed out to the fact MANY people would be voting while holding their noses (for both candidates), I reminded him of how popular Bernie is and why people wanted to vote for him- change from the establishment. I then pointed out trump was a bizzaaro world version of 2016's version of Hope and Change... Hope he doesn't **** up too much and go for Change. I don't think Canada would be so ******* stupid.... I would hope we learned from that cheeto hued wanna-b-dictator and the constitutional criss they are in now... but man, I have no faith in the Canadian voters... they voted in Doug Ford...
  12. Interesting study: https://www.voterstudygroup.org/publication/two-years-in
  13. Framed that way- yeah, you are right. Unfortunately- it's not as simple as that. Sure, they can be seen in many ways, but here's the thing:Tariffs are ALWAYS passed on to the consumer- as soon as people understand that, they might be so on board the "Tariff-Man's" tax train. Also, you haven't mentioned any polices enacted by this administration has overwhelmingly benefited the poor and middle class? If you can't think of one, that's cool, because neither can I... the only one (and it is a BIG STRETCH) is the criminal justice bill ( I will totally give trump credit for him not ******* that one up). It doesn't directly benefit the poor and middle class in their pocket books, but it totally will in the long run and through peripheral effects. Hopefully lower tax burden going to the legal system, the socio-economics of imprisonment of young men and the effects on their families.... Other than that... I can't think of one single policy that this administration has done that benefit's the poor and middle class of U.S. citizens.
  14. He is, but there is some merit to what he says. If you ignore all the inflammatory rhetoric, you'll see he does make some good points. If all trump does is campaign on the strong economy (whether it is his doing or not is moot) he could quite possibly win again. The question though is... can he just keep his campaigning to the economy...? The past strongly suggests no...
  15. What polices enacted by this administration has overwhelmingly benefited the poor and middle class? I don't think "owning the libtards" is a policy.
  16. What polices enacted by this administration has overwhelmingly benefited the poor and middle class? Let me know. Cuz He should be campaigning on that.
  17. That is awesome. I think it's one of those props they hung in the Odeon theatres
  18. They did in 2018 when he was a proven malignant narcisistic liar.
  19. Lol an ethics centered election? That would be a ******* dream for democrats.
  20. She would be my pick- she seems to have an actual (and feasible) plan for ALL of her campaign promises. I think she could take on trump. Once that "Pocahontas" talking point was taken out of his arsenal, she would wipe the floor with him.
  21. Finally! Someone in the administration finally admits how tariffs actually work. It is so dishonest to claim that the USA is making money off of China through tariffs....
  22. Who is virtue signaling? And how are they "virtue-signalling"? are you using the term correctly or pejoratively?
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