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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Every deep one has been...won't win many games with that...also now teams seen and know it....he be a pick machine moving forward Missed a wide open dude..throw a non rainbow duck and lead receiver down the rail and it's an easy td Dalke is worse than Edam...and that's baaaad
  2. Yup...someone musta mentioned that to him this week The fake crowd noise going up and down is funny
  3. BC oline as well is showing its true colors last 3..4 games for what they are...almost Rideresque shiitty
  4. Pretty much This is good tho ..nice to see the lions unravel...and this possible rider win will give false hope and more security to that Putz Dicklesson and his gang ...plus we get a 1 game cushion for first
  5. Lol ..on a lame duck pass...BC player messed that up...not sure how he didn't pick that
  6. Was gonna say...and he prob would have whooped it up and acted like a right assbag too lol Watching these two powerless running backs sure makes you appreciate oliviera
  7. Sask normally is the worst...followed closely by BC...Sask will go over the top today cause they have a lead...and then look like tools when they lose
  8. Campbell is a knob I dunno...our guys aren't over the top with the douchery and assbageddness Yup...and sadly Sask will screw this up...cause well they suck...and their coaching sucks even more and we won't get our 1 game cushion
  9. Yup...they rev it up during huddle ..and just before snap then turn it off to not over power the crowd cheers....so bloody obvious
  10. Gun with no scope or sights tho Yeah...gonna have to hear that slobbering all game And oh joy..the 2 teams who are the worst at the stupid celebration antics after average plays... Pumping in the fake crowd noise...so noticeable as the noise actually changes to normal cheers on an actual play....what a joke hahaha...that fake droning artificial crowd
  11. Great crowd haha...with some complete empty sections in the upper decks...yeah ok...I guess they stopped saying packed house tho...so TSN is a bit better
  12. Same...I not worried about the lions....watching that sad sack fan base and team lose...and look bad in doing so due to management and coaching never gets old
  13. Yeah he been good on short yardage...no questions there ..it's been the come in on first down trying to get cute plays that have been a major flop
  14. Yeah I know...but use that spot for a diff positioned global...one we could use...if Sheehan gets hurt in game Castillo assumes duties and likely we can pick up the current guy regardless..I doubt anyone would scoop up a 37 yr old punter
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