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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. And why isn’t Lin Wood in custody right now? To quote Captain Obvious the system is broke.
  2. Unless of course it's the male. Read a tweet some time ago that said as vasectomies are reversible, all males are to receive one and once they show they are of sound mind and want to have a baby it will be reversed. Don't want people to tell you what to do with your bodies says the author, then stfu about your thoughts of what women should do with theirs.
  3. I don’t have a racist bone in my body as said by Kelly Loeffler unless of course it gets her votes.
  4. I would take it a step further. When their opinion is absolutely absurd based on tin foil logic usually with a side of racism they truly believe it to be fact in their hoped reality. Then when one tries to present to them the real facts based on the best available evidence to date they yell fake and then feel proud they triggered, they owned the socialists, the libtards, the snowflakes, the lefties etc etc etc.
  5. AND they hide behind (said in the stupidest voice) ‘It’s my freedom of speech you can’t censor me’. People of this mentality often confuse their perceived freedom to spew lies and absurdity with their freedom of speech. Their upbringing failed them.
  6. Every time this madness takes hold I'm reminded of a tweet I read sometime ago, 'One day we will read his obituary'.
  7. Fake news, media is the enemy of the people. What about rampant election fraud we won by a landslide, deep state, Dow Jones is sizzling, drain the swamp, Hunter Biden, the constitution dammit, trying to take away my Christmas, my guns, my religion, lock up Hillary Clinton, Obama, jobs a plenty before this Covid Hoax, immigrants, this is my America my freeeeeeeeeedom is at stake. It's exhausting just typing this.
  8. What pi**es me off most about people like her with these 'approaches' to combating this pandemic is the tone they always set. It's always so uber combative, passively and/or aggressively. They have really convinced themselves that proactively picking fights, always on the prowl to pounce on people in the name of freedom that they're doing their jobs beating their chests like they're the real heroes here. Meanwhile a lot of other people of all ilk just want to follow public health infectious disease experts (experts being the key word here) so they can get back to their normal lives sooner than later.
  9. If any one of these US supreme court judges believe this case has merit and should be heard should be automatically removed.
  10. I don’t know why I thought of this reading your post but throwing trump jr into a jail cell commenting to him as I’m looking at his cell mates that they’re going to be loving you day and night then turning away makes me feel good.
  11. Trump residing in Russia (Siberia preferably please and thank you) that facilitates his move into obscurity has a very nice feel to it. Maybe all his family, his administration, certain media people and the easily fooled Trumpers can tag along, you have our blessings. We will pay all the shipping and handling fees for the cages we will send them in.
  12. What, you aren't on the edge of your seat watching the Columbus Blue Jackets take on Nashville Predators?
  13. Boy I hope that doesn't impact president-elect Hunter Biden in how he can govern the United States of America.
  14. I'm old enough to remember how long it took the media to finally label his spewing lies.
  15. I get that but I thought Justice was blind. Putting aside the politicians for a sec, some in our legal community need to be held more accountable and we need to question the validity of their ‘objectivity’ and ‘I only look at the rule of law’ horsesh*t.
  16. Just like the RoughRiders, polls suck. Got me all excited that Graham and McConnel might lose and bam, not even close.
  17. How can this not be a crime? What a broken system.
  18. Mitt Romney and Susan Collins. Cut from the same crappy jib.
  19. Biden's approach seems to be we need to restore unity, grace, kindness etc with a cost of not keeping certain people accountable for their criminal and or immoral actions. I know he ran on the platform of Unity but it certainly is hard to stomach that certain people may be let off the hook for the greater good. Can't we do both, hold certain people accountable for their behaviours that have ran roughshod over America the last four years AND invest forward on mending fences and bringing people together? I understand the logic of having to look forward and not investing any energy in looking behind but c'mon man (said while breathing in and out of a paper bag).
  20. But hey he didn't start any wars.
  21. As others have said, 1-45 would be perfect.
  22. No one should ever have the power to grant a preemptive pardon. Bizarre, absurd and ridiculous to even entertain this notion.
  23. Depressingly true. It's that straightforward and the only realistic way to help the average American if Biden's administration is committed to following through on it's platforms.
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