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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. If I were either of them, I would say, "you're full of ****, show me where this is the case or shut the **** up". the onus always rest on the person making the assertion. Also, I am not defending Tracker's statements in any way- just saying that knee jerk reaction is not always the best way to go. Ok, that is a bold statement with a very large brush to paint the entire police apparatus we have here- what are you basing this on?
  2. to be fair neither @Brandon or @Tracker provided any evidence to back up their respective statements.
  3. Covid Rips through India... Get Vaccinated, wear a mask and maintain physical distancing.
  4. I don't know about buying Microsoft products, but after I got my shot, I went out and got a tattoo.
  5. Wow, I am really surprised to see guilty on Murder 2 and Murder 3. Manslaughter was a given. Nice to see justice prevailing. Just remember... if not for Darnella Frazier hitting record on her phone- this is how it would have gone down officially:
  6. Wait Wait wait wait.... so... you're telling me that Don jr. is not a legit New York Times best seller? That he cheated? You're full of ****! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜
  7. I know! I've been walking round all day like:
  8. Oh boy- here we go... let's hope justice prevails:
  9. They should have Mobile units with the vaccines that only require refrigeration. Get the shots TO the schools and have a quick morning/afternoon vaccine session. Teachers NEED to be vaccinated before the transmission in classrooms becomes a huge problem because of the variant.
  10. Ugh, finally. Someone needed to point out that these GQP members criticizing other party members have NO credibility because of their own mess.
  11. Yeah me too. I just wanted an excuse to post Tyrone.
  12. Oh no, over 200 new cases...
  13. Wife and I just got the shot. I am ecstatic. Astrazeneca from local Pharmacy. The dude at Regent Park Pharmacy was awesome. He walked us through everything, assuaged my Wife's and my own concerns. Told us what to expect and what to watch out for. Darrel is awesome!
  14. Here is a handy poster of the new variants
  15. That's good, but much more needs to be done.
  16. So... vaccine hesitancy seems to be an issue with the vaccine rollout. Has anyone seen any sort of campaign to reduce the hesitancy? I haven't seen any. If that's the case that is a huge failure in the roll out... and needs to be addressed.
  17. From what I have read, it works well against The UK variant and the P1 variant in terms of transmissibility and mild to severe symptoms. The south African variant is where things get dicey. it has a 10,9 % efficacy in preventing mild to moderate symptoms. The good news is, so far it has a track record of 100% efficacy against SEVERE symptoms. ANd that is kind of what we want to do... take the shot so we don't die. Sure there are concerns, but the benefits FAR outweigh the miniscule chance of clots. https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-56665396 Handy little chart here: Here are few more articles: https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-blood-clot/ https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca-benefits-still-outweigh-risks-despite-possible-link-rare-blood-clots
  18. Regent Park Pharmacy has two appointments open this afternoon. Regent Ave W, Winnipeg, MB R2C 1S3 Phone: (204) 222-3257
  19. Just got an appointment for my Wife and myself for tomorrow morning. Called the pharmacy.
  20. Did you call or use the online appointment?
  21. Most police officers and support still want to do good. Are good people. The issue is that "Blue Line", there needs to be systemic change. First off, they need to redivert funds for the police- basically unbundling the police. Take the burden of councilor, social worker and so on, off of policing duties and refocus on where actual police duties need to be. here is a great article on "unbundling the police" https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/unbundle-police/612913/ โ€œTwo questions that could guide the reform movement are โ€˜What is it that police actually do?โ€™ and โ€˜Why do we need armed police to do it?โ€™โ€ says Patrick Sharkey, a Princeton sociologist. Sharkey is no police-hating radical. He has worked with commissioners across the country, and his research has shown that targeted policing can be effective in reducing crime, especially in the most violent neighborhoods. But he thinks communities ought to experiment with alternative models to policing. โ€œPolice presence can reduce violence, but there are lots of other things that reduce violence, too. Business improvement districts reduce violence. University security organizations reduce violence. Itโ€™s possible that relying on police isnโ€™t as necessary as we once thought, and that we might even have safer communities without many of them.โ€
  22. I totally agree with this being the case.
  23. Good for them. I hope we are soon behind.
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