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Everything posted by USABomberfan

  1. Don't know if you watch the NFL at all but lately their outcomes are more like 45-31 scores
  2. Pretty sure once we whoop em this week, Tom Higgins is going to get fired..... And Popp will take over as interim HC again.
  3. Maybe some people will calm down about our last loss if Toronto cuts them a new one tonight, which I think can and will happen.
  4. You really think Sask would have given them a kick that was returnable? That would have just wasted time. Well, you can only kick it so many places like that. Yeah they could try a squibber, but those can backfire bad on you. Kick it out of bounds and you're setting the team up with a better hail mary shot
  5. Should've had Sask kick it off and Duron Carter return it
  6. Just so stupid. Brink really even hasn't been bad this game, his stinkin team is killing him. If they don't get something going soon, I'd say Tom Higgins is going to be gone before labor day. Guy has turned into Tim Burke 2.0 Yup Higgins will be gone soon, That was just one of many stupid Rod Black isms Not sure firing higgins helps though, Montreal has a great D but No Offence and that won't change mid season. Well, Jim Popp wants to get back in as coach again, so I'm sure he'd be happy to try and bail em out again.
  7. Just so stupid. Brink really even hasn't been bad this game, his stinkin team is killing him. If they don't get something going soon, I'd say Tom Higgins is going to be gone before labor day. Guy has turned into Tim Burke 2.0
  8. That hit could put Durant out a few weeks
  9. You'd think a veteran like him would know better than that.
  10. Talk about a ******* cheapshot Sean Whyte didn't deserve that
  11. Lol and I been saying this from the get go LOLOLOL
  12. Hamilton with an upset I'm calling Btw, live streams for those who need it are on https://streamup.com/Stampeders-vs-Ticats-and-Als-vs-Riders
  13. CFL needs to throw the roughing the passer penalty completely out the window, I don't see any such thing as roughing the passer here, only refs who think they should throw a flag if a QB goes down.
  14. Ahh, beat me to the thread start up. Should be an interesting one tonight.
  15. ENOUGH!!!!! of the railing on Bellefeuille. What is this? Bellfeuille is too conservative blah blah blah, or he doesn't run the ball enough blah blah blah. I seen posters saying all kinds of crap about him, and there's a lot of it that doesn't even make any damn sense. Does the offense always look sharp this year? No, but I think it's heaps and bounds better than the trash we've had to put up with for the last few years. Now I understand with how bad Gary Crowton was last year, maybe Bellefeuille's measuring stick is a little lower than some others around the league, but I think he's done a pretty good job overall of being balanced between conservative and aggressive which is what you need to be. Let's also not forget, when your QB is getting pressured, you have to call plays that either rely on your runningback or get the ball out of your QB's hands quicker. I almost find it funny, everyone let's the epitome of conservativism that clown Lapolice off the hook all the time for his silly attempts to stifle Buck Pierce and Joey Elliot and not let them use their big strong arms, and the grievous 1 yard passes called on 2nd and manageable. Yet when Bellefeuille at least does a better job of letting Willy make his reads down the field despite pressure in his face, he gets ragged on for it. SMH.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byvqH3sfsxU
  17. I'm also sticking by my prediction that Toronto beats BC badly this Sunday. The Leos suck on the road in out east, Ray has their D figured out, and there's no way a rustbucketty Lulay is going to do well coming into this situation, and if Glenn plays, he's gonna have a bad multi-interception game. Book it.
  18. Yup, exactly this. I mentioned the media because knee-jerk reactions like that seem to come from them when things start going wrong. I tend to think some of them just don't understand how the CFL works, and I know a few of them are pretty clueless as to what goes on. Fortunately, I tend to think not as many people here buy into all their crap as some have done in other markets, but still you hate seeing things blown out of proportion by them when things, at least for a good bit of my vantage point, seem to overall be moving in the right direction.
  19. Since 1995 there has not been a team that has won 8 games that hasn't made the play-offs. The majority of those years have been with an eight team league. Edmonton and Calgary already have five wins while BC and Sask have four. Unless Edmonton completely falls apart and wins less than 3 games which at this point is highly unlikely, I don't see any of those teams finishing below .500. I'm going to make a bet BC does not win 9 games this year. Sure they could win 8, but if we win 2 of 3 against them, which since we already took 1, I think we will, we beat them into the playoffs.
  20. As much as I want to be 12-6, I'll take 8-10 as it is a gargantuan improvement over 2013. It'll also mean we can attract some prized free agents or coaches in the off season than last year. Yes, plus that's usually good enough to get you to the playoffs most years. There certainly will be a crossover to the East as neither Montreal or Ottawa are going to get more than 5 wins I'd be willing to bet. Kinda early I guess, but with one being an expansion team with a QB who may be in his last year and about ready to hang it up plus a bad defense, and another that's turned into an administration gong show, I see both of them being eliminated. Now, there's a lot of West vs West contests that gotta take place, and my guess is when it's all said and done, we'll be jocking with either Sask or BC for the final playoff spot, but I got a feeling at least one of them is going to get swept by Edmonton or lose the remaining games to Calgary, plus even if we don't win the next game vs BC, I think we can beat them when we get them at home as they don't do well on the road in the cold late in the year. Finish 4th in the west and that should be playoff crossover recipe, and I think we can do that.
  21. You must be new here... I'm afraid that clown Gary Lawless has too many followers on here. Him, and a bunch of other nuts called the local Winnipeg media try and pull the emergency cords whenever any sign of setbacks comes out. I haven't visited the WFP site or listened to CJOB today, but wouldn't be surprised if someone said something dumb or reactionary to that. I had said earlier this year, the team just as it started on winning streaks will have its losing streaks too, we as fans need to realize and accept that. I'd love to see big wins like opening night and the big road win in BC Place every week, but we gotta be realistic about that and realize that just isn't going to happen every week. Especially with a team as young as ours. The way I see it, these players have a lot of learning to do, and from watching last night's game and going over other film, I more than believe they will learn lots from it. At this point, no need to do anything extreme. The O-line will need to improve, but get them healthy, maybe make an addition or 2 over the offseason this year, and I think we got an O-line of Grey Cup caliber heading into 2015.
  22. Come on man, that's just stupid talk. I mean hey, I don't think this team is Grey Cup ready or ready to win the west yet, but no wins out of the 10 games we got left? I mean, we got the Montreal circus show coming to town next week, and we play Ottawa again as well, those smell like pretty good wins to me. We got Hamilton again, and yeah I know they're not as bad as the 1-5 record they sit holding, but it's not like they're a juggernaut right now either. If we finish the season with only 8 wins, fine, means this team's youth and inexperience caught up to them, but that's a hell of a lot better than we've seen mostly around here lately. But this is not the 2013 Bombers, and I got more than enough reason to think O'Shea will pull more wins out before this season is over.
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