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Everything posted by USABomberfan

  1. I think he Demarco may be a little better than KG even. He just is UTP.
  2. That old guy has hit Calvillo stage, sucks for Ottawa Demarco isn't there to put in
  3. Flashbacks to last year there. Saw it happen a few times with us. Also, how did we ever give up 28 points to these awful Redblacks? SMH
  4. Just tuned in to 1 half of football. Looks like it went down just as I thought. Haven't seen Crompton's numbers for this yet, but 1 td is all they got. Let's see if this 2nd half goes any better.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0iV-5updzg Sorry it's late, but here it is, enjoy.
  6. Yes, besides what if something happens to Burris? Do they just throw an unready Danny O'Brien into action and damage him? No to that if you're a Redblack fan. I been saying for a while that Burris is now in Calvillo land and needs to retire, if you're Ottawa, you gotta think about dumping the guy now. And currently, Joey Elliot is a better QB than anyone else's practice roster guy and has experience that should've been utilized by us or other teams. Redblacks should go get him.
  7. Nvm, just saw DeMarco was a scratch. No wonder. They should sign Joey Elliot.
  8. Question should be will Henry Burris start another game this year? I'm thinking it's time to move on from him, he needs to quit football after this year, guy's lost his touch. I kept telling people there's a reason the Stampeders threw him out the door, if he still had as much talent these days as some folks around here think he does, there's no way the Stamps ever would've done that. No way. If I'm Campbell, I make DeMarco the starter starting this weekend. No exceptions.
  9. I say why not? Worked ok against MTL, and since new unis are the thing this year and every one else seems to like them, let's add a twist instead of always wearing the retro unis for this game.
  10. I don't think there's any question Montreal's crappy situation is on the egomaniacs in the front office and owners box who run the show there, but the question is what will those guys do to try and fix things, and right now it's looking more like that answer is fire Higgins, even though much of this, other than firing Worman, may not be his fault. But yeah, the media seems to have the biggest sway in this league, and right now fans in Montreal can't be standing for this and neither will the W's. I may have been wrong about him being fired right after our game, because if he was, likely a press conference would be convening right now in Montreal with that announcement. But short of a win or 2 happening over these next games, I'd say he's out if it doesn't.
  11. At least after seeing Cotton take the ball but get stacklifted backwards by one linebacker. Think Grigsby's more of our Avon Cobourne guy now.
  12. I'll take care as I say this as I don't want to offend older folks that might be on here, and I respect the elderly so don't get me wrong on this, but Higgins just looks like a grandpa out there coaching, and I don't necessarily mean that in a derogatory term, more that it seems like he's already making retirement plans. Tbh, to add to what krunch said, I wouldn't even be surprised if he voluntarily resigned on his own by the time this season ended. One thing is for sure, old Bob Sr had better get his head on straight and get some functionality back to his organization next year if he's gonna actually get a competent coaching staff in there.
  13. Well, first half was anything but a beauty to watch. 2nd half, or 4th quarter rather, we finally pulled it off. Hopefully that got our O awake and ready for the LDC.
  14. Man, I do not think I have ever seen a coach with as blank a look as that, even more so than Tim Burke. Dare I say Higgins almost looked apathetic out there coaching or like he was wanting to head off to Cal Murphy land already or something. Montreal seems to be trying a huge mix of old treads along with guys that are simply too young to get any consistency going in the coaching. Seems to me they need some kind of medium in that department. Higgins just seems to look disinterested right now.
  15. Update!!!!! Sorry guys, I don't know what happened to the server on that first link I sent but it appears to be down right now. Here's a new link for the stream. Bomber Streams
  16. I don't know if the x will show up on the blackberry or not, but on the PC there's a button that says close that appears after about 15 seconds, you may want to try that. If not, I can see about finding a different player.
  17. http://bellmediapr.ca/Network/TSN/Press/More-Sports-More-Choice I like the sound of this. Hopefully it will remove the problem of slow golf tournaments interferring with the start of CFL games. And maybe we'll get to see some CIS games. Being in the USA and given ESPN's contract with the CFL to air their games over their networks, this doesn't affect me directly with ESPN3 feeds available, but TSN had probably better make those feeds available to Shaw and Telus customers if they want to make it worthwhile. No reason Rogers and Bell should be monopolizing them. I've heard about this in my checking of the TSN site for news.
  18. And here it is Bomber Streams Only ad that ever runs on that site is on the sawlive.tv player which is used to view the games on, but that's easily blocked with ad-blocking software. Quality's been tested too and from now on, all CFL games casted should be in good quality. Not HD, but watchable.
  19. I'd think it'd be more a case of a bad team not being able to take advantage when the opponent is down and winning. I mean, there are always bad teams in the league, nobody debates this. The problem for one of those bad teams is when their opponents are having an off-day, but they are playing so crappy they cannot even capitalize on that. I mean, I seen teams out there that were bad before, but at least some of the more, only just bad teams because of being unlucky or having things just not go their way during the year will capitalize when their opponent is off their game. Outstandingly bad teams like ours last year and Montreal's this year will have games right on their platter that are winnable that they cannot get up to win even when their opponent is trying to help them. When that happens, there is most certainly a failure to coach and a failure to get your team to show up and action needs to be taken.
  20. Is this Popp's chance to take the reins again? Otherwise, who takes over? Pretty sure that's what he wants. Logically it would seem foolish to do this, but I can't be thinking the players or the fans are in a place where they respect the head coach or anyone in the organization right now, and the Als seem to be pulling a lot of extreme decisions out this year. I mean hey, when we saw this with Greg Marshall in Saskatchewan, the Riders gave him the boot before Labor Day, don't see why the Als wouldn't do the same to Higgins.
  21. Amidst my looking forward to this game, I am thinking Higgins is hanging on a rope right now in Montreal, after what I saw on the sideline lately, he seems to be following the Tim Burke coaching model. Maybe he had some passion for the game back a decade ago or so when he was in his better days, but not now he doesn't. Not to mention what he's done with the whole coaching staff stuff has ruined his team's ability to produce on O. Problems are way beyond Smith, Brink, Marsh, or Crompton for them. Plus outside of some tough blitzing linebackers like Bowman and Hebert, I think the rest of their D isn't very good. I think Willy will pick on Tisdale this next game and victimize him. Bottom line though, I think a good game from us and another anemic offense show from them and Higgins will get sent packing.
  22. But yeah, sure hope this game has more scoring. This is supposed to be football, not hockey lol
  23. Those new argo unis look more like a cross between the old Houston Oiler and new Tennessee Titan unis
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