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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. Not every joke will land, especially in black and white type. But I always appreciate the effort of those who try, and doubly appreciate those who re-think to craft a good one and make it better. Keeps this place entertaining.
  2. Again, the problem is that “the record” is a slippery slope with today’s technology. Trudeau’s brown face was a snapshot at a party, hardly a formal definition of “the record” like Hansard in the Parliament, but he was pounced on nonetheless. With video surveillance and smartphone cameras today, we basically need to presume that every single thing we do do is “on the record” now, whether we intend it to be or not. This fact requires people to self-regulate better and decide en masse to the same standard what is unintentional and what is truly offensive. As humans as a species have been shown to be woefully inadequate at that skill, and opportunistic when it comes to selective outrage depending on the target.
  3. Sometimes the lack of self awareness when trying to break everything down to the plain “religion” argument as your default astounds me. BTW, nice clothes, glasses, make up, computer, smart phone (for those missing the irony).
  4. No probs. When you start with “I can’t tell if you are serious or kidding” then I assume you yourself are serious and not joking. A sarcasm emoticon would do wonders around here for the clueless like me. Maybe we should copyright this one:
  5. Although I think the interview with the new owner was very important and not as egregious as other in-game interviews have been (Keith Urban, anyone?), could they have not waited until half time and devoted that free time to him instead of the usual panel rather than miss 5 minutes of game action including a TD drive?
  6. I won’t speak to the veiled racist go-to that was the genesis of the comment, that’s not how I took it. I was reacting to the argument that there are times here where an argument gets personal (be it LaPO or Nichols sucking, power rankings, or extreme right vs left wing to cite 3 recent examples) where posters deviate from their initial stance to rip someone with a different viewpoint and instead of offering counter points to bolster their argument or make a reasoned argument against the original thought, default to the “well that’s just stupid and you are stupid for thinking that, and if you can’t see why you are wrong I can’t be bothered to explain my correct viewpoint to you” as a simplistic out with the comfort of hiding behind your keyboard to bolster your arrogance and confidence. At least that is how I read the comment and added to it, not that people here default to racism in their arguments. The point of that specific COVID example is rather than explaining why the low vaccination rate is NOT responsible for the high contraction rate (which is the most reasonable explanation and likely cause, but would make the governing party look bad) the politician defaults to the same fear-mongering trope of “it’s the evil immigrants” as their knee-jerk cop out with no substance to back the claim. Possibly an inaccurate comparison and not clearly delineated from the original issue, but the concept of taking shots rather than explaining your position was what my part of that response was about.
  7. Although I don’t mind calling out Senators who are anti-mask or anti-vax, and don’t mind the odd Republican bashing, to be fair, he was vaccinated and was one of 3 Senators who contracted COVID. The other 2 were a Democrat and an Independent who consistently votes Democrat. Alternate consistently leans hard left on it’s bias, just thought some more context was needed last people think it’s only the GOP getting sick after denying the science.
  8. Part of the problem is that beyond different standards of what is acceptable, everything is more public now. And a lot of the judging can come from those who have done or said the same, but have the luxury of anonymity to cast stones because they themselves are not in line for the high profile position, or they came from an era where not everything ended up on social media and now are judging others on a different standard than they held themselves to back in the day. Trudeau wearing an Aladdin costume at a Halloween party with make up to make him darker twenty years ago is in poor taste, but likely was not viewed in as bad a light in the year 2001 compared to 202-, even though blackface has been offensive since the turn of last century. But I am certain his intent was not to offend. And if he was just another 20 year old back then now working at a bank today in his mid-40’swould it be an issue, or do people pounce because it is opportunistic to go after a big name (especially if you want to take a shot at someone whose politics don’t align with yours)? I went to a Halloween party once as part of a Jackson 5 costume in the mid-80’s, and had no intent to offend or disrespect the African-American culture or struggles. I am much more educated on the issue now and would not wear the costume today, but am I to be held accountable for something I did out of pure ignorance as a gag 35 years ago? Should Robert Downey Jr. be blacklisted (and how offensive is THAT phrase?) for his role in Tropic Thunder in what was clearly satire aimed at skewering self important actors, the studio system, and the lack of diversity in hiring practices as much as celebrating the era of blackface. Should Eddie Murphy be equally castigated for his “White Like Me” SNL parody? And in a bit of telling irony, the night I wore my Halloween outfit, on the way to the party with my buddies we were stopped by the WPS and spot checked with no apparent driving infractions. Once they realized we were a bunch of white guys in costume they quickly let us go with no licence check or even explanation for why we were stopped in the first place. Only time I have ever been pulled over by the police without cause is when I appeared to be black. So what is more offensive, our insensitive costumes, or the treatment we received at the hands of the police for the few moments they thought we weren’t white?
  9. She’s a lock in her riding and has been for 21 years, has been very loyal to the party (stood by Stuart Murray when he got tepid reviews by his own party and opted to step down and was replaced by the more bombastic and further right leaning Hugh McFadyen - somewhat risky given Murray’s flagging popularity, but was quickly able to gain McFadyen’s and then Pallister’s trust) and has handled a number of high visibility positions (Justice, Health, Family, Deputy Premier). According to media reports, she has the backing of a large segment of the party to run. I know her personally from way back and she is very bright and savvy without being a camera hog or needing to see her own name in the media. Decent person but certainly not naive to the political game at all. I hope she is not being set up as a political lamb to the slaughter following an unpopular leader who knows his party is going to crash and is abandoning ship (see Kim Campbell), and I say all this as someone who does not traditionally vote PC. I think she could strike a chord as a more moderate or at least reasoned voice for that party than a Calvin Goertzen, Shelly Glover, Scott Fielding, or Candace Bergen. She has already said she would go against the Palliater regime and abandon bill 64 acknowledging that Manitobans are not happy with it. And with a party that still has a bunch of white men in it, she could offer a bit of diversity. Big down side is that she was Health Minister during the 3 TD wave of the pandemic when the ICUs got overloaded and patients were shipped out to other provinces, so she wears that big target on her back. And she was largely not visible during that time, so one could argue she didn’t stand and face the fire (I understand she had medical issues of her own when she was MIA, so I cut her slack there). That’s one admittedly biased view based on having a personal connection to her (not super strong, although enough to be on a first name basis collegially). Hard to know how much she designed it vs Pallister, but she did follow marching orders at the least.
  10. Funny that the gripe about the Coyotes woes is that an arena in Glendale is too far away from Downtown Phoenix and fans won’t travel that far to watch a game. The Cardinals’ stadium is right next door, and that location has not kept fans away. So where do they end up? Quebec City might push, but I think the league might prefer Kansas City.
  11. Don’t forget “ and if I have to explain it to you, then you won’t be smart enough to understand it. You’re not worth the effort”
  12. I would actually like a serious answer from GCn. Maybe left wing extremism is marked by those who point out right wing stances as extremist. But is there something more?
  13. Ok. But please provide examples. Right wing extremism is often defined by an anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, anti-woman, anti-abortion, anti-science, anti-environment, pro-gun rights, anti-black stance. What is left wing extremism defined by in your opinion?
  14. I stand corrected. The database I looked it up on was inaccurate. Thanks for the clarification.
  15. They can also worry about these things, more than they need to…….
  16. Nelson is decent at getting 7-8 yards where it looks like he might get 2-3, but he is not as aggressive at hitting the holes as Grant. But he doesn’t dance around a lot and lose yards trying to break one outside, so that is a positive. As for the ball security, he did bobble one catch but got it back quickly enough. However, Grant has not fumbled away any kick or punt returns in his time here either, so he is no less secure and is more of a threat. Nelson is serviceable but at this point is not stealing that starting job any time soon once Grant is healthy.
  17. What is confounding is that they are so rigid in their belief and yet at the same time so susceptible to influence from outside sources. They won’t listen to reason but will be swayed by a perceived authority’s wrong opinion nonetheless.
  18. Sadly it’s never stopped you from yapping.
  19. Take that scenario and from the (d) point (the first one) that is the same for any fill up. Now remove parts a,b, and c and replace it with walking into the kiosk and waiting in line behind all other customers and then either paying up front and having to estimate how much the full up will be in cash, and then walking out to fuel up, or walking in after the fuel up to pay, or collect your change if you guessed the amount wrong and overpaid in the first place. You likely would have waited longer if everyone had the same payment point (inside the store with one clerk) than with each pump handling the transactions.
  20. You’re the kind of tipper that makes waiters spit in the food.
  21. And it will be. Slashing health care will be their #1 priority.
  22. Saw a Twitter post from an ICU nurse. She asks the COVID patients why they didn’t take the vaccine. When they respond “because we don’t know what is in it so we can’t be sure it’s safe” she replies “I’ve given you 5 injections today while I’ve been treating you, and you haven’t asked once what was in what I was giving you and took it gratefully”.
  23. Not when we are punting from inside the 40 yard line like we have been.
  24. And I read it and all I see is this Nice to see that the end of 29 yers of futility made us all more collegial around here.
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