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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. notricks is nothing but tricks though. if these are your sources for information on climate crisis, then yeah I understand your skepticism- that is exactly what those sites are supposed to do and are funded to do. You've been had, man- sorry to say. I totally understand where you are coming from now.
  2. No one insults you for having a differing opinion, so please stop with that.
  3. That is no better- that is a known climate misinformation dispenser, heavily funded by oil and gas companies. In fact it is worse than notrick- because it is much better funded and much looser with their science "facts"
  4. Why do you keep posting articles from that website. It has been thoroughly discredited. Try something less... shitty. Its a **** site.
  5. You just reiterated what Week left posted. "In summary, the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years ago, was generally warmer than today, but only in summer and only in the northern hemisphere. More over, we clearly know the cause of this natural warming, and know without doubt that this proven “astronomical” climate forcing mechanism cannot be responsible for the warming over the last 100 years."
  6. Looks like Warren did well and Beto bombed. Good. I think Beto would have been a good replacement for Ted Cruz. I feel that he shouldn't be in the race for POTUS though... he has no concrete plans and seems to go on feelings. Good showing by Booker though. A Warren/Booker 2020 ticket would be pretty good and hit all the strategic boxes too.
  7. By all accounts Kito was a stud and easily a top three pick in the regular draft. I don't blame Joe Mack for taking him- it was a smart pick at the time.
  8. Looks very possible for Warren... awesome. I am pretty stoked to see the Democrats debate- we will finally get some answers to who is a contender and who are the pretenders.
  9. Aw ****! it's ******* wednesday.... Ugh- here I thought it was Thursday. Well... my week just got longer- hate that. Bye-weeks are THE WORST.
  10. Tarsky works better me thinks Tarsky and Hecht... as someone pointed out earlier.
  11. Well, this has been going on for awhile... have they fixed the ambulance problem? https://globalnews.ca/news/3945798/health-officials-downplay-row-of-ambulances-outside-winnipeg-hospital/
  12. As an aside, it’s worth noting that even if the Holocene had been as warm as or warmer than today, it would do nothing to undermine the theories and data that indicate today’s warming is rapid and anthropogenic. That is a wonderful link- thanks for that. I guess that will be my source when a poster links a dubious study or uses a study for misrepresenting facts.
  13. So what is your point? You posted two studies, what are you trying to show people Here? Not trying to be obtuse Here, but I am not sure what you are trying to show us.
  14. I am sure they will... just not nearly as many as the shmoes will.
  15. This is being driven ideologically- it was poorly planned, poorly executed and there are still a tremendous amount of problems yet they double down and push it through... It is people's health and lives, perhaps see what needs to be changed and ADD SOME RESOURCES. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/wrhas-chief-medical-officer-fall-guy-for-blundered-er-consolidation-expert-says-511263552.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/st-boniface-doctor-er-1.5177392 People being turned away from StBER? when has a hospital turned people away? Gotta give them credit for trying? They took a non-ideal situation and ****** it up beyond anything acceptable and people are dying because of it. yeah. good on them for trying... ******* incompetent, ideologically driven forays into people's health care and endangering the lives of people seeking care... sure... that's the credit they deserve. Bravo Premier Lurch. Bravo.
  16. I stand corrected- I thought it was the same "issues" china had with canola shipments from Canada.
  17. Oh nice... more retaliatory trade shenanigans
  18. This on top of Hydro and healthcare... if there was a competent alternative- these assholes would be voted out so fast.
  19. Out of the three scenarios listed... sadly I think it is the one you are talking about... that is ******* crazy.
  20. Damn. That Shmoe d-line destroyed Reilly to the point he developed "Area-specific Alopecia"
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