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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Yes i get that, its a tough choice and ultimately its up to Wheeler but its looking a lot like a rebuild here so perhaps being the face of a new franchise might entice him or his loyalty and knowing he probably won't get picked he might do it to keep a good younger player here or we are screwed as usual when it comes to current expansion...another Vegas instant contender anyone?
  2. No need to protect Wheeler, who would shell out 6 mill a year for a 35 year old when your starting a new franchise?? No knock on Wheeler but that contract at his age? No way.
  3. Well i am going to be the contrarian here because well why not? It will be interesting to see now that Maurice has gotten rid of Laine and Roslo who will become his new whipping boys? If our powerplay stays like it is we are going nowhere,we have lost all our big guns. It is sad to see our team of 2017-18 become what it is....always be a Jets fan but i don't see us anywhere near as good as the team we were.Not blaming anyone for it all just saying we were so close.๐Ÿ˜”
  4. I remember being at the Bombers game and watching the Jets draft Laine, the elation i felt that day is now matched by the sorrow to see him go. We lost this deal just like when we traded Selanne. But we have to move on.....Go Jets!
  5. Demelo is gotta play with Morrissey is the only thing that makes sense.
  6. Really hate this,we could definitely use Hamonic here,but was not to be..
  7. bb1


    Yep here is where i saw these concerns. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mishagajewski/2020/10/26/school-reopenings-and-relaxed-gathering-limits-have-the-biggest-impact-on-covid-19-cases/?sh=5c93dbab6f2c
  8. bb1


    I wonder about the asymptomatic kids who pass it on the asymptomatic parents who then spread it to the rest? Our testing is horrible and slow but we are supposed to believe that we have a handle on where the spread is? March numbers were better but now the schools stay open? I guess we wait and see.....
  9. bb1


    Close everything but the schools? I believe its been quoted in a study from the UK that gatherings over 10 and schools make up the greatest percentage of outbreaks, but what does science know?
  10. I don't agree but compare them both at 22? The potential is definitely still there for Laine. Wheeler has been a good pro but his best is behind him.
  11. Of course Wheeler,how old is Wheeler now? And you can see that he is not the same player he was 2 years ago,no shame happens to all players. I think Laine took his game to a better level last year and how was he rewarded? There is no top level talent like Laine that will bid his time ,careers are too short and money these players can make too large.
  12. I repeat again, at the end of the year when your best players need to shine,Laine was dropped to second line with a fourth line center. That would make any star upset,spin it any way want. Unload him yes,make our team weaker by unloading a top scorer over a mediocre coach i guess that's where we are headed.
  13. But at the end of the year it was Laine who was put with Eakin not Wheeler..we can spin it anyway we want but it looks like Laine is not happy with how he has been treated and i agree with him,Maurice has his favorites and that's that. Most coaches do,but imo its wise to make them your most talented.
  14. Yep no doubt but the 10 million plus paydays are now, and the mindset is now not later ,you just have to look at the players now no matter how little experience they have that demand play me or trade me. That has changed. No player of Laine 's ability is gonna be happy with second line minutes. Too much money on the table.
  15. Good thing your not a coach or GM! I jest but we are a drafting team and if we can't ( or won't) have a coach that can let the young guys play. ( i will include Roslo and Niku in this) then these young guys are gonna walk...reality of modern day million dollar paychecks. These guys know it will cost them big coin down the road if they are not playing.The days of players biding their time is over.
  16. Nope after we acquired Eakin ,Laine was dropped to second line with him and Ehlers....another fourth line center in Eakin was added to list of centers that Laine has played with. And again we wonder why he wants out maybe?
  17. To a point,but if he isn't getting ice time with other top players how is it his fault? Why should he stick with a coach who clearly favors other players over him? He outplayed Wheeler last year and his reward? Second line again with a fourth line center. We wonder why he is frustrated?
  18. Maurice and his refusal to leave Laine on the first line will be our downfall...better to leave Wheeler there he is in his prime.๐Ÿ™„
  19. Taylor Hall signing.... โ€œWhen you look past some of the smoke and some of the stuff thatโ€™s happened to the Sabres over the last couple of years, under the hood, thereโ€™s some really good pieces,โ€ Hall said during a video call Monday, a day after signing a $8 million contract. ( Yeah the 8 million had little to do with it..๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„)
  20. Trying to think which team news suck more than the Canadiens,,,only the Leafs i guess....๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข
  21. Good riddance,did zero in the playoffs..
  22. That you could definitely debate, but in general giving long term contracts to older players is a bad gamble. The days of showing loyalty is long gone, for both players and owners. It's about the bucks now.
  23. I was referring to his age and length of contract.๐Ÿ™‚
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