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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. http://www.kare11.com/story/news/crime/2015/10/12/wild-coach-pleads-guilty-to-dwi/73839350/ 60 days in jail, to be served in installments over four years. No "I'm a drunk driver" bumper sticker? 4 times legal limit. Insane.
  2. 6PM Local start. The story so far.. -Hutch to start
  3. I'm old enough to have been granted ranting ability about this city. It's an old argument...Winnipeg does not build for the future. Other cities do. Smaller cities then us. Saskatoon, Hamilton, QC, Fargo, Wichita, Omaha, etc. If they had to close one lane of Hargrave well then you know it's too small even without talking about expansion. The 90s idea of the lots between Edmonton and Hargraves was doable for a location.
  4. Painful for Adler no doubt. Nice hair though Harper's hair wasn't too bad either back in the day... much better than it is these days at any rate. I don't understand the whole nice hair thing. They both got nice hair, what's the big deal. I wish I had nice hair!
  5. Painful for Adler no doubt. Nice hair though
  6. Too bad this city not build for the future.
  7. 5k more fans then Nassau. Barclay's seats 15,795 for hockey second smallest in the NHL, Nassau 16,170 . Revenue also very limited as the Brooklyn Nets are the main tenant. By the way attendance for today's game was 11,183. Well the Jets are the worst draw in league probably. But not good if they low again. Wonder how FLA/AZ doing.
  8. Okay, I worked Advance this year. Friday busy but also first day so lots of mistakes were made by everyone. We're talking people who have not done this in 4 years and the training is sub-par. Saturday-Sunday much better. Pretty empty after 4 each day. Monday, busier then Friday but with 4 days experience the wait was shorter. Elections Canada did not dictate how many advance polling stations there are at each place, the gov't does. Or so I was told. What can be done to shorten wait times? Eliminate the need for the poll clerk to write down the voters name, address and get their signature. Increase the # of poll stations. Increase the length of advanced voting days. Online voting. This was the 4 and final day. Who walked away today? The person who did not show up the previous 3 days. The person who did not go to the Return Office to vote. The person who also could have voted by mail. Oh yeah, that person. The one who can still vote on Election day.
  9. Richards can work for cheap. He just got 50% of the rest of his contract for doing nothing.
  10. Like the NY Jets/Giants playing in New Jersey? Brooklyn is on the western edge of Long Island. http://www.brooklyn.com/faqanswer-104.html
  11. Have not seen it but Disney picked this guy to direct Star Wars Ep 9?
  12. Latest poll numbers I never would have thought. Had the orange wave winning.
  13. Gretzky had a couple of early 80's years to pad his stats. Defence, what defence.
  14. Think of all the all-star/hall of famers Gretzky played with in EDM. Now compare that to the all-star/hall of famers Mario played with. Disclosure: I h8 Gretzky
  15. So looks like the NHLPA said noooo you can't just kill his contract. Buy out time. Then he joins the Rangers
  16. Willy, Willy, Willy, Willy, WILLY If you can tell me what that means and against who you remember the 80's.
  17. Makes you want to kill this franchise and start new does it not?
  18. Diff franchises. Hull, Steen Teppo are in the rafters in AZ are they not? Hope that third jersey not Jets v1. God those were horribly ugly. 2nd gen a lil better but still cheap azz. Teemu was best Jets draft pick ever, also the worst trade ever. Thanks John Paddock.
  19. If her story is indeed true, I'm wondering if a) Tyler Johnson had a significant other while this happened and if yes is this person aware? My point here is its amazing how many people can be potentially hurt by her sharing this story with the world. Or if you don't want to deal with the consequences of being found out that you were cheating ... don't cheat.
  20. If they at .500 or better at the end of the month I be happy.
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