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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. I dunno about that. Watching the torronno game would suggest it could be part of the issue. Comparing to players like Sherrit would suggest he makes up for it with talent.
  2. This might be my favourite analogy on all of the internet. Analogy. Yeah, that's what it was, an analogy. Metaphor, no? Sigh...for sale...one chicken...health failing...price negotiable...pm me...
  3. Especially Steele's run up the middle for a 19 yard touchdown, that was tough to watch from a defensive point of view.
  4. You know I wondered that last night. Curious to know if he takes RB reps in practice.
  5. Sorry if this was mentioned, but I saw THREE guys launch themselves at the running back consistently and not a one wrapped him up or even tried. Ridiculous. The lack of calls on game impacting holds from Toronto was infuriating. Our guys were holding do, no doubt - but they were called. In regards to the PI, I wish they would only overturn it IF it was absolutely so blatant the fact the ref missed it was astounding - which before this one was moreso the case (imho). Great point, thinking the same thing last night. Might think about going back to form tackling and not looking for the big hit . . .
  6. That one didn't bother me as much as the non-calls on pretty blatant holds, quite frustrating.
  7. Still could happen if Grisby falters throughout the game.
  8. Unless of course you send pressure at him, then he's got nothing. If he has time then yeah Brink can actually play some qb but it's just so easy to defend against him. Blitz the crap out of him and he'll fail. I haven't really paid much attention to the Als this year? Is their OL any good? it doesn't really matter, just send more than they can block. Brink with that big wind up can't handle the heat. That's exactly what Brink's biggest achilles heel is, it drove me nuts when he played here.
  9. Focus more of your energy on staying healthy long enough to have a chance to wear it JJr0.
  10. So you'd have more confidence going into Labour Day if our run game was terrible tomorrow? I don't know how to know its 'fixed' when playing against lesser competition. Do you? I just think the Bombers will get a false sense of accomplishment/progress with the running game after this week. When in reality the problem isn't fixed. Game tape?
  11. Their three fans weren'the available for the weekend.
  12. Messam did that? I must have missed it. Let's see. 23 points. 7 from an interception returned for a touchdown. 7 from a fumble returned for a touchdown. 3 from a fumble recovered at the 20, minimal advancement, turned into a field goal. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the first half. Messam had 0 carries in the first half. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the second half. Okay, Messam contributed to the scoring of 3 points. The oddest thing in all of this is it's still a Messam vs Volny debate for some people even though not one single person has ever argued that Volny is a better running back. Volny has 0 carries this season. Just like I had said he would have. The Bombers aren't using him as a running back. Just like I previously said they would not. He remains a role player, just like he always has. His position is listed as RB. It would be more accurate if it just said "Player". You can't just look at it from how many points he helped contribute. I'm not arguing for or against wanting Messam, but he did help keep our offense off the field ergo less time for us to score points. He had a good second half, props to him, nothing more, nothing less.
  13. I'm not that upset about this, though it did royally suck to see that pick six. Close game, tons of momentum changes, fun yet anxious game to watch. I like O'Shea's calm yet focused nature on the sidelines. It's refreshing to see and he probably doesn't know it but it helps fans like me settle down when the game is tight. A thought I did have was it might have been useful to throw in Brohm for a series and settle down Willy. Not to punish him for his play but settle him down and get him back to his calm nature. Chick was a monster. Messam was a second half monster that has probably now provided other teams a strategy against our D. I assume we will tweak to prepare for that when we play Toronto.
  14. It's more about what Willy would choose than what the Bombers said, but of course, you've made your mind up and I'm not going to change it. yeah except my mind was made up by logical reasoning and facts, yours by the voices in your head. 'I hear voices and they don't like you' Saw that on a shirt once, thought it was funny. Carry on.
  15. After reading a write-up about Mr. Jones in the Edmonton Journal today on his thoughts of pre-game coach banter and post game head coach handshakes, I think a few more might agree with you. He has no use for them, think they are empty gestures and could care less what other people think about him. Charming. Out of the five games the Eskimos have played this year, he's shaken hands with one coach after the game. Reason. Micheal O'Shea ran over to him directly to congratulate him and there was nothing he could do. Jones believes coaches do this becuase they think they have to. Maybe some. But I think others, like O'Shea, do it out of respect and being a leader, whether they win or lose.
  16. This guy must be a real piece of ……. He's already thought to be an idiot, now he's going out of his way to prove it? Talent…but do they really need that crap? Time to mahaul his ass out of town. The way he plays reminds me of the way Kito Poblah plays sans confidence.
  17. I think this is a rare case where one can't use the 'hindsight is 20/20' cliche when dissecting Montreal'sa current woes.
  18. That's the key word for me when it comes to Burke. Don't take all, but take some. Based on all the interviews I saw and read, he took none.
  19. My educated guess is that this won't have much bearing on the legitimacy of this specific claim.
  20. I'd like to hear what Matt Dunnigan's opinion is on this.
  21. Speaking of depth, coincidentally I had a business meeting today where it was mentioned (yet again) that I was a hard core Blue Bomber fan in which I then was introduced to the father of Gord Hinse who said his son was signed by the Blue Bombers. The father did mention his son is having issues with his shoulder but close to being in game shape. Does anyone know if that's been confirmed yet? I haven't seen it reported anywhere or is this old news.
  22. Interesting thought. The actually fundamentals of form tackling are changing to chest plate tackling, safe contact which is going to take some time, some commitment/buy-in and some tweaking before it works itself up to the professional leagues.
  23. And the first part of your sentence trumped the last part of your sentence which should always happen.
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