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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Matt's mobility is crap...He cannot escape the pressure when he has to and when he does his accuracy is far below par...Someone said putting in Streveler is like opening Pandora's box....I'd say it's already open
  2. Matt needs to sit agreed ...at least for awhile...I'm going to be a little nervous seeing Streveler start....BUT we may have no choice
  3. I'd say Hall has to step back and someone else has to take the D coordinator's reins....Over 400 yds. passing by Bo while we watch him play pitch and catch....We were out of position in the secondary,in chase mode most of the time, and totally collapsed in the second half...I could have butchered that secondary and I haven't thrown a meaningful pass in decades....Pretty shabby Ritchie
  4. Totally collapsed in the last half....especially our secondary and with that secondary we won't win many games the rest of the way in 18
  5. When it was obvious he needed to be replaced...once again our illustrious coach keeps mum
  6. Wasn't all Matt but not a very good performance.....Hall has to be replaced and pronto....Should have been done last year...Our secondary has more holes than swiss cheese with leaks everywhere...Pitiful
  7. Calgary has a very talented group.....Quarterbacking is the key...Bo is a tough nut to crack....we have to put constant pressure on him or he'll eat us alive...Matt can be very effective IF he gets the time ...Mobility is a prob. and accuracy of late..... Offensively I think we can hang with them 'generally' if the right plays are implemented to expose their weaknesses (which aren't that many)..Edge goes to Cal. Cowboys have some very good receivers and our cover guys better be on the top of their game..Defensively I think we match up fairly well otherwise Special teams / saw-off....We just might have the edge IF we can get some nice returns and Meds. is his usual self Coaching.....with the type we've been seeing lately, we better hope we've had an epiphany It's going to be tough slugging to get past these guys BUT in the CFL you just never know...a break here and a break there....We'll see
  8. The team CANNOT come out and play like they did at home last game....Any resemblance of that and you can start the countdown to another losing season....Now if we at least make it close (I know no cigar) it'll give the fans at least some faint hope...A win and I would be ecstatic and that will surely give us some positive impetus for the rest of the year... This team had and still has a lot of talent...we are capable...It's time to bloody well show it and play lights out....
  9. Well then I should have said he'll be Popp's problem AGAIN.....but you're right he parted company with Duron in Mont. before Popp ended up in T.O....In any event seems like they may be letting 'bygone's be bygone's' as it does sound like he's close to signing there..
  10. Looks like he'll be Popp's prob. now....T.O. looking like they could be trouble the rest of the season....Glad we're dun' with them
  11. I care how it relates to the Winnipeg Blue Bomber quarterbacks yes....I really don't give a sweet patootie how Cal. or Edm. handles theirs...why as a Bomber fan would I....Look I'm tired of going around the mulberry bush....You obviously have concerns for Matt....so do I...but in the end I think we would both agree that we want what's best for the team AND that's winning starting with Cal...no matter who ends up quarterbacking...Is that fair??
  12. Now don't get all 17 to 85 on me.....Everyone heard the boos last game....now unless I was dreaming OUR quarterback should have been pulled...firstly because he was nic'd....secondly the game was out of hand...thirdly he didn't play that well....You don't agree ...your prerogative
  13. Matt is definitely faster than this guy.....I won't wait for him to tear up the field in Cal. though...he'll most likely be running for his life in our backfield..../4 sacks last game...c'mon hogs
  14. Do you not understand English...I said ….now read my post (lips)...I commented on them ONLY because another poster used them as an example...How hard is that to understand...Another poster used them as an example I merely followed with my comment ….Still no interest in what other clubs do with their quarterbacking...BUT I am interested in what happens to our quarterback...good or bad and you should be as well
  15. I said I was commenting on another posters take...NOT because I'm interested in an another clubs internal workings....He brought it up the qb.s from other clubs….look it up
  16. I didn't realize the agenda was confusion... But now I'm confused
  17. …..Don't be....Goalie is the one who brought up the qb.s from other clubs...not this guy...Does that alleviate your confusion...I was merely commenting on his take on other gm's and their qb's and I'm still not interested in their internal ops.….capish
  18. Not that interested in what other teams do with their qbs.....maybe your friend goalie would be though as he seems to think there's a need...Other than both of those clubs have better records than us....what's your point
  19. Firstly Dickenson has not removed Bo...cuz he didn't have to ...Maas didn't remove Riley because he didn't have to....They didn't have to because those teams haven't experienced the same poor play as our quarterback has shown...And that's where we differ...You seem to think that Nichols is not to blame for any of the Bomber losses when in fact he's not been the same qb. of last year...Tell you what IF Matt has a stellar performance against the stamps tomorrow and has a respectable outing, I'll admit I'm off base....IF he doesn't and looks the same as the Ottawa game then you won't have to admit that changing qbs. was the proper move to make or not, because it won't just be me asking for a change ...In that event Streveler MIGHT get some playing time
  20. Hey first of all do I call your postings bull$hit .. well after reading your reply I'm going to start..'Gives the starter extra rope'...What the hell kind of coaching is that....So I'm admitting as a coach he's going to fail...so I let him hang and hang himself at the expense of the rest of the club....Sure glad you're not running the show...That kind of archaic thinking belongs in file 13... If we see a repeat performance like Nichols was giving us last game...(the supposed leader of this team) AND we refuse to put in a replacement who is more than able, then that says a lot about the coaching on this club...The boos that we heard will really start getting loud, you can put your money on that, and those boos should be shared equally between a bad performance and a bad coach.....Hopefully we've learned a bit from that last game AND we give Cal. a bloody good scare or actually win it, then a lot of this will go away....Another showing like we had against Ottawa and you better get out the ear plugs.
  21. The sad thing is with the Nichols situation, I believe no matter how Matt is stinking the joint out, this head coach will never make the change to Streveler...That is not how O'Shea rolls....He proved that in the last game and that is a very bad aspect of this coach....The first concern should be WINNING ...not worrying about hurting a players feelings
  22. When you're loyal to a fault and really want to be just one of the guys (that's the way I see Mike) it's difficult to turn on the discipline switch...I know the players luv him, but I would rather have a guy who can lay it on the line when players need it (within reason) and produce a winner...I doubt this mollycoddling will ever produce a Cup and I doubt that O'Shea will ever change his ways..soooooo we drift in obscurity....Something has to change,or 'the one and dun's' will just be a regular habit of this team...
  23. This current gang of coaches believe you go to the wall with inferior players like Lankford until it hurts.... *see Roc Carmichael of 17...Hurts us on the field,standings and hurts the club in the locker room...You can't tell me that players aren't noticing the fact we have better on the roster and yet continue to beat a dead horse.... I don't know if they'll play Lankford again against the stamps BUT if it is the case, higher ups like Miller must be wondering what the hell is going on here
  24. My belief is that Matt is suffering from 2 things.... Firstly..I don't think he's a 100 percent and therefore his mobility, which wasn't great to begin with, is suffering...He doesn't make that great an effort to get outside and throw... Also he is definitely gun shy when it comes to running up the middle because of his recent injury, even if there's a hole a semi could roll through...Taking that all into consideration I give Nichols the warrior award for hanging in there BUT ...just hanging in there is to the detriment of the team....He's a sitting duck in the backfield and he knows it...His passing game is not quick or crisp enough lately...He seems to also be hesitant and is definitely off on his long throws.... Secondly ..I know Matt will never admit it but I think he's suffering a bit of anxiety due to his injury and poor play AND he knows quite well that there's a young gun chomping at the bit waiting his turn IF he can't go...That situation might lead to a bit of 'looking over one's shoulder' and mental lapses and anguish...I know Nichols is a professional through and through BUT the thought of losing one's position or job is very disconcerting to any individual.... Lastly IF Matt doesn't improve his game and IF Streveler has to take over, I hope he AND our head coach are professional enough to accept that situation for the betterment of this club
  25. Not a good sign when it appears nobody is commenting in great numbers on that crappy, disappointing effort put in by our club.....Management better take note that when disinterest and disenchantment set in it's a helluva thing to reverse...A lot of Bomber fans with heads down and dejected after that non-appearance by the team....Lot's of questions being asked and the fans better start hearing some good answers
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