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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. I'd be more apt to compare to season 2 when they were #1 in the division for a long time then loss 6/7 in a row. Even winning just as many after that in a row did not help. Least the losing streak is now not later.
  2. Still got Vancouver to lose to tonight. And Chicago and probably Minnesota.
  3. Nope. Pav is our #1 again. 4th loss in a row. 2/3 more to come. On a positive note our #1 line had 2 goals.
  4. I can easily see the Jet losing 6-7 row . Will the bleeding stop tonight?
  5. Don't go dissing Katy Perry! As for the lip-syncin which I did not really notice there is this message from the RHCP - http://www.theverge.com/2014/2/5/5381706/red-hot-chili-peppers-admit-faking-super-bowl-performance
  6. Only in Canada would we see a 2yr old Don Cherry commercial during the Super Bowl.
  7. Not sure what happened. Just seemed like all of a sudden everyone was over here. Can't beat the live chat during BB/Jets games is my reason.
  8. Finally! First line gets a goal...about time!
  9. Halfway into game and I can see it winding up as a shutout for Dal. You know its bad when Perreault has barely been mentioned. Still 30min to go. PaMa looks p'd tonight.
  10. Hutch starts...again? Maurice breaking his own rule.
  11. http://kfgo.com/news/articles/2015/jan/31/fargo-cops-arrest-zamboni-driver-for-dui/
  12. Paging Jets first line! Paging Jets first line! Perreault should be cloned, had couple chances at a hatty. Call it a losing streak.
  13. That was one long retirement tour of Europe. Welcome back A.C. Receivers coach tho?
  14. Strong Canadian draft? What's that? If trading Watson means more Kohlert I'm all for it.
  15. Bunch of teams moving their farm's to Cali for the next season. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/hockey/nhl/oilers-flames-among-teams-who-will-benefit-from-ahls-new-pacific-division-290244051.html?cx_navSource=d-tiles-3
  16. Hutch going for his 5th win in a row, funny how it'll take 9 games to do it
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