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Everything posted by Booch

  1. A speed guy and good tackler in Cole in instead of Briggs would have solved several of those extended drives with QB scrambles...coaching and roster gaff thru and thru
  2. In my opinion....offence ineptitude and the same ol' same ol' play safe after up a few points instead of keeping knee on throat killed us.. Defence had them.hemmed up all game but when u have to keep going out there on short rest against a running scrambling QB...they will get gassed...factor in over rotating your sub par rotational pieces for whatever reason..and not having an adequate import lb replacement cause u dress another reciever u didn't use...and don't utilize the Nationalized rule due to your pride or stubborness..and you see the result when your offence and o.c **** the bed
  3. Hate to see that on any player...just awful But maybe in a way a good thing cause really he wasn't the future there...a d save for a few drives...has been remarkably Harris like..which just doesn't get it done..maybe someone there will Faj it
  4. There goes the rider season down the toilet...stupid decision by old man Harris to not slide
  5. Nope...too bad we don't utilize the rule where he needn't need be As dissapointing as that was...meh...long season and lots of time to correct a few minor things...some of which are coaching...some are player wise...but not as bad as many make it out to be. An unfortunate and Brady fumble...a fluke and lucky pick 6 against...this is being discussed as an ugly win...B.C ain't gonna run away with the west...and I'd bet my left nut after our game coming out of the bye we have same record as B.C.....ace in hole for us is we have some impact guys coming back...we know our coaches are better than what they have shown...and this team has the mental makeup and experience to right things come late Oct..going into Nov...no need to panic but some subtle changes are in order...pronto..this bye week is perfect timing and I expect some changes after the break
  6. I think a conscious effort to exclude something from the field of view
  7. He is a stud on teams...strength coach in AZ told me a terror
  8. I didn't see him at all...but could be wrong
  9. It's more center...Kolo constantly bullied into pocked or just whifing
  10. Loss goes right at feet of coaching staff Issues on interior online...do nothing to switch it up Don't use the Nationalized Canadian on defence and have to play heavy doses of Briggs at linebacker that Killed us...Cole could have done better Dress Agudosi for Grant...doeant see the field..a stud LB or Fox on the Dline as a DI would have helped us a lot as a lot Easing up on the gas...like why...ever?!!? Shameful
  11. Pathetic 2nd half display...hope lesson was learned to never take foot off gas...this happens all too often
  12. I think we playing down to things today...I don't put too much weight in good thing it's not this team today...or team x beat team y...who lost to team w...and team y beat team w...means nothing...nadda
  13. Ott guy tried to hand it off...way too early whistle there..good hustle by Gray and Dobson tho...
  14. Wpgs defence is Trevor Harris...yards between the 20's but comes away with 3's or nothing...lol
  15. That's a teams scheme tho...go after the rook...but he also cleans up the play immediately
  16. People say player is good cause they see him in on plays...but also..in on them cause plays are being made on them...he has higher tackle numbers on team...cause teams for after him...and the play is being completed ...it's not like he is dropping his coverages to go clean up someone's else's screw up
  17. Miller as well soon He makes plays...and misses them too..weak in traffic and tackling...don't care what anyone says
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