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Everything posted by BigBlue

  1. No one is served if an expansion team is purposely made too weak in the expansion draft .... and with all the free agency stuff I personally feel Ottawa didn't get enough "meat & potatoes" when they got to the table ... Should the league be more generous in any future expansion draft?
  2. It seems to me that BC has as good a chance of coming out of the Eastern playoffs as either Hamilton or Montreal Has the CFL arranged for the host city to play in the Grey Cup again, LOL? If true then the Blue are a shoe-in for the Grey Cup next year !!! LOL LOL LOL
  3. " Hopefully in talks with the coaches and Walters, things will be put in better perspective going forward." I can't seem to figure out whether MOS listens too much or not enough .... what I do detect is a bull-headed stubborn streak ... I hope I am wrong but there is something bugging me about him and my radar keeps going off saying "Warning Will Smith - Warning!!!"
  4. If I had a choice between the two I would keep Etch and scuttle Bellf ... I can't live with mediocrity ... I guess I am a gambler at heart ... and besides Etch has a long cold winter to recalibrate and "adjust"
  5. Mike O'Shea Head Coach Marcel Bellefeuille Offensive Coordinator Bob Wylie Offensive Line Paul Charbonneau Assistant Offensive Line Coach Markus Howell Wide Receivers Coach Gene Dahlquist Quarterbacks Coach Buck Pierce Running Backs Coach Gary Etcheverry Defensive Coordinator Nelson Martin Defensive Backs Coach Mike Scheper Defensive Line Coach Cory McDiarmid Linebackers Coach Dave Jackson Defensive Assistant Pat Tracey Special Teams Coordinator
  6. We need to open up the bank for Wild. I believe he was the heart & soul of our defence all year, and we were noticeably different when he wasn't there. Never mind he was also our long-snapper......which we also need to deal with for next year. My thoughts exactly. Wild needs to be paid as an elite CFL defender. Also need to address the long-snapper situation with a competent backup. I'll forgive the Bombers if they feel inclined to over-pay on Wild as it would leave a huge hole to fill if he left and as has been proven elite LB'ers don't appear to be that easy to find. He might not command Shea Emry dollars but I don't believe he will be signed for much less, time for the Bombers to pony up to keep the few elite players they currently have. "I'll forgive the Bombers if they feel inclined to over-pay on...." anybody ... it always makes me laugh when I see fans trying to judge salary cap issues as if they knew anything about it ... no one here knows even tiny about it
  7. I think MOS needs to give performance a higher rating when deciding who to start Comments like Romby Bryant makes those around him better fly in the face of this ... makes me question his sanity
  8. Starting 2 Ni means we have depth; starting 3 makes us thin Draftees have too much to learn to be effective starters in their first year: see Wally Buono rule
  9. T definely want Bob Wylie back but I don't think he stays if Bellf does I want Buck Pierce back but not Marcus Howell I have no strong opinion on the D Coaches because of the Etxh factor
  10. And who crosses over if both Lions & Riders lose next week Thu Jun 26 Toronto 21 Winnipeg 45 Tue Aug 12 Winnipeg 21 Toronto 38
  11. So what has to change for us to get ahead of the Riders & ?Lions in order to get into 3rd place next year?
  12. Progress: Pass or Fail How much headway did the Blue Bombers make this year compared to 2013? While management is busy this week evaluating personnel let's do our own analysis, at least a little. Let's look at it by component after component: Defensive Secondary – probably the biggest improvement of all, on the whole team except for QB: Pass Linebackers – Wild got more playing time, Sears when he finally got was an improvement; but we did not come close to replacing Muamba: no progress so Fail. Defensive Line – inside tackles (when not having to use a Canadian) was about the same as last year; meanwhile we deteriorated at defensive end: Failed to progress Canadian Defensive Players - Bucknor, Matt, Sherman, Teague Thomas, Jake for starters were a significant improvement over what we had last year except for Muamba: so Pass I think. Receivers – as a group we didn't have open receivers often enough compared to last year; we didn't change receiver personnel all that much; Moore was hurt too much to make a difference really. : Fail, if anything we regressed Running Backs – Volny, Carl Fitzgerald, Carl Pontbriand, Michel- are very much the same as last year.Cotton, Paris McGuffie, Sam are very much unproven although Cotton appears to have great potential. No eastern All-Star this year nor is this group likely to be rated in the top half of running backs for the league as a whole. Progress while promising is suspect so Fail. Quarterbacks - We have found a legitimate starter in Willy and have three potential other starters signed up at the moment. Marve looks exciting. Quarterback is the most important position on the field and although Willie was shell-shocked by season's end, our most important progress of the year was at QB: a resounding PASS! Offensive Line – Goossen has better potential than the rest of our backup lineman combined, and besides we cut most of them. Morley is a decent centre instead of an indecent guard. Greaves may have improved a little. However January was less than impressive and will not be an All-Star this year. The other two international line positions was a revolving door; there is nothing in particular to look forward to next year. Our biggest weakness last year still looks like the biggest weakness on the team this year. No real progress so FAIL! Canadian Offensive Players – Watson, Cory Feoli-Gudino, Julian Kohlert, Rory along with Greaves, Morley & Goosen as a group were more reliable than last year so progress was made: Pass Special Teams Returning – Stoudermire , Troy is the returner we have been looking for for years: a definite Pass Special-Teams Coverage - I personally thought this is where we lost many games due to field position. No progress and if anything worse… so Fail. Special-Teams Kicking - Hajrullahu, Lirim could be the league All-Star. Progress = Big Pass. Special Team Canadians – I am not sure about this at all but at least there seems to be better attitudes than last year so in terms of progress a small Pass. General Manager & Scouting – full-time enthusiasm replaced reluctance and twilight; Canadian recruiting got a lot better while American recruiting suffered: definite progress and hope … so PASS. Have to find a larger role for Danny McManus maybe as offensive coordinator. Head Coach – shell-shocked incompetence was replaced by overconfidence and rookie mistakes; the difference was night and day so progress was exceedingly obvious: PASS because we have found a genuine leader. Position Coaches – Bob Wylie Offensive Line Paul Charbonneau Assistant Offensive Line Coach Markus Howell Wide Receivers Coach Gene Dahlquist Quarterbacks Coach Buck Pierce Running Backs Coach Nelson Martin Defensive Backs Coach Mike Scheper Defensive Line Coach Cory McDiarmid Linebackers Coach Dave Jackson Defensive Assistant ... I really don't know but at least there are more of them and that's definite progress, so Pass. Coordinators – I can't help thinking that Marcel Bellefeuille kept everybody from doing their jobs properly and that's why Bob Wylie didn't help much in terms of getting results; Gary Etcheverry in my opinion was the number one reason we had a very bad season this year,.. When you play pressure defence you have to come up with a lot of big plays and we didn't do that , Pat Tracey seemed to be a rookie at these responsibilities and overall it seems like we lost special-teams battles game in and game out. In terms of progress I can only rate these three as a combined MAJOR FAILURE! I must admit that my evaluation was largely emotional and less logical than the usual analysis, but a failed season and general lack of progress doesn't sit with me very well. I'm very interested in what the more astute amongst us can offer in terms of their analysis and evaluation.
  13. What interests me most is BB special team penalties and club comparisons on ST penalties
  14. Nobody knew better when to take a deliberate offside .... knowledgeable and a genuine leader
  15. I say ADD 5 Canadians to the roster (at a low cost) for developmental reasons ... in a few years we will have better quality National players
  16. Its important we sign Brohm .... and I would pay up for him ... can trade a QB later if necessary .... but more important than all that is firing Bellf
  17. I like what you're saying overall in this post, I really do. But remarkably coming from a person like me who coaches Atom football players where 100% effort and focus is everything, this statement imho is blinding some Bomber decision-makers from corrececly evaluating players and making some tough decisions. The tough reality being that regardless of 100% effort every play every down and being a loyal team member to a fault is unfortunately not good enough to guarantee a roster spot/starting position. We aren't in Atom, Peewee or Bantam anymore. When I really think about it, that's how Wade Miller was able to be a Bomber for so long . He was simply not talented enough to warrant taking up a roster spot but boy was he loyal, focussed and a hard worker. Probably why he got into private business. Now that he's leading this organization with a head coach who seems to be molded quite similarly, this color blindedness of seeing effort/loyalty as the end all be all of who deserves to be a Bomber concerns me.Bullshit. Wade Miller may not have been the most talented guy but there was a time when he was one of the teams best special teams players and he clearly had the talent to be a CFLer.Thanks for your opinion, but to use your well used quote on other people, your opinion is not based on fact. Wade Miller was not a very good football player, that's a fact. He was also the same guy who came out and said he would quit the team if a very bad coach was fired which would suggest not the best judgement of talent as well. Do love his loyalty and commitment though, misguided at times. "Wade Miller was not a very good football player" but good enough to get into WBB Hall of Fame
  18. At the beginning of the season an injured player had a very hard time getting back on the field. Excellent talents like Johnny Sears couldn't find his way into the lineup. We had Grigsby over Cotton, Kuale keeping Wild off the field and limiting his playing time, and Bryant being handed a starting role when it seemed like he didn't deserve it. Is O'Shea a good evaluator of talent? Does sentiment and past loyalty cloud his judgment? Does he have the confidence of his own convictions? Does he defer too much to his coordinators and coaches? And the biggest question of all is how much has Michael O'Shea learned about being a head coach and a leader this year?
  19. Willey has got the "right stuff" but not necessarily the "right support system"
  20. Isn't the problem here a lack of cooperation & coordination with abdication and command and control leadership dominating? Like was there was no collaboration but instead perhaps a power struggle? I can just imagine something like the line coach saying: " we could do this to make our blocking schemes better" then the OC says "Nope, that's not how I am going to run our offense" while MOS stands back leaving it to his Expert Coordinators, and all the while the peasant players stand around scratching their heads and shrugging their shoulders ... I don't think we are a cohesive "team" yet with everyone pulling equally on the oars
  21. How has expansion thinned out the soup? Ottawa hasn't taken a lineman from each of the other teams so how do you explain increased sacks from expansion?
  22. I like what you're saying overall in this post, I really do. But remarkably coming from a person like me who coaches Atom football players where 100% effort and focus is everything, this statement imho is blinding some Bomber decision-makers from corrececly evaluating players and making some tough decisions. The tough reality being that regardless of 100% effort every play every down and being a loyal team member to a fault is unfortunately not good enough to guarantee a roster spot/starting position. We aren't in Atom, Peewee or Bantam anymore. When I really think about it, that's how Wade Miller was able to be a Bomber for so long . He was simply not talented enough to warrant taking up a roster spot but boy was he loyal, focussed and a hard worker. Probably why he got into private business. Now that he's leading this organization with a head coach who seems to be molded quite similarly, this color blindedness of seeing effort/loyalty as the end all be all of who deserves to be a Bomber concerns me.Bullshit. Wade Miller may not have been the most talented guy but there was a time when he was one of the teams best special teams players and he clearly had the talent to be a CFLer. That's what I like about you Spock, er I mean 17to85, all logic no emotion
  23. would be a good week to fire two coordinators
  24. "Suddenly in 2013, there was an intense increase in the impact of defensive linemen in the CFL, and it’s continued into 2014. This season, there have already been two games in which a team accumulated exactly 10 sacks – the Riders in Week 1 and the Lions last weekend in their win over the Bombers....Given this data, the question that instantly comes to mind is: what caused this sudden dramatic shift?" I don't buy the article's postulate that the increased number of sacks on average is a result of bigger sized rosters I think the league wide shift is all Bellfuelle's fault
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