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Everything posted by BomberBall

  1. This team is an absolute mess. A coaching change is needed; there’s no doubt.
  2. Yeah, I don't think I would have called him up either, but he's up and I'd let him play over Bourque.
  3. Looks like tonight's lines will be: Connor-Scheifele-Laine Ehlers-Wheeler-Roslovic Perreault-Copp-Appleton Bourque-Shore-Harkins I actually think that's better than what we've had recently, aside from Lowry, of course. I'd also dump Bourque and play Vesa, but it's not surpising Bourque is in there to get another 4 minutes. I'd also like to see Harkins get a shot on PP2 instead of Perrault or Copp. He's obviously had a lot of PP experience with the Moose, so why not?
  4. Yes, I assume Vesa would be the scratch, although I’d definitely sit Bourque... He played 4 minutes yesterday, so why bother? With Lowry out, Copp will be at 3c and Harkins gets back in.
  5. I agree. Obviously it doesn’t make any difference in the outcome, but that should have been a goal. Challenge it.
  6. Someone tell Beyak it’s not Cam SCHILLINGTON.
  7. Scheifele was lazy coming back. That 3rd goal is a back breaker and very preventable.
  8. I like Copp, but does not belong in a top 6 role.
  9. I don’t know why Maurice keeps switching Bourque and Harkins. It’s bad enough Harkins only gets 6 minutes, he can’t even get a few games in a row, to get into a rhythm. Stupid.
  10. Yeah, crazy. And isn't Gallant supposed to coach at the all-star game? A little awkward.
  11. ✔ @JesseGranger_ BREAKING: The Golden Knights have fired Gerard Gallant and Mike Kelly, and have immediately named Peter DeBoer head coach of the Golden Knights. Wow.
  12. Too bad for Dahlstrom. I thought he was having a good game.
  13. How many goals have we had overturned this year? Must be at the top of the league.
  14. Morrissey-Sbisa Niku-Pionk Bitetto-Dahlstrom According to Wiebe.
  15. Copp and Roslovic switch spots again... Don’t like it, but glad to see Harkins get back in the lineup.
  16. He got his team a 4 minute power play, so I'm not sure he'll alter how he goes about his business, in the future.
  17. It looked to me like he caught him on the side, as Kassian was propelled mostly sideways. As far as being engaged... He was, but Giardano was trailing him when the hit occurred.
  18. Tkachuk is a shitdisturber, no doubt, but that was a clean hit. He even slowed up and backed into him. Is he looking for that hit because it's Kassian? Probably, but it was clean IMO.
  19. I can't see how it has nothing to do with Maurice. Are we thin on D? Absolutely, but there are issues with this team that have been around long before our defense was depleted. I don't have the time or energy to get into them now, but they've been well documented on this site and others.
  20. Are you serious? That's the only way you can think of to measure the success of a 19 year old in his first taste of professional hockey? Ridiculous. See Goalie's post above.
  21. Yeah, no kidding... What do you want from the kid? I think he's going to be a solid player.
  22. Jeff Hamilton‏ @jeffkhamilton The Canadian Football League (@CFL): where you can get arrested not once, not twice but for 3 incidents for DUI, including driving the wrong way and crashing into a bus. Welcome to the #Bombers Dylan Donahue, who was also suspended 14 games in '18 for violating substance abuse. Jeff Hamilton‏ @jeffkhamilton 50m50 minutes ago My mistake, arrested twice for two incidents, the most recent in 2018. Point still stands.
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