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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Hughes has a penchant for disappearing late into the season...I believe he'll be pulling on his 'invisible man' outfit shortly and watch his award fade into the sunset, along with him....
  2. Just before the deadline.O'Shea, when asked if he had anything going, I believe his reply was, 'we've got nothing in the works'...Obviously that was bull$hit...but Mike appears to me, to be at times, trying to 'yank the chains of the media...He wants things to be 'vague' in his responses...especially to do with injuries AND on that score I don't blame him
  3. STREEEEEEETCH....agreed but this is the CFL where stranger things have happened
  4. Look you guys.....It's still not a stretch that we win it all...This is still a damn good team and if the recent acquisition works out we'll be in solid contention....AND if that scenario comes to pass I don't think you'll see O'Shea heading for the door...A lot has to transpire for sure, but things look a lot better than they did at a point in time yesterday .......Think I'll have to change my name to the eternal optimist....but oooops.. nope that one's gone
  5. Mike O could NOT remain status quo... and everyone knows it...So here we go....Get him on the field and up to speed pronto and see what he's got...
  6. A controversial move to say the least BUT we had to do something....Streveler has a lot to learn ...his passing game was ...let's say 'sporadic'....Collaros can stretch the field and is fairly accurate BUT we'll have to bubble wrap him so he can continue his career...Any miscues like the missed block in the last game and that hellacious hit Streve took will/would put and end to Zach's career..definitely...So we are walking on eggshells...Collaros knows it....we know it...and the opposition knows it....we have to play those monsters on the opposition's D upfront ...flawlessly...Can we do it...???I think we have the horses but you can't expect Collaros to be upright a 100 percent of the time....Big chance we're taking but did we have a choice...I think we had to go this route or face an early exit...Maybe Zack will find his game and fool everyone who thought he was done....He sure as hell has had enough time to get healthy (if you ever can from a concussion) BUT the writing was on the wall for us postseason and it's definitely been on the wall for quite awhile for Collaros....Hope this all plays out well for all concerned......
  7. Trade deadline extended to 5 pm Eastern.....Mike O was asked if the Bombers would make any moves today......said nothing in the works...........Status quo it looks like for the rest of the year....UNLESS??
  8. Won too many games?.........just not the right ones....If we're ousted early post season the knives will be out and I don't think O'Shea survives the onslaught
  9. Watched Walker going through the motions for the 'Arenogoods'....could he be part of a package deal...Expect to hear more shortly as time is ticking on the trade deadline....Sooner we get whoever is 'supposedly' coming our way, and in the lineup, the better...So will it be '''deal'///or no deal...Decisions...decisions
  10. So who is going the other way....for either of these guys.....Collaros WAS a good qb....concussion susceptibility makes him a very risky proposition...Franklin looked good behind a good o line in Edm...I'd say he's the better bet...In any event could either guy get up to speed this late in the season...'maybe'...I'd say we've backed ourselves into a corner ...flip a coin and hope....our options are very limited...BUT we have to make a move or a very good team will meet the end of their season quickly....US
  11. There comes a time when fans say to themselves...'enough us enough' and it starts getting louder and louder with each loss....You can never say that Mike O hasn't received enough time to build and coach a winner along with Walters....His record shows one....yeah... count em ....ONE lousy playoff win in 5 years....How could anyone expect that to continue with a different result...The record speaks for itself and unless O'Shea finds some magic somewhere and we end up in the Cup, I think his tenure here is over....Contract up....openings back east...time for a change of scenery for our hc I would say....Failing that expect a lot of season tix holders to walk away...Hope for the best and Mike finds an answer in these last games of the reg. season and the playoffs....if not the writing will become very clear on the wall
  12. Three loses in a row....can we make it four and be headed out the door///Something has to bloody well change or the writing will certainly be on the wall...How you fix the qb. problem is a tough one....BUT if it ain't colour us gone....The last 2 games showed that the opposition is on to us bigtime....I don't even know that Lao has the ability or the balls to change things up....It appeared the D has come around but without an offence that can put up points....dead in the water....Walters and Mike O are being paid to pull this thing out of the fire....Get on it or get gone
  13. I'm going to suggest that the way this team is playing we would have a tough time beating the RedB's......and that's enough for me
  14. Let's remember the announcement was made that we are not bringing in another qb....'no plan to bring one in'...says the gm and coach.....That was the signal that this season is over........One playoff win in the last 5 yrs.....30 yrs. plus without a Cup...I wonder how that's going to go down with the faithful...Not well and the knives are starting to be unsheathed as we post I would say
  15. Time to take the blinders off folks....we've given this coach beyond what any other hc in this league would get...Adios and don't let the bloody gate hit you in the ass on the way out...What a waste of time and space he was/is
  16. Eclipsed by the riders looking for a Cup win.................IF it ends that way ..so long O'Shea....Nobody is going to swallow the bull$hit anymore.....Pretty good defense tonight though .. until the final minutes where the ol...let them march the field routine took hold....otherwise we stunk offensively and this team is headed for an early exit and O'Shea is headed out of town.....hopefully for good
  17. Whoever thought of that crap should be put on a chain and not let out of the yard
  18. Road to the Cup starts tonight.....Play all of these last games like they're playoff tilts...Come up with a winning formula and effort down the stretch and this club has it's best shot in years...Go get em BIGBLUE....Finish like we started and punch our own ticket
  19. Jordan Younger.....your time to shine...If the green guys think he's green...they're in for a surprise...He's been around our D for quite awhile and I suspect he'll fill in quite admirably....
  20. Unless these young un's on defense can grow in a hurry...coupling that with the exit of Buff (maybe?)...I think we could be in for a long year...Some great scoring chances missed against the NYR's also ...can't do that when we know we're going to leak on d....Whoever we play in goal is going to have to stand on their head...'Come back Buff'...these young guys need an experienced teacher
  21. So if Hall doesn't make the booth who calls the game defensively....???
  22. This club is headed straight for the ditch.....Uninspired play (exception Lawler Harris and Streve) has taken hold....Even spread to Meds. who missed a chip shot...I'm going to say it now ...if we exit the playoffs early it will be time to clean house...We should be way beyond a third place finish and if that's the case the knives will be out...Time to break from this mess and hope the club can rebound BUT after last nights dismal performance I find that highly unlikely...Brutal that this club could be eclipsed by the riders heading for the Cup...This franchise should be embarrassed
  23. dare I say 29 yrs. and counting........................I can smell it
  24. Red Flags all over the place on this secondary....Said it at the beginning of the year it was a concern and got blown off ...Well look at the fold up secondary we have in this game tonight...Not good and certainly not Cup contending
  25. Watched a big production on Public broadcasting the other day about the roots of country music...I didn't realize Hank Williams was only 29 when he died...Big loss to the country music world then...His song writing and performances (right from the heart) were something else...Tragic end to a great talent
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