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Everything posted by USABomberfan

  1. I'm not really sure what he means by missed the boat. Weren't some of the cap issues with Reilly or Burris reasons why they weren't going to come here? Plus Burris due to his age really shouldn't even have been in our sights. Comparing Reilly with Willy ... Well I will give Reilly this, he is a better scrambler and is faster than Willy, but if he keeps trying to run too much and not kick in some self-preservation instincts, he's gonna end up either like his former mentor whose career may now be over, or even like ole Buck. So I'll go with Willy. Guy's got all the throws down and can get that ball there with authority, and when he does run, he at least slides. Also doesn't get rattled by his mistakes.
  2. I would, but I haven't seen the status on numerous Argo players yet, plus their series with Calgary has had a lot of crazy results with the Argos still leading it as of late I believe, despite dropping the game earlier this year.
  3. Question is do you keep a man to spy on Reilly while playing man coverage? Or do you play zone against him and look to sandwich him when he takes off running?
  4. Well, I think if you're an Als fan, you gotta be overall pretty pleased with what you see out of Crompton. I admit I even doubted the guy at first, but amidst the ashes of 2014, he's a guy who has some good authoritative throws, and just get those receivers where their supposed to be and I think the O could click. I'll still stand by my earlier thread though that Higgins and his staff will be gone at the end of the year, and Noel Thorpe will get promoted to head coach.
  5. I hate when coaches punt away when down by 10 late in 4th quarters. Because this is what always happens.
  6. Good grief how do you get beat that badly on a draw play on 2nd and 15?
  7. Yup, that was a crazy series of events. But as usual, here we have it, 2nd half als showing up again.
  8. I had a feeling one of those drives Duron C would show up.
  9. Been a bit of a crapfest in the league in general, but least we still got 1 more quarter to go
  10. I just threw the poll in for fun. Anyway, back to the game.
  11. Well, his coaches book segments are interesting to watch aren't they? Usually he does these on Friday night games and critiquing the Als is pretty good coming from him.
  12. I shall hope this game is better than the BC Ottawa fail game last week. But the funny thing is, as bad as the Als have been this year, their games do seem to provide outlets for CFL fans to spew out funny criticisms of their franchise. The question now is, is Crompton indeed the future of this team? And if the Als go on a win streak to win the East (which predicting this would be premature atm, but could happen), do they extend Higgins longterm for that? Crazy how stories can turn about in a hurry. And as for the poll, I had to put it in for the night.
  13. I know he's had a few fumble issues in the past, but I don't see why those couldn't be fixed. I guess I'd just be willing to take the risk since he runs strict north and south stuff and sometimes even runs defenders over.
  14. I been thinking the same thing. Volny is a power guy who's shown the ability to drag defenders forward for some tough yards and should've been getting more carries over the last few years. I think he should get at least 20 carries a game.
  15. But do you expect them to from, and I won't even call it worst cause they were beyond 'worst' last year - to Grey Cup contenders overnight? I expected a 6 - 12 season, and if we had some breaks maybe 7 - 11. Now it looks like 8 - 10 will be a solid bet (I'm sure we can win two more games). If, at the end of last season, I'd say we'd be 8 - 10 this year, and compete in every game we played in (except the Edmonton game, we definitely did not compete in that 23 to 3 loss we got steamrolled) everyone here would have been ecstatic. This is a process, and we are definitely on the right track, with the right coach, and the right QB. Don't worry, be happy Yeah like I was saying, 8-10 is a huge step for me, regardless of how we get there. I think what some people falsely assume is that when a team gets wins early but then sees the losses catch up and see the struggles come at a certain time in the season, they assume the team was either a pretender, or that the coach is all the sudden doing things wrong. I don't think that's the case with us at all. We're getting into the thick part of our schedule and the wins at this point aren't going to come as easily. I think we're short of personnel players in some key positions such as special teams protection and coverage units, and obviously we need our long snapper back. While I don't say the run defense is to blame for this last loss, it still is a concern for me and will need to improve, but even there I think we're headed in the right track. I think you have to look at how the players are playing for O'Shea, and while some of them like Kuale should probably be released at some point, I think the majority of them really are out there hustling or at least doing their best to do so and playing with a drive to win for once. They've bought into what O'Shea has brought here, and I do think the cultural change that we'd been looking for over the last few years has finally come. We won't get the Grey Cup this year, but if Walters and co keep building on the identity O'Shea's brought here, I'm more than certain the drought will end. I know there's been speculation that the Bomber administration people listen to what the WPG says in regards to these situations, but I think in this case Wade Miller is smart enough to know that these clowns don't know what they're talking about in regards to evaluating O'Shea or Walters. If I'm him and Walters, I just shut the radio and newspapers off and just keep doing what I did to get the team this far and keep it at that.
  16. Americans DO NOT want the NFL going beyond their border, just like I would say most Canadians do not want an American expansion to the US ever again. Trust me, I've seen it all over NFL forums and they are not for the games in Toronto at all. They are even angrier about games being played in London and they all want Goodell out for even thinking of such a thing as putting a team there.
  17. This isn't Toronto's dream anyway, it's Roger Goodell's.
  18. We always get bad press, short of Bob Irving, because the WFP sucks as a newspaper. Period.
  19. Kind of funny, there's a thread on the other site about this too and some nutty idiot said BC might be interested in making a trade for him, which of course led to a silly discussion of Burris for Glenn again. Man those posters over there can be so dumb. That being said, I'm guessing soon Elliot starts taking more and more reps in practice and gets activated to the 44 man roster soon. Season's starting to tick down but I would love to see him get some cracks at it on the field. They certainly have nothing to lose at this point.
  20. These press people think they are so entitled to hop into Wade Miller's box or something and think that because they work for the WFP that they can just tell GMs, coaches, and everyone else what they're supposed to be doing or how to handle issues. You want to know why us fans are turning on them? Because of stupid stuff they try to bait coaches into like that. I was talking with another fan about the media's access to the team's meetings and other things earlier this season, and he was saying he believes the WFP isn't putting up much rosy articles these days is because they're annoyed with their current lack of access. It would only make sense too, partially because of some of the garbage fires that have been started by them, some of which came out of false words or twisting something that was said by coaches or players in the past.
  21. Paul Wicek and Gary Lawless are the biggest disgraces of sports writers I have ever seen. I knew from the get go the old beat was gonna start up again when Lawless pretty much opened up the season with that whole O'Shea needs to reign in his temper thing. And of course now that he has shown he can remain cool under diress, that's off the table, and now they come up with this. Why can't this silly WFP go out and actually get some qualified sports columnists to actually cover all points of the game including the positives? I mean look, this team was down by some big points two weeks in a row but didn't quit and both times came back and had a chance to win. Why can't they bring that up in regards to how O'Shea has led us? The team has a ways to go before they become Grey Cup contenders, but I feel at least going through a year like this they can learn a lot and become better players when they look back on it and prepare during the offseason to fix the areas that were strugglesome. Yeah the special teams need to get cleaned up, but finding Stoudamire and Hajrullahu were good starts for a few key positions, we just need to get our long snapper back in the lineup so we don't keep airmailing those punts over Lirim's head or down where he has to pick them up. Those have been costly. Like I said, the team has a ways to go, but it's like every time this happens, these sports columnists quickly forget the bad year we're just coming out of and have to go on tirades like this. Sure I admit this year is a little 2011-ish, games being won early on some miracle drives, and maybe some overachievement on our part in doing so, but 3 of our 5 losses have been close losses as well that we could've just as easily won, and this kind of thing should be expected in the CFL. Yeah I hate being swept by the Riders, but give us one more year or so to get it right and we could very easily do the same to them. I just hate when these sports writers start looking at the here and now instead of looking at the big picture.
  22. Thanks .... Ohh, and while I do have all the video handy, it's probably going to be near the end of the week before it's uploaded, schedule is pretty tight this week and the encoding plus uploading process takes quite a while. But fear not, it will be there.
  23. As usual, the Bomber game will be on youtube again, but the source it's coming from is the ESPN3 replay library, only one it can be got from. ESPN televised the game last Sunday in the States, but when the start of the Banjo Bowl happened on TSN2 or whatever that was, ESPN didn't have any of their alternate channels pick it up. So, pretty much left with a replay of the game starting with 2 1/2 minutes left in the quarter.
  24. I think TSN advocated for that on purpose so their viewers wouldn't have to put up with that Ottawa crap show.
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