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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. I just dont know how free trade benefits countries with higher wages then other counties. I'm old enuf to remember that when free trade started with usa we lost thousands of jobs as companies moved to USA. Then you have free trade with Mexico? Seems like we double losers.
  2. Stewart taking shots to the left. Why not it's a free for all now.
  3. Perreault top 6? I like him but has he been top 6 since first year?
  4. 35c May 5th. Warmest day of the year I think. Sure felt like we had only 1 week this summer without rain every 2 days.
  5. MOS will learn from his mistake and only ask Medlock to try a 60 yarder in a dome. As for attendance woes, look at the team. Not one year yet were they have a winning record at IGF. Should be better next year since they were half-decent this year.
  6. Time: Saturday 6PM The Story So Far: Jets looking for rebound win. in game 2 of 5 in the longest road trip of the year. Quote of the Day: You can't have a conscience in the pimp game - Mark Wahlberg, Boston native.
  7. Paul Maurice says Dustin Byfuglien had been playing through an injury this season—is over it now. "He's been a real good performer for us."
  8. 3rd Period Mason stoning Ehlers tonight, Nuts 4-2. Helle beaten on his bad eye side. Empty net. 5-2. Philly played like us and beat us.
  9. 2nd Period Buff scores to make it 1-2 Ehlers with a weird breakaway shot. He's testing out his slapshots tonight. Bring out the Thorb. Bring out the Thorb! Ugh...1-3. It is very cold in Hell's net tonight. 2-3
  10. Can teach defense you cant teach offense. They were hiding him from Vegas. First Period 1-0 2-0 I got a bad Philadelphia Feeling about this.
  11. First period Burmi/Thorbs on ice at end of power play again. Hmmm...
  12. Sending Copp down to be better offensively? LOL. You send guys down to the A cause they are not good enuf to be in the N.
  13. Looking forward to 61 yard field goal attempts in 2017 MOS!
  14. He just wants to be left alone. Suspect that when I watch this i'll be looking at Brie Larson as much as the monkey.
  15. Start the timer. http://www.tsn.ca/isles-snow-gives-capuano-vote-of-confidence-1.609378
  16. Chrysler announces late addition to 2017 line up...
  17. Rise of the Rednecks is how I see it.
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