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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Geez man, it's just a discussion forum, lay off the caffeine for awhile.
  2. Looks like Flynns lawyers may have found an out for him, how do you lose your key piece of evidence, lol.
  3. It's dangerous, plain and simple.
  4. Sad, politics before safety and common sense, https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/dark-stain-minister-says-indigenous-ceremonies-to-continue-despite-covid-19/ar-BB145zVp?ocid=spartandhp
  5. It's not my nonsense, it's the Trumpkins playbook to control the narrative, I just post it because no one else will and occasionally it actually brings up some good discussion The Democrats already admitted that their treatment of the Biden accuser was hypocritical when compared to Kavenaugh. If the glove fits, wear it. Enough of the alt right insult carp and get back to discussing politics.
  6. Suit yourself, you are going to see what you want to see, no matter what I say.
  7. If they were, there wouldn't be any Trump supporters now would there. How can he fool half of the American population, don't you think that in itself is worthy of discussion?
  8. Not really, it's up to the reader to decide for themselves what is true and what isn't. I just believe that everyone should see both sides of the coin before doing so.
  9. You over estimate the intelligence of the average Merican (sorrry to all Americans out there but it's true). The truth is what you can convince people to believe.
  10. Uh oh, someone lied to Congress and it wasn't a Trumpkin this time,
  11. And so it begins, I expect the ratings are going to be huge for this episode,
  12. Wow, you go girl! https://www.msn.com/en-ca/health/medical/oldest-woman-in-spain-survives-coronavirus-at-age-113/ar-BB142g8r?ocid=spartanntp
  13. So here is the master plan, Flynn was 'taken out' before he could expose the 'Russian Hoax'. Have to hand it to Trump team, they are imaginative if nothing else,
  14. Can a President be impeached twice?
  15. Most our land was Red River clay, real tiger **** when wet, had to use rice tires on the combines many years and could only put 100 bushels in the hopper at a time, trucks had to stay on the roads and combines had come to them, what a marathon. At least in the drought years you get half a crop as that clay always seemed to have some moisture left in it. Good times.
  16. The biggest issue right now is controlling the narrative and the Trump team is in full on attack mode.
  17. Believe me, the weather here goes from one extreme to the next, just have to ride it out. I can remember swarms of grasshoppers that would you swear were locusts ravaging the crops.
  18. WTF ? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/us-formally-warns-china-is-launching-cyberattacks-to-steal-coronavirus-research/ar-BB142zmr?ocid=spartandhp So much for 'we are in this together'
  19. The 25% pay cut would be something if it happens. Pallisters best move was letting Rousin run the show and his side kick is pretty cute too.
  20. Remember the dust bowls in the late 80's - 90's, everyone started trying zero tillage and planting shelter belts and then...…..it was over and back to normal for a decade.
  21. Let's hope we don't have to find out https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-11/uob-tbw112717.php
  22. For those who aren't familiar with Dr. Soon, here is the hatchet job Greenpeace tried doing on him, And here is the latest study vindicating him and his theories, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab72a9/meta Dr. Soon is brilliant scientist and I hope his career recovers and that he gets the respect he deserves.
  23. Interesting, probably where Trump got the idea about the death count, https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/experts-want-to-know-why-coronavirus-hasnt-killed-more-russians/ar-BB141OAJ?ocid=spartandhp
  24. Wow, what an irresponsible leader, the covid deaths will be on his hands. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/stay-off-our-lands-rcmp-attendance-at-indigenous-ceremony-raises-ire-of-chief/ar-BB142hIJ?ocid=spartandhp
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